View Full Version : Looking for charter flt out of ARN

13th Jun 2004, 19:01
My cousin is taking a charter flight out of ARN on 16,6,2004. I am looking to figure out what flight he is taking. he said it was a 6:40 flight.

anybody have any idea what charter flight leaves out of ARN at 6:40


Bengt Engel
16th Jun 2004, 00:50
fråga kusinen killen.......

16th Jun 2004, 09:34

Du är på ditt elaka humör, förstår jag?! :} ;)
Tycker oxå att det verkar lite mysko å skicka ut en så'n fråga på detta forum av alla......:confused:


Try posting that Q over at http://www.flygtorget.se/nyheter/insandare/index.asp , instead.

You will most likely get a whole bunch of replies. Infact, they'll probably start a fight over who's going to answer it! :ouch:
Lots'a "Mr Know-it-all"s over there, so don't be surprised if their answers point you in different directions! :uhoh: