View Full Version : Student training records.

3rd Feb 2001, 00:54
Looking back through a training record I found this report following an IMC test. There must be many more out there.

...remember, this is was an initial IMC test flight.

...was still unable to establish on the localiser. At one point he became slightly disorientated and entered a spiral dive to the left. He managed to recover only to enter another spiral dive to the right. He eventually managed to get established after zig zagging to full scale deflection. Fail, more practise required.

Mount'in Man
3rd Feb 2001, 17:05
I wouldn't worry about that too much. I seem to recall back in my early training a comment in my own 'hate sheet' something along the lines "The student set himself a very low standard...and failed to achieve it!"

Mount'in man,
I luv mountin' women!

4th Feb 2001, 08:38
The best one I ever heard was:

'This man is aviation dyslexic.'

4th Feb 2001, 19:03
I was asked yesterday if I'd ever done the exercise 'Straight and level flight'. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

4th Feb 2001, 19:33
I can't understand why the examiner is filling in the Training Record. The Skill test comes after all training is completed.

6th Feb 2001, 23:03
This sounds like the person who is really dangerous, lets hope he never flys anything bigger like a twin, which could make some holes in runways :)

8th Feb 2001, 16:36
Its a workload thing

Deviation from the scan

Currency .. basics .. etc need review

Stu Bigzorst
9th Feb 2001, 23:48
I once had my Latin translation returned to me with the following written on it:

0/100 Much improved

13th Feb 2001, 05:41
Two of the greatest words ever invented.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

16th Feb 2001, 22:37
I read this on a young mans training record while reviewing it before a progress check,

"Aircraft took off at 09:25, student pilot took off at 09:35"