View Full Version : A thread of condolence for a paralysed FI

Wee Weasley Welshman
13th Jun 2000, 20:26
Dear all,

Many of us here will have heard already about the tragic accident involving a C152 from Multiflight in Leeds. It looks 99.9 percent as if the instructor - Dave Bower - will be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. The student is expected to make a much better recovery.

I am sure that your heart goes out to Dave. It is perhaps our worst professional and personal nightmare.

Please add your thoughts of condolence to this thread and I will makes efforts to ensure Dave receives it.


Wee Weasley Welshman

13th Jun 2000, 21:16
This is desperately sad news. There is little that anyone can say to ease the pain at this time. David stick with it though because it will be worth it. I don't know if you will remember what you said to me when I arrived, first on the scene, on that tragic day but it was obvious that you were a man of some courage and determination. You will need all of it now and as I said to you before you were flown to hospital I look forward to seeing you and Sam when you are well enough.

My thoughts are with you - Max

13th Jun 2000, 22:12
It's at times like this that I really wish I could think of some wise words to help ease some of your pain. I can only say that my thoughts are with you and your family and that if you ever need any support, get typing on Pprune and you'll get all you need.


13th Jun 2000, 23:24
Best wishes Dave. I'm sure with the love and help of your family and friends you will recover from this as best you can. Good luck for the future, never give up.

performance limited
14th Jun 2000, 00:20
Good luck Dave.

Your ambitions may have to be adapted a bit or postponed, but they should be able to be realised, given courage and determination.

14th Jun 2000, 00:41
Good luck Dave - determination will get you through. Aviators have confounded doctors with their will to fly so many times in the past - such as Douglas Bader!! Keep positive, don't listen to the doom merchants and keep fighting mate!!

14th Jun 2000, 00:42
What can I say that won't sound condescending? My thoughts and prayers are with you, and if you need any cheering up, I hope that we, your PPRuNe mates, can help out. Just drop us an email or start a thread and we'll do our best to help out.

All our best wishes from the Flypuppy clan.

Conky Joe
14th Jun 2000, 01:01
As Tally said - where are the words ...

Think as positively as is possible. It can do so much. My heart goes out to you and your family and I wish you the very best.


14th Jun 2000, 02:21
Dear Dave

I am new to the aviation environment and I have just heard of you accident through pprune.

I am saddened by the misfortune you have suffered.

It is difficult to find the words to give you the support right now but what I can say is that there 15,000 aviators out there, who will all be reading this and every one will be thinking and praying for you, as I will think of you and saying a silent prayer for you. DO NOT GIVE UP!!

kindest regards

14th Jun 2000, 07:17
Dave, draw strength from your family and your mates, but also from the worldwide brotherhood of aviators. As you convalesce, it would be good if you could get someone to get hold of the book by Janine Shephard, an Australian triathlete who was in training for the Olympics about 12 years ago who also suffered terrible injuries but fought her way back to a life through flying and those around her who were involved in it. If you can't obtain a copy of it in the UK, if someone could email me with your address I would be more than happy to send you one of my copies I keep as a reference "inspirational" book for young aviators. Chin up and all the best.

14th Jun 2000, 07:20
Oooops! I forgot - the book is called "Never Tell Me Never" and is published in Australia by Random House

14th Jun 2000, 11:32
Dave, many of us here have never met but our thoughts and prayers are with you as you recover. Students like myself owe a great deal to guys like you. Just remember there's no such word as "can't"!

14th Jun 2000, 12:25
Dave, there's nothing any of us can say except that we're all thinking of you and we're all here for you if you need us.
When you're well enough get posting - you've got a lot of friends out here..


14th Jun 2000, 12:49

thoughts & prayers with you. Good luck for the future.

14th Jun 2000, 13:26

I wish you all the best for the future.

I hope that you are able to take courage from this thread and all the thoughts that are with you.


14th Jun 2000, 13:34
My thoughts and prayers are with you pal.
Keep positive, you never know what the future may bring.

Take care,

14th Jun 2000, 14:46
This is tragic. I am truly sorry for what's happened.

Keep strong mate, we're all thinking of you.

14th Jun 2000, 15:45
Hi Dave,
Don't think we have met, but this is just to let you know that, even out here in Singapore, I feel for you and hope that medical science will come to your rescue.
The fact that I am in Singapore is not relevant, everyone, around the World will have you in their thoughts.
Wishing you back on your feet,
Kindest regards,

[This message has been edited by addinfurnightem (edited 14 June 2000).]

Hank Marvin
14th Jun 2000, 16:52
Hi Dave , i think like many others we have never met before, and i really dont know what other great thoughts i could add that so many have .I think that with everything in life, is never to give up hope.I think like many have said, if there is anything that is possible we can help with you need only use the touch of a button and this site to contact a huge family.

My thoughts and prayers are with you ...


14th Jun 2000, 17:15
One of our pilots was paralyzed in a car accident in Africa, through no fault of his own.
If at a future date you ever feel the need to talk to someone who really knows what is happening in your life and in mind, I am certain contact can be established via myself or Captain Squelch. Let us know.
I wish you strength.

Capt Crash
14th Jun 2000, 21:25
Best wishes Dave.

Good luck for the future.

As, I guess, you have told many students before, never give up.

15th Jun 2000, 00:16
My sincerest condolences to Dave and his family, we all live to fly and it’s only at times like these that trifling difficulties such as not getting an interview or job really get put into context. Our thoughts are with you.

Warrior boy
15th Jun 2000, 01:33
All the best,never give up.

15th Jun 2000, 02:15
A terrible accident but it need not be the end of flying &/or instructing, depending on the severity of your injuries.

There is a flying instructor in Oz who is a paraplegic. She even teaches aerobatics.

If aviation is something you love then teaching theory may even be an option.

Best wishes

15th Jun 2000, 02:42
Hello Dave,
We have never met but I would just like to say that my heart goes out to you sir.Please never ever give up always fight on.As conair said we owe a great deal to you guys and I would just like to thank you from the bottom of my heart,good luck mate and God bless our thoughts and prayers are with you.

15th Jun 2000, 03:03
I don't think it is important that we don't know each other or that I may only be an interested party in aviation, what qualifies me to write this note is my deep respect for you and other instructors who have chosen to share a beautiful and hard earned skill with those of us who want so much to be . What should give you pride is the amount of students turned over in the years you have taught who are safe, capable pilots.

I am sorry for your injuries, and the pain this will also cause your family but you can adjust and adapt to overcome this obstacle in your life.It was not long ago that I read an interesting article about a Harrier pilot who was paralysed in an accident but who fought the FAA an more importantly the CAA to gain his CPL in a specially adapted a/c. You can achieve anything when your focused on it enough. Good Luck sir!

Lord Vader
15th Jun 2000, 19:54
Best wishes Dave,
My thoughts and prayers with you and your family at this trying time.
Good luck for the future.

15th Jun 2000, 21:18

I am so sorry to hear about you terrible accident and hope that being in the thoughts and prayers of so many people is of some comfort at this difficult time.

Whilst I know it is little consolation, my favourite flying instructor was recently killed in a terrible accident. There were so many things I had not told him (like my getting through to the second round of BA) and now I shall never have the chance.

With kind regards,

Say again s l o w l y
16th Jun 2000, 02:48
All the best mate.
Remember, even 0.1% means there's hope.

Good luck.

18th Jun 2000, 11:50
Good luck Dave

Sounds like you've got one of the tougher challenges in life ahead, but where there's a will there's a way. Safe flying mate.


19th Jun 2000, 07:26
Mate, it's a tough road ahead. Please remember one thing, we are all here in one way or another to help you. You will not be a burden to any one. If you need a hand, just let us know.
Do read the book, "Never tell me never" it is very good. Alana Arnot (helo pilot in Oz) is another inspiration.
Good luck.

A Feral Animal.