View Full Version : Florida Flight Schools

Wyatt Anderson
18th Feb 2001, 23:07
Can anyone help?

I did my first 13 hours at Britania in Florida. I now have two or three other students wanting to come over with me (we are doing our ground studies at Guildhall) and they are not too keen on Britania.

I have narrowed the choices down to Naples Air Center; Ormond Beach; and FlyOrlandoFlorida (at Kissamee).

Can anyone give ma any good reasons not to go for one of these? Or any positive feedback?

Anything appreciated.

[email protected]

Genghis the Engineer
19th Feb 2001, 11:42
Be warned chaps (and chapesses), there's a blanket ban by Chief Pilot on any discussion (good, bad, or otherwise) of the middle one on that list of schools.


Wyatt Anderson
20th Feb 2001, 02:08
PLEASE give me more information!

Even just anyone's feedback on the other two schools. My own experience at Britania was not too bad, but one of these students has heard some bad things and really wants us to to to one of the others.

It is felt that a good set of aircraft and an airport with a tower is better than one without. Any views? They are all a little more expensive than Britania so for me, that's a good reason to go back there.

Is there a better place to be posting these messages?

Please respond.


Bear Cub
20th Feb 2001, 04:46
Using your own check list you can narrow this question to two schools.

The airfield at Ormond Beach doesn't have a tower.

The other two do - and both schools you mention have good aircraft.

I have personal experience of both the other two during my flights on the Western side of the Atlantic.

If you want good aircraft and a tower there is no difference between the two. If you want more...be specific. (e-mail will do).

Hunting is bad!!
Support the right to arm Bears!!

Bear Cub
21st Feb 2001, 08:05
I'm a little fuzzy on what you want to hear, here. (?).

You have been to Britannia. You quite liked it. You like the prices.

Your friends have HEARD something about it and suggest that they will not go - so now neither will you - but you want somebody else (not your inexperienced friends) to advise you of which school?

If you are going to allow your friends to run your flying career...ask them to guess which one is best (at whatever price it is).

If you move on to Commercial flying, how will you answer the interview question "What made you choose the flying school you went to?".

Hunting is bad!!
Support the right to arm Bears!!

22nd Feb 2001, 23:10

28th Feb 2001, 00:13

It's Paul here, flying at the same time out at Winter Haven. Send me mail, I have advice - [email protected]

You still studying at Guildhall?

Beer soon poss.

Billy M
28th Feb 2001, 01:43
Bear Cub - Unless there's been some serious building going on at Winter Haven in the last 5 months, there is no tower there!!

Bear Cub
28th Feb 2001, 08:26
Billy.....are you suggesting I ever said that there was?

Read the messages and you should come to the conclusion that I said there is a tower at Naples and Kissimmee - not at Ormond...what are you trying to tell me?

Hunting is bad!!
Support the right to arm Bears!!

Billy M
1st Mar 2001, 01:37
Fair enough, my apologies.

Whilst on the subject, I vaguely remember my instructor saying something about expecting that the CAA were going to require that training be done at towered airports. Thus they were thinking that they might have to move down the road to Lakeland.

Obviously this has not happened and I don't know whether the CAA are even thinking this or not.

For what it's worth, I think that in an ideal world you should train at a relatively quiet towered airport. That way you get the best of both worlds; experience of dealing with controllers whilst not spending too much time on the ground waiting to get airborne.