View Full Version : All the curry you can eat

Muttley Crew
6th Jun 2004, 21:33
Indian Airlines is looking for direct entry non-Indian captains for their 747-400s and A310s according to a trashy mag I just read. Doesn't say how many million rupee they'll pay.

Seems out of a billion+ people they still can't crew the jets locally. :uhoh:

Might put my name down. Anyone know if there's an accomodation package on offer? Wonder if there's a decent curry joint nearby.

And what base... guess it depends on how you like your chicken- Madras, Vindaloo or Butter. Didn't know they have a town called Butter but there you go..... ;)

Be quick.....

7th Jun 2004, 03:02
Get your news , its Air India looking for 747-400 captains. Be ready for a very hostile cockpit, as there are more than 2000 CPLs in India stiing at home no jobs no GA flying so the local FOs wont really love you, while they could be capt. nd the other young guys at home could be SO or FO.

7th Jun 2004, 07:00
hey mutt, hope that curry joint u find makes u s:mad: t bricks for a year...vindaloo and butter

there's a reason for that temporary induction of foreign pilots. Its definitely not yours,

Seems out of a billion+ people they still can't crew the jets locally.

get your facts straight

Muttley Crew
7th Jun 2004, 09:31
..........Those Indian airlines (http://www.barbneal.com/wav/uncat/mutlylaf.wav) would be my dream job ( := :p :} ). And in case you've been under your rock, DECs are now the flavour of the month, just take a look around this forum.

Wonder if some of the capt slots are now available due to capts leaving them Indian airlines for DEC jobs "elsewhere" ? I dunno, I'm confused... that seems to make it alright to take a DEC job, doesn't it?!?! :ok:

Thanks for mustang's informative confession that there is a motive out there but he has no idea what it is. It was so important you even signed up just to tell us.... well done..... :hmm:

hope that curry joint u find makes u s:mad:t bricks for a year...vindaloo and butter Are there any that don't??? :sad:

7th Jun 2004, 12:16
actually, never wanted to offer any opinion on this forum but your 'hilarious' posting changed all that... I think I like it here. u should be flattered 'cause I signed in just to inform you.

so presumptuous of you to think that I have no idea about AirIndia's 'motives' for DEC's. Do I HAVE to list them for you?

Anyway, Im sure you'll be a real gift to Indian aviation ...since you WILL get hired with your great attitude towards different styles of curry.


7th Jun 2004, 12:35
:} muttley why do guys like you prove there is no shortage of horses with blinders !
There is more than curry and DECs to life broaden your horizon and you wil simle more often. And stop bashing different cultures, and then wanting to work in the same place you hate every thing about.

Indian Pilots are a very cool bunch of guys who will love you if keep your beaming attiude under wraps.:mad:

Muttley Crew
7th Jun 2004, 14:34
Thanks ronnie for the heads up. I put my name down and we'll just have to see how it turns out. :ok: If I get the interview I'll prep for the big day with plenty of curry and neck exercises.

Not presumtuous of me, just that lots of knuckleheads around here post statements like yours with no back-up.

Not me, I'm not pretending to be anything I'm not and have no idea what you're referring to but would like to hear as it may help on the day in front of the panel.

You will like it here because there's so many knucklehead postings someone like you will always be able to amuse himself.

Enjoy................. :}

7th Jun 2004, 15:19
ok, look muttley, not to prolong this pointless discussion...but, what statement of mine r u referring to?! the one opposing yours about not finding crew out of a billion ppl to pilot the jets? which one of us made the irresponsible statement? Im sure you can figure that out...?

I intend to enjoy, I like knucklehead statements. Never thought I would hear it from professional pilots though.

At the interview, when asked why u wanna join AI I highly recommend you mention the curry joints in the brilliant indian accent Im sure u can imitate! ;)

7th Jun 2004, 15:35
Hi Muttley!

Let us know how that DEC interview goes. All the best. Have you been to India before?


7th Jun 2004, 15:40
which one of us made the irresponsible statement?
Why would that be irresponsible? It's just an observation. Good question, why can't they crew their jets locally?

7th Jun 2004, 15:52
So much sarcasm and discouragement going around. First off India is not in the middle east its in Asia (this is i think the ME forum) and secondly if Muttley Crew wants to try it out, let him, he may actually enjoy working there. Alot of people are discouraging him and yet none of them are living in India. Thats all there is here is sarcasm, discouraging and complaints. Nothing good that someone can take from here. Do you guys fly with tissue boxes?!?

7th Jun 2004, 16:10

Why are Emirates and other airlines around the world taking DEC's? What about there ample/able FO's/potential Capt's??

...there IS obviously a shortage of capt's at AI due to whatever reason and these are the steps being taken to fill the gap. There is a sizable batch of young guys undergoing training as of now and a posting for 40-odd more trainee pilots on the website. So, the wheels are in motion to tap into the billion+ pop!!

I just didn't like mutts sarcasm, not my kinda sense of humor.

hope that comes close to answering your question?


Muttley Crew
7th Jun 2004, 17:01
Well I dunno. First mustangv8 says he knows why they need the DECs and then he says he doesn't ("due to whatever reason "). :rolleyes: A chap's just trying to fish around for some info to help get a step up in life and keep getting the boot sunk in. :*

As for my accent, what makes you think I didn't grow up there???

Pretty big conclusion you jumped to there VEE-EIGHT ... :*

I suppose you never even bothered to check my profile before you leapt in with your claws. :hmm:

My question is: Why exactly do they need to hire DECs with all those pilots around? Anyone who does actually know, please share.

Also, what about their security? Do their jets have kevlar cockpit security doors or just those bead curtains?


7th Jun 2004, 17:38
as a matter of fact, I did view your profile and interestingly enough, i noticed you added some background on your upbringing, hmmm didn't see that the first time on your profile. my eyes must be failing, may lose my medical!

If you grew up in India, whats with the 'butter' being a place in India? shouldn't u know? again, unnecessary sarcasm.

Oh and I never mentioned I knew about the DEC issue. I wrote that it definitely wasn't yours. Go back and read the whole bloody discussion again. dont mean to give u the boot or anything but when u ask questions in that manner, u will get flak...especially from a true Indian!

by the way, AI ordered the modified B747-400 from Seattle...ones with the kevlar beads!!


7th Jun 2004, 17:46
Come on muttley!!! Have you ever made it through one of those bead curtains first time! Can not get much more secure than that. And they make a nice sound while bumping down 27 at Vabb as well.
You will have to think a bit more clearly when negotiating your salary with AI old boy. I believe you just have to email, stating you have had the odd curry here and there and you are in.
All the best.

There you go MD11, finally a positive post. You can now toddle of to school a happy camper.

7th Jun 2004, 17:46
Good on-ya Muttley, give it a bash ol' son.

From what all the Indian drivers in my outfit tell me, a captain in AI is second only to you know who. Or is it the other way round? Can't remember the finer points of the conversations as l usually doze of when the conversation swings around to, "Back in Indiaaaaa, blah, blah, blah" .............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

A lot of overly sensitive people on this thread. Calm down fella's it's only a keyboard, not a cockroach you're trying to kill with those two fingers!!!

"Happy landings" to quote some fine ATC statement l hear some where regularly.


Muttley Crew
7th Jun 2004, 19:38
This is all doing my head in. If you don’t know why’d you say you did in the first place?!?!?! :rolleyes:

So you’re telling me it’s “not my reason” but you have no idea what it is? And you’re trying to make me out to be the clown??? :*

Ok so no bead curtains with Indian airlines. What about the beef variety??? I mean, man does not live on bread alone. Second thoughts, would they be more like “curried beef curtains”??? Is that it???

I dunno, just asking… be silly not to find out as much as possible before I turn up to the interview, right??

One last question: If I get the interview and at the end the guy starts shaking his head, is that a YES or a NO??? :confused:

7th Jun 2004, 19:52
Like I said, I have an idea(a good one) about the DEC's. Its a temporary issue which is being dealt with. these guys that get hired are on rent and Im sure thats made very clear to them.

ok, the beads again? man, let your imagination run wild...if u see curried beef beads, go with it dude. Im sure the bobbing head cabin crew will take care of your bead fetish.

u should know when they shake their heads, u have grown up in india, no?


Muttley Crew
7th Jun 2004, 20:02
So now you DO know again??!?! :confused: How many personalities going on in there mustnag???

Listen I'm not really into beads, despite what I said. I did know a girl who was though, :} and it was a very messy affair. :yuk: I DON'T recommend it.

8th Jun 2004, 03:43
Beef cutains- yes.

Beef beads??!! - Don't go there;)


8th Jun 2004, 08:29
hey guys the reason air india cant find DEC for their fleet from the locals is because they are the only guys to fly the said types .namely the 744 and the 310 in the country.yes if they want 320 or 737 guys they might some.
and its good that they are for the first time realising the need for DECs .
i think they will be based at london or newyork.

8th Jun 2004, 12:26
Please keep this touchy thread going the right way. Any more about beads & it's going in the bin.


8th Jun 2004, 15:49
Whats beef & beads got to with a job in AI ! :mad:
As for what I said earlie you wil get a hostile cockpit ever since the IPG was disbanned by the union busters & the govt. the teamsters are waiting with heavy grease and broom sitcks, if you been to Abu Gharib you know what i mean.:mad:

8th Jun 2004, 17:11
Good 'ol Air India...
At a recent written exam call, there were 850 candidates for 40 trainee pilot positions ( all at least CPL / ME rated, some ATPL with thousands of turbine time ) and 51 passed the initial exam....I dunno how many got through the Personal interview and subsequent sim ride but it's quite likely they couldnt fill even the 40 seats.....
The exam IMHO was not the toughest,but with negative marking and the ever confusing choices , reminded me of the typical Indian board exams.....well I think they need to start hiring pilots the way most international airlines do .....oh well...

In the meantime they'll be needing DEC and hey I guess there's not many guys with time on type they can upgrade , o good on those folks who do get it and best of luck....
hey mustang V8, I believe that mr .mcrew's really trying to wind you up and succeeding, just ignore the guy.....my two cents worth....people like him are a minority and most pilots I know go to great lengths to study about the culture and practices of the country they plan to work in and avoid cultural stereotyping....

8th Jun 2004, 18:39
I heard some of the guys that got thru the written, had some issues during the medical, hence the posting for more trainee pilots, another 40-odd.

my guess is, there r so many pilot applicants in India when a posting is made and obviously so many show up, that there has to be a tough screening process to weed out the 'mediocre' bunch who may have had a good shot at it if things were different, eg not as much govt. regulation------>more aviation outfits allowed to operate. I dont know, just thoughts.

masalama, I appreciate the sobering words but i couldn't help myself at the time. I agree, he is part of the minority.


Living End
11th Jun 2004, 14:38
Hi all,

have just gone and read the air india web page concerning employment and on the trainee pilot section I was a little confused about the meaning of the following. "nationals belonging exclusively to the schdual caste, scheduled tribe, other backward class commonuity" They only seem to be taking a certain amount of people from each section.... what do these sections relate to? Thanks in advance for any answers... LE

Muttley Crew
11th Jun 2004, 19:58
Does this mean you have to be a certain caste to be an FO?

And what about the capts?? Are they a higher caste?

How would that work then, regarding promotion?? As a low-caste FO do you have to wait to be reincarnated into a higher-class caste before moving into RHS???

And what about us non-hindus with only ONE shot at life? :{

Sounds like a long haul... :*

12th Jun 2004, 04:22
Air India is owned by the government of India. And government of India rules stipulate that certain number of vacancies be filled up with suitably qualified candidates from the socially backward communities. There is now apparently a huge backlog of such vacancies for which another attempt is made to see if qualified candidates are available.

Now before Muttley and company again takes off, let me tell you the word is "suitably qualified". No exemption is made on the entry standards obvously. If you have any doubts check out the safety record of the airline concerned - the last major accident was in 1985 off Shannon and that particular one had nothing to do with any deficiency from the airline's operations side.

Every country has its rights to put the interests of its own nationals first in what ever way they may deem fit. And this the same almost everywhere- not just in India! For eg students from India (and from anywhere outside the EU) pay on a average 4 to 5 times the tution fees the EU folks pay in most Briitsh universites !

NB : By the way the president of India is a Muslim, the prime minister a Sikh and the leader of the biggest political party a christian - so dont worry too much on the Hindu issue!

12th Jun 2004, 07:24
RSOMAN ROCK ON ! :ok: are u AI or 9W ?

12th Jun 2004, 11:41
Does anyone know about the ICAO ATPL conversion towards an Indian one ?!?!
People seem to be confused about if there is a written or not ?!?!

What about this RTR c**p.... automatically obtainable on ATP conversion or one shall thy go through the dreadfull "How does a tube-light work ?" exam !!

One must really wonder if the interview team is reading this thread.... Wouldn't that be exciting for them to find out who we all are !! :E :E I think I'm safe... but who knows what offends who these days !! Particularly in Aviation ..... "Ferkin Hell - - Hope they do !!"

Ah....by the way my choice of curry shall be the Madras one :) Yummo

Smoothie :ok:

Muttley Crew
12th Jun 2004, 17:43
Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not complaining about hindu vs whatever. Just seeking enlightenment about the DEC process.

In fact I reckon I have a better shot at it than most anyway since reincarnation obviously runs in my family:

You see my uncle died and in the last life and experienced ReinTarnation... Yeah he came back as a hill-billy... :ok:

Should be a shoe-in at the interview.

Muttley Crew
13th Jun 2004, 16:18
Just looking for info and Masalami. has to go and say something like that about his own mother. Not very nice. Maybe it got lost in the translation. Too many “Terrys” out there.

But since YOU started it, I have a joke for you:

knock knock
who's there???
Terry who??
Teri maa ko sau kutte chode - sau wa tera baap!

Or was it…Teri ma ki chut mai sabka lund??? Or Teri ma ki choot me hathi ka dum (for the “space cadets” in search of it all).

I just LOVE Hindi. ;)

PS Nyokap lo pembokat, Muka jamban.

13th Jun 2004, 18:31
hey masalama, that was pretty funny dude. looks like u hit a nerve with muttbag.

waz up mutt, didn't u find it funny??


Muttley Crew
13th Jun 2004, 21:44
Surrounded by indians…. now I know how Custer felt.................................

I'll leave it to your imagination as to how this post carried on. Way over the top Muttley. Xenophobia & cultural intolerance exhibited by blatant slanging of other cultures will not be tolerated on this site.

Take a trip to the cooler Muttley


14th Jun 2004, 08:32
What the ferk in the Earth is going on here !!

Just as well there is moderator to catch things before it gets out of hands and the whole thing becomes another amateur nerd house !!:mad: :mad:

Still no one has answered my question though which shall be of use to others too, may be too busy bashing each other... are we

ICAO Atpl -> DGCA Atpl... Is there a written or just a interview sort ??!! Thanks in Advance

Smoothie :\

14th Jun 2004, 09:37
Never mind.....

Found it myself off another source.... For anyone interested

3.2.3 For issue of an Airline Transport Pilot's Licence (Aeroplane/ Helicopter), the applicant shall have to pass the written examination conducted by CEO in the following two papers as per the prescribed syllabus:

(i) Air Regulations; and

(ii) A composite paper for Airline Transport Pilot's Licence on Air Navigation, Avionics (Radio Aids and Instruments) and Aviation Meteorology.

In addition to the above written examination, the applicant for ALTP licence shall have to pass an oral examination as stipulated in para 1(d) of Section M, or Section N, of Schedule II of the Aircraft Rules, 1937, as the case may be.

3.3 Additional Requirements for Issue of Commercial Pilot's Licence and Airline Transport Pilot's Licence

3.3.1 The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Proficiency from the Ministry of Communications under the provisions of Indian Wireless and Telegraphy Rules, 1954 for operation of Radio Telephony Apparatus on board an aircraft. Based on this, a Flight Radio Telephone Operator's (FRTO) Licence will be issued by DGCA in accordance with the provisions of Section 'Y' of Schedule II of the Aircraft Rules, 1937.

3.3.2 The applicant shall also have to pass Signals (Practical) examination for interpretation of signals as per the prescribed syllabus.

Smoothie :ok:

14th Jun 2004, 14:24
Poor Muttley Crew: "Surrounded by indians…. now I know how Custer felt.................................


14th Jun 2004, 17:45

thats perfect for muttbag...is that from 'the far side'?


16th Jun 2004, 13:16
hey mustang thanks man ...thought that was pretty funny too...poor mutt ...poor chap wants to work for Air India and already complaining ..." surrounded by Indians...".... a taste of what's to come , I presume....
OK... the conversion exams for the DGCA ATPL are quite similar to the CPL conversion exams .. but you need to meet the requirements( aeronautical experience) of the Indian ATP plus, the ATPL can only be issued on a multi engine aircraft, no single ATP's anymore... yep and the R/TR can be converted from CANADA/UK..not sure of S.Africa or AUS/NZ??????

Here's another one from a friend...

Knock Knock...
Who's there???
Bolana who????
Bola Na teri ma ki.......

cheers everyone and Jai Hind.....

16th Jun 2004, 18:01

yeah, mutt's a moron.

anyway, u read my mind about the conversion process. where do u have to go for the ATP multi check ride? outside of delhi?

R/RT, u mean the FRTO? I have an FAA RTO, is that transferable?

thanx, man, jai hind!!

16th Jun 2004, 23:53
I'm letting muttley out of the sinbin before I forget he's in there. Try & keep it down to a dull rumble please muttley. Off you go.


17th Jun 2004, 08:19
4HP.......you do a great job man, but how do you find time to monitor the boards plus a full time flying job, not to mention life...??? Anyway, I suspect that mutt might behave himself a little more now...thanks....

mustang... If u dont have an Indian license yet, then you can either convert your Commercial or ATP to the Indian one....now the skill test for the license is usually done once you've passed the conversion exams, done your DGCA medical and either passed the Indian R/TR (Radiotelephony , restricted) license or converted to Indian R/T..... unfortunately the FAA R/T is not convertable.
Skill test for the Multi engine aircraft can only be done if the aircraft used for your foreign licensed multi is include in the Indian register (eg. baron, senaca,duchess,C-310etc..) the whole list can probably be found at dgca.nic.in( official website of Indian DGCA)....now the problem is there are very few operational multi training aircraft in India, so you'll have to call up the flying schools and check if their aircraft are operational...... and if your foreign Multi aircraft is not on the register , like a PA-44 seminole, then you're shafted...no Indian multi , meaning no Indian ATP ...you can only convert to an Indian CPL single......oh the rules are quite involved , especially for the multi and I hope you checked up with DGCA first before you went and did your flight training in the US or wherever.....
The FRTO is the DGCA equivalent of the R/TR which is actually issued by the Ministry of Communications(WPC cell), Sanchar Bhavan, N.dehi...so once you get an R/TR, then the DGCA adds on an FRTO to your license...:{
hope all this helps and Happy Landings:ok: