View Full Version : Green Card Instruction !?

31st Jul 2000, 22:47
Hi there guys, got a question for you:
What is the possibleaty of getting a job Stateside as an instructor ( being a foreigner), working for a while and applying for a green card or residency status??
Just clocked 800TT yesterday, 300+ME , looking to get into the States an aviation utopia...

3rd Aug 2000, 03:13
Should have no problem, the schools here where i am are all advertising, they are prepeared to sponsor as well. Just write to the schools where u want to go.

California is quite a good place,

Go for it.

Ag-cat 650
3rd Aug 2000, 04:20
any chance you could let me know wich schools in calafornia I am also looking

3rd Aug 2000, 14:05
Me too - does anyone know the rate of pay / licence issues???

5th Aug 2000, 19:10
Thank you ITFC42, I'd like to email you and get some names and addresses if you dont mind.
I can go donw south to SA and go and instruct there, but one has to pave the way forward as much as possible and for aviation it seems like the states is the place to go.

big buddah
10th Aug 2000, 05:46
Skaz can't handle the bush the 206 scaring you too much or have you got a bad reputation and getting kicked out!!

or have you been in the poppy fields and are now running?

Why not east african like the rest?

15th Aug 2000, 20:17
Apparently the big schools are agressively recruiting flight instructors from smaller ones. Embry Riddle beeing one who is heavily understaffed, Try!

Pilot Barbie
18th Aug 2000, 16:36
Sorry to burst your bubble guys, but been there done that... Embry Riddle are short of instructors but the first thing on their application forms is that you "must have the right to live and work in the USA...".

You would probably need to know a potential employer as there is a lot of persistence and paperwork required on their part and quite frankly most of them can't be bothered with the hassle.

Good luck.

WX Man
18th Aug 2000, 22:24
So is it completely unheard of for British trained, British qualified (ie non J1 visa) instructors to work in the USA?

19th Aug 2000, 18:40
To get a job you HAVE to have a FAA CFI/CFII.
The thing you can do is this:
Get enrolled in, say, Embry riddles distance learning course, which will qualify you for a F-1 visa. Under this visa you can apply for a one year work permit which allowes you 15 work hours/week on campus in the field of your studies. Now, since you are a pilot, it's a bit tricky to work ON campus, so you can work for any flying school...now you just need to find a school that doesn't give a spliff about those 15hrs(I know of a few but don't want to mention any names-you'll have to find that yourself) and then you're there.

thought about doing it myself..maybe I will.

Daytona Beach is a nice place too...

The babes...god help me, the babes..... ;)

WX Man
19th Aug 2000, 23:19
Have you ever heard of anyone getting in on any other type of visa? Or would I have to prove that I can't speak any English, wear a Sombrero, grow a moustache and claim asylum?

21st Aug 2000, 07:44
let's say you already have a CFI. Can you get another visa on the strength up upgrading it to CFII or MEI?

WX Man
21st Aug 2000, 14:23
2 day Tsvinga, I think it depends what visa you're on at that time. If you're on a J1 visa, it is valid (I believe) for 2 years from the date of when you start your training. No matter what ratings you get, you still have to leave at the end of the 2 years.

At any time during that two years, though, I believe that should your status as a legal alien change, you are obliged to inform the INS office for the area. So, if you hook up with a nice young all-american lady, and want to stay put, you'll need to file for a visa for that.