View Full Version : Bexair?

2nd Jun 2004, 18:02
Hearing strange news from the Suk. New 601 stuck in USA, crew no money. No CCs. No fuel. All pilots in arrears and those on leave unlikely to return to BAH. WIHIH?

3rd Jun 2004, 15:31
Heard the same with some guys leaving due to non payments

3rd Jun 2004, 20:12
Well, let's see what happens...maybe few vacancies will open for brave men....

4th Jun 2004, 09:25
I think you are right, Blues. And Latte Tester seems to know what he's talking about. Have just got fixed up in DXB with a decent outfit ... :)

5th Jun 2004, 08:42
Tell me more please as I have recently applied and I was told to go and get my type rating done. was offered good deal .......should I go for it or not!!!!

5th Jun 2004, 10:35
Hey, Superman, read the boards and make up your own mind :hmm:

5th Jun 2004, 13:07
Superman I thought you wanted to fly for Qatar?!? OR do you plan on flying for every middle eastern carrier?

6th Jun 2004, 15:26
I think that Bexair has few openings on Challengers. Understand that they are trying to find some pilots who do not need to be paid on time and who are willing to pay they own expenses while on trip. Anyone meeting such requirements should apply!

7th Jun 2004, 21:09
Back where we started on this topic, but word from suk says subject 601 is now on ground LTN with a similar logistic problem, and crew this time have gone home.

Blues. you seem to be in the loop here. WIHIH?

8th Jun 2004, 17:37
601 is at Luton. Crew went home to wait they long overdue salaries and expenses from several months...
Instead of paying them company seems to use their energy trying to find a new crew. A strange policy to say the least.

9th Jun 2004, 06:56
Is there anyone out there NOT owed money by this company?

9th Jun 2004, 17:20
What a sad and unfortunate situation. I heard that they had hired the best flight ops and mantainance people one could get. They seem to have let them slip away! Very sad story! :(

9th Jun 2004, 17:40
Thatīs exactly what happened. Now the pilotīs are running away as soon as possible. But what would you expect if they do not even pay salaries or expenses. $15.000 short hearts everyone, I guess. However, there is still pilots who think that they can do it!

9th Jun 2004, 20:10
Let this one go, guys. There's nothing more anyone can do. Many thanks.

10th Jun 2004, 08:12
Life's a beach ..... ?

10th Jun 2004, 09:06
:ok: Spot on, TiroP

10th Jun 2004, 11:09
Hey TiroP, so flying in DBX now? Like it?

10th Jun 2004, 13:15
It certainly beats looking for a job, slolstrom.

Can't figure out who you are? Have we drunk beer together?

10th Jun 2004, 15:02
Interviews in London........a hotel near (ish) Luton.

Should any crew member be owed money by Bexair.

Please post the sum and reason on this thread.

It might just reach the parts that other posts can not reach.

It is in Luton.

I assume it will get out upon cash payment.

10th Jun 2004, 15:15
Based on what I have just read, I can think of no reason to pay for my own type rating...and then expect them to pay me back.....

If they owe so much money to so many people perhaps the aircraft will be impounded in Luton.

LTN Man....any info as to how long it has been there, and who is handling....

10th Jun 2004, 16:34
I did hear that previous crew were owed excess of $25K in salaries and expenses when they parked at Luton. Lot of money!

10th Jun 2004, 19:39
Hey TiroP

I am pretty sure we must have drunk a few beers together in the past! As for the crew out 25k plus, not too sure if 25k plus is the right amount. Later

Active Wings
13th Jun 2004, 09:10
I heard new crew abandoned the aircraft in LTN after getting the training paid by bexair! .....How cheap can one be! :yuk:

13th Jun 2004, 09:28
Hi active wings,

Being cheap is onething, and being a thief is another!

friends told me that the crew have stolen the keys of the aircraft along with some equipment that was on board..????

I personally belive that people are trying to bad mouth Bexair..

I know some friends who fly with Bexair.. and they say none of the statments posted are corect


13th Jun 2004, 09:46
Well my friends... I tried to restrain miself from writing, but...
I flew for them and so far is almost the end of June and no salary from FEBRUARY .... not a lie.
Think about it....Yes some say it is not that bad ... ofcourse ... they don't have any needs ... I have to support a family, I need my salary and expenses and perdiems and house allowance and car allowance and etc...
Don't let some of them fool you they are crooks and If the guy that flew the 601 took the keys ... well done, may be the company will pay them in order to get them back (The keys)

More info???

Keep it safe..

Active Wings
13th Jun 2004, 11:23
Hey Pilocol,

are you still working for bexair?

13th Jun 2004, 11:42
601 departed with another set of key's and legal action was taken against the pilot.

keyes of an aircraft remains as "company property"

What would happen to the pilots professional career in this case...(Anyone???)

Comical Ali
13th Jun 2004, 14:26
What a terrible thing from pilot to do! Did he receive his payments on time or what was the reason for the departure?

13th Jun 2004, 15:19
I am pretty sure that pilots are leaving only because they were not paid. Correct me if I am wrong.

13th Jun 2004, 16:44
I have it from the horses mouth, and I trust this horse 101% that the company owes him in excess of 18K US. In his shoes I would (and have in the past) retained items from aircraft, (having told the company my intentions) to ensure settlement of my expenses, and salary. The company acused me of blackmail I accused them of fraud.

Comical: you live up to your name, read the threads.

Pilocol: we spoke via PM earlier. (and I think we might have met in FSI ICT.)

Pistonengine: you are 100% wrong. the company is (I am not allowed to put it in writing). My friends are bigger than your friends.

Let the battle continue.....pistols at dawn......

13th Jun 2004, 18:23
Pistonengine, you must stop talking to Active Wings. You'll fog the mirror.:cool:

14th Jun 2004, 00:48

In order to keep this thread going I'm going to need your co-operation. Folk who've identified themselves as BX management are bombarding us with emails threating legal action if we don't withdraw this thread. Now we don't scare that easy but I cannot tolerate any posts here that are blatant misinformation or untruths. Where there's smoke there's fire & something's happening here - keep your reporting factual and your rumours reasonable & we'll keep this thread alive.


homesick rae
14th Jun 2004, 01:40
4HP: fair comment.

When I was recently in DXB I received, to my knowledge, certain reliable info which basically said that BX needed a "revamp" of sorts. I was interested, not on the Flight Deck side I may add, to assist them and have tried, unsuccessfully, to contact the person I was directed to. (JD)

Like anyone in the industry I do not like to hear of any non payment and malconduct from the management, but, for me I would like to find out the facts.

All the best


14th Jun 2004, 08:26
Which part of the tread BX management donīt like? If there is no unpaid salaries and expenses let them confirm that. However, where there is smoke there is always a fire as well...

PPRuNe Towers
14th Jun 2004, 09:05
Here at the Towers we are happy for this thread to continue.

Bex managers reading take heed. You can threaten all you like - pro pilots are getting the story and will continue to do so.


14th Jun 2004, 10:05
PpTowers: 4HP: I can say no more...In fact I have not made several posts to ensure that only 100% fact is posted, and NO info that might identify myself or certain others who are much closer to the action than I am.

Home sick: I was also in the same position...I can help you guys, but you must help your self too.

Perhaps those who claim to be management: should be invited to post their response.......

14th Jun 2004, 12:05
I would think that Bexair management should take a stand and tell why pilots are not paid on time and in some cases not at all.
I can then tell how much 601 crew was owed when they reached LTN. Crew was actually sent home by Bexair to wait they overdue salaries. Instead paying them Bexair started to look a new crew immediately through different agencies!!!!

15th Jun 2004, 17:25
I was contacted through two channels asking if I was available to pick up the 601 from Luton. Neither of the intermediaries knew that I was already owed money by Bexair, so were surprised at my declining. ( I couldn't have done it anyway as I'm busy at present, but that's not the point).
If any UK residents who are owed money want to PM me, I have been looking into getting a court lien applied, which means that next time the aircraft lands anywhere in the UK it is impounded until the company either pays up (money plus legal costs) or demonstrates in court that it doesn't owe the money. I'm not worried about the second possibility!

17th Jun 2004, 12:14
Do I have to be aresident of the UK.
I,m an EU citizen ... can I join in..????

Antipodean Angel
20th Jun 2004, 16:58
Maybe all the money Bexair owe to ex employees is being spent on slave labour camp based in saudi!!!

20th Jun 2004, 21:27
...and I was wondering where it went! Either Bexair is in serious financial problems or not properly managed. Too many claims seem to surface constantly. Should be great to hear if anyone been paid as agreed.

23rd Jun 2004, 08:00
From yesterday's Gulf Daily News

MANAMA: Bahrain Executive Air Services Company (Bexair) has expanded its fleet with the addition of a new aircraft.

The new Bombardier Challenger aircraft is expected to enter into service within days, according to a statement issued by the company.

Does this mean that "within days" they hope to find a crew daft enough to get involved?

26th Jun 2004, 19:16
Well have the legal eagles won, or did Bexair pay the crew....

Tell us someone please.


27th Jun 2004, 08:43
Grade 1 BAH BritClub goss says pilots, and other local suppliers, are actioning the company via the Bahrain courts for "many, many thousands". Could take a while, tho :(

27th Jun 2004, 11:04
Could be much better for all involved if the nice and peacefull solution could be reached. Pilots like to fly and not to fight for their money in the courts.

27th Jun 2004, 11:34
Yerrite, Blues.

But a source v close to the action says the company just blanks any approach.

Alas, lawyers will get even richer ......

28th Jun 2004, 11:58
Dr G, check your PM

29th Jun 2004, 14:34
Whatīs going on at Bexair? Are all aircrafts properly crewed and everyone paid up to date?
Hope that there was a peacefull solution reached and all planes flying a busy schedule.

29th Jun 2004, 20:37
I just love your sense of humour, Kopeloi :)

Answers: No, No, No, & No.

30th Jun 2004, 08:45
Will be interesting to see how long they can keep going with such a many "NOīs". One would expect that sooner or later a local CAA will start also looking deeper into such situation.
Pity, they seem to have perfect fleet and a nice operational area. Why not to get a professionals to run a show?

Latte tester
1st Jul 2004, 08:35
...hmmm, some interesting comments over the past few pages. For those who still want to apply, go for it as it would seem that all the warnings are falling on deaf ears. Pilots who "pimp" themselves for either flying time or the prospect of easy money, effectively lower the standard for the rest of us who have morals. Having been an employee of BEXAIR's predecessor, with the same owner and basic office staff, I'm still owed money. I left them Dec 2001 when I was handed a termination notice the same day the aircraft left the company...so much for the contractual two month notice...
I could go on, but I hope that people have got the point and will take a good long look at the history behind this company before making a decision.
Regarding the 601, as this is the title of the thread, as of today 1 July '04, (Happy Birthday Canada), the aircraft is still on the ramp in Luton without crew. The company may have found part time pilots for an upcoming contract, but that is not confirmed.


1st Jul 2004, 15:35
Sure looks like someone has made up his mind to run the company by "my way or highway" method. Too bad that this particular version included no payments for crews either.
Letīs look how long such policy can be forced before referee will be called. Wonder how many pilots and engineers are still there?

TAF Oscar
1st Jul 2004, 17:54
From today's Gulf Daily News:


MANAMA: Bahrain Executive Air Services Company (Bexair) unveiled its new Bombardier Challenger business jet yesterday, before announcing plans to further expand its fleet by the end of the year.The arrival of the new aircraft takes Bexair's fleet to four, but there are plans to add another Challenger before December, according to chairman and chief executive officer Mansour Al Tassan.

He said the "VVIP" carrier is responding to growing demand in the regional market for chartered transport.

"The addition of this new Challenger is part of our fleet expansion," he told the GDN yesterday.

"The executive aviation market is getting bigger and bigger in the Gulf area and by adding this aircraft we hope to increase our market share.

"We are discussing the purchase of another Challenger, which we hope to conclude by the end of the year."

Mr Al Tassan says there are three main reasons for the growing demand for business jets in the region.

They are increasing trade between Arab states, growing awareness of the market and a limited number of licensed operators.

Bexair's new Challenger aircraft is worth $20 million and has been purchased through a financing deal with Credit Suisse.

It was unveiled yesterday in a reception at the Bexair terminal, Bahrain International Airport.

The company is part of the Saudi ASASCO group, but has been based out of Bahrain since 2002.

An estimated 15 per cent of its regional business is generated in this country.

In addition to the two Bombardier Challengers, Bexair also operates two Cessna Citation aircraft.

The company employs around 55 members of staff.

2nd Jul 2004, 14:18
Looks like that they are still growing! Wonder if they really have crews left to get all those planes flying? There was a quite of exodus out from Bahrain lately!

2nd Jul 2004, 22:31
Dr G, did you enjoy your lunch?


Are you a :mad: Bexair Journo mole?

3rd Jul 2004, 10:18
A great story from Dr G. Wonder why he didnīt mention that for the next , Bexair have plans to find some crews to fly those new Challengers.

3rd Jul 2004, 18:34
Just rememeber, that ALL of us who fly, have a skill that management don't. If you want to walk or go by train, then go ahead. Really, why bite the hand that feeds you? Your aeroplane is useless without us. Maybe you should realise that. All these complaints are genuine from guys that work hard and try to please you, but you aint going anywhere fast without them.

4th Jul 2004, 09:55
I donīt think that Bexair management lacks a skill. The problem seems to be that their account department seems to be unable to do a salary payments! That obviously causes other problems down the line. Then finally airplanes stop making a noise when there is no one left able to start them up.....or maybe there is no fuel. Who cares.

Latte tester
5th Jul 2004, 15:00
tic, I'm not sure that Bexair's management really gives a sh-- about what pilots complain about especially when they can get guys for an 11 month on and 1 month off contract for US$3500/month...on the 604.
Besides, Mr. Tassan obviously wants to use his money to buy more aircraft unfortunately, he fails to remember pilots and what the good ones are worth.
Some things change with time, but I'm not sure that there's enough time for us to witness the change.

Antipodean Angel
5th Jul 2004, 19:11
You're right Latte Tester they dont give a S*** .
Never fear though - rumour has it, justice is at hand.
Gentlemen now is the time to jump on the wagon and stop the Bexair management from getting away with it also proving that this thread is not just about gossip and rumours.

6th Jul 2004, 10:58
We are all very keen to see the outcome in this case. Wonder how many years such a treatment for the crews been going on. Hopefully there is some rights for the expatriate crews in the Gulf area, at least to secure their unpaid salaries. What surprise me is the fact that no one from the Bexair management is willing to comment this situation here.

6th Jul 2004, 20:43
And so the story continues..................

Angel check your PM!

9th Jul 2004, 11:03
Have anyone been paid recently by Bexair? This means the crews that left and the few that stayed.

Comical Ali
13th Jul 2004, 09:55
I donīt think that anyone has been paid . Lot of crews waiting their long overdue wages....

13th Jul 2004, 10:00
Just heard yesterday that the 601 is ON... it's been sent to US for a 2 week trip ... and my salary ??? ... Any other news???

13th Jul 2004, 10:32
I hope that your money was not used for the 601 fuel to USA...

14th Jul 2004, 09:55
Just wondering!!!

I know some of you guys are pissed off from no pay....................

What kind of package Bexair has to offer anyways?
F/O and Capt.?


14th Jul 2004, 11:35
What is the difference for offering if they donīt pay at all?

14th Jul 2004, 12:34
......> the life blood from the otherwise happy (ish) world of corporate aviation.

How do they manage to actually keep the existing crews.....

They dont owe me any money, so I do not have an axe to grind.

If the 601 is in the stayes, any idea where......I am in the deep south at present.....Bumz

14th Jul 2004, 21:58
The few pilots still on the (no) pay-roll are there because they have no other option available to them. I'm told per-diems are many months in arrears. I find it difficult to believe that anyone, however optionless, is prepared to work like this.

Three first class CAs have been terminated (apparently for their past association with the "mutineers").
Is this what happened?

Love your posts :D

Ditto :D

Comical Ali:
Ditto :D

Al Tassan:
Get real :hmm:


18th Jul 2004, 10:59
I really intersted to know what package Bexair has to offer for F/O and Capt.?

:( :p

18th Jul 2004, 13:55
On Challenger they offer $4500,- for F/O and $6500 for Captain plus an accommodation and transport. Not too bad but once again, do you think that they will pay for you if they donīt pay to anyone else?

18th Jul 2004, 21:31

No, ma'man, im not looking into ur copmany!!! I'm trying to findout what kind of pay for MidEast Biz comapnies.

Thankx anyways for your airmenship:mad:


22nd Jul 2004, 18:52
Clever man, steer clear of them!

3rd Aug 2004, 11:53
have Bexair actually paid the crews outstanding expenses, and salary.
I will be passing the area next week, and just need to know if a day glow flak jacket is in order.....

4th Aug 2004, 11:30
Not a penny yet. I think that only way to get those long overdue salaries and even unpaid expenses will be by legal action, unfortunately.
While you there, do me a favor and tell them that we love Bexair and its management but do not miss them at all...

4th Aug 2004, 14:46
Yerrite, Blues. Not a penny yet, but mole says legal steps are being taken. A certain UK company managed to get its dosh by grabbing the 601 at Luton. I hear Bex paid up pretty quick ;)

Have a nice trip, Bumz. You'll be looked after. Staff are great. Management is the problem.


23rd Aug 2004, 11:10
I was told that they still need more time to sort out all payments in their busy account dept. Well, only few months now, that's normal? Hopefully someone will get them!

Latte tester
2nd Sep 2004, 08:44
Blues, how much time does a company supposedly as good as Bexair, need to sort out their finances? What about the pilots and their finances?
As I said previously, Bexair doesn't give a sh-- about what pilots are saying, nor do they give a sh-- about what they are really worth, they will look around and find some poor soul who needs the job and will pay them crap and treat them worse.
I am processing a legal claim against the company for money owed to me, maybe I'll wait for the 604 to show up in the UK and block it there...hmmm

3rd Sep 2004, 12:24
Right, Latte. That's the way to do it :ok:

An optimist at Bex is rifling through old CVs and phoning around in an attempt to recruit pilots. Poor chap even phoned ME. (He won't do that again) :ouch:

Perhaps those who don't read Pprune, or who have had a frontal lobotomy, may be interested.

5th Sep 2004, 20:42
I think that only way to make them to pay those long overdue salaries etc. is to get their airplane grounded somewhere . I have no illusions that they will even think to pay a penny if they are not forced to. What a bunch of j***s....
I heard a same, they start to be rather desperate to get pilots...

14th Sep 2004, 10:15
Does anyone know what the "new" Bex contract offers? The man on the phone is unlikely to tell me, but a few of you out there might have the info .. ?


14th Sep 2004, 11:06
Don't care much what is the difference in contract. It would be a major improvement if they start paying something! I feel sorry for the fellows if they pay their expenses and six months later realise that there is no payment for expenses or salary... Wouldnīt trust any of their promises or contracts.

18th Sep 2004, 06:56

Comical Ali
2nd Nov 2004, 12:50
It looks like Bexair has sold or leased out their 601. Is someone having any news why?

3rd Nov 2004, 13:05
The 601 is in Russia... contract.. that's what they say!!

Got a friend working for them... found a job in another company ..Bexair will not give him release letter ... As"*&$s
Eventhough he told them he's willing to loose what's owed to him...perdiems, allowances, etc....

Keep it safe..

5th Nov 2004, 00:08
Was just offered a job flying their Bravo. Having second thoughts. Have read the posts, can anyone give me some specfics? Thanks.

5th Nov 2004, 06:24
What do you mean with specifics, names and amounts ?
Just try it yourself, donīt believe others! If it works, you will then be the first one!

5th Nov 2004, 15:22
Well I cannot understand if this is all true than how they are able to keep ANY pilots at all. As far as specifics I didn't mean names I meant I wanted an example, like say so and so did a trip and had to pay for their own hotels, never got the money back, etc. There was one guy saying he hasn't been paid since Feb and it was July when he posted. I cannot understand why he would not quit back in March??

6th Nov 2004, 08:25
Seems to me, Tomcat, that you'll quit in your second month ...

Latte tester
19th Nov 2004, 01:22
I hear that BEXAIR is looking for a 604 and/or an EXCEL pilot for immediate employment. For all those thinking about applying, I strongly suggest you read ALL previous threads about BEXAIR's employment policy especially their payment plan and contract agreements.
This is a good time for all who have been shafted by BEXAIR in the past to spread the word and hopefully make Mr. Tassan suffer by not having crews.

19th Nov 2004, 23:09
If one really like to get shafted go ahead and join. Wonderful deal , 50% below market salary and even that you don't receive....:} :}