View Full Version : Etihad Airways Terminations......

31st May 2004, 23:42
Hello Everyone,

I have heard from few people of AUH and SHJ that even Etihad Airways has also started firing people without valid reasons.......??? :oh: As I have no source to confirm this news, Is it possible to get this confirmation from someone working for the airline or know the management over there.:confused:



homesick rae
1st Jun 2004, 00:30
I know of one person who was fired and was told "we are not allowed to tell you" when the company were asked for a reason!

4 days later...gone!

1st Jun 2004, 02:00
Well thats one of the downsides of working in the middle east. no job security. You could have all these years in the company and they can tell you to pack your bags any minute.

1st Jun 2004, 05:52
SaudiArabian tried this 'round about 1986...they determined that they had far too many expat pilots, so started not renewing contracts.
It was then noticed that many expats were giving notice, and soon they were short of crew.
So, they started hiring again, which turned the training budget completely upside down.
Generally, not being able to plan beyond next Tuesday is not a way to run an airline efficiently.:yuk:

1st Jun 2004, 09:32
I thought that Etehad was a good company and I know of many ppl working for othe ME airlines in the rejon who went to work for them. Are you sure it is not a rumor? by law they can not just fire you like that for no apparant reason?! I know in the gulf you do not have job security, that is true and that money will buy them whoever they want as they know we are all scrounging for money!!.....I would like to know a bit more about what happened actually from Etehad. I will try to call someone there and enquire about this rumour.


Bangkok Layover
1st Jun 2004, 09:36
Two crew were terminated for very valid reasons.they ve been drinking and forgot to come for SEP exam the following day!

"Demotions" have started to hit the atmospher too.no wonder when they have inexperienced crew in higher grades. Etihad is now considering bringing outsiders on a "brief contract" basis to assist and train its staff.

Plus,lots of departments,including "recruitment" are now under flight ops!

2nd Jun 2004, 02:43
please guys stop that,
nobody was fired and i dont know who started this stupid rumour,and next time before getting deeper into a subject make sure that its true .

2nd Jun 2004, 03:48
Superman - to which law, and in which country, are you refering to in regard to not being sacked, "just like that".

Milaaka - this is rumour forum. l don't think l could pronounce the title if it were a factual one.... PPTrNe


Muttley Crew
2nd Jun 2004, 12:20
lots of departments,including "recruitment" are now under flight ops! Good stuff ! ! !

Good to see they have their act together and Flight Ops dishing it out instead of being fed the **** like in most other airlines.....

IF it's true. And I doubt it.

homesick rae
2nd Jun 2004, 13:23

Well, I can assure you that the termination I am talking about happened!

I was in the UAE the day it happened and we were meant to meet up, but couldn't as the person had been summoned into the office.

I then received a call from said person later that day informing me that a period of 4 days had been given to clear their things.

Ar least they were good enough to give a ticket to a destination other than the home country and my mate is now sitting quite happily, new job about to start, but still wondering what the fluff happened?

Smacks of QR this style.

So, Milaaka it has happened.



2nd Jun 2004, 13:27
I was warned about things like this happening in the ME. I would assume its more likely to happen in Qatar than Ethiad

2nd Jun 2004, 13:30
All the guys I know from Canada that went there were lied to by the German Managment, I left right away when I found out.

2nd Jun 2004, 13:32
I would get me a nice lawyer over there and have them write everything on paper, if not I am not interested in working for you sirs! And I would leave.

2nd Jun 2004, 14:03
Yes, that's typical ME for you alright.

Wait till the bombs start going off (heaven forbid) but it could happen, then the mass exit of expats, the expat salaries should go through the roof.

Bangkok Layover
2nd Jun 2004, 19:25

get facts right!

Terminations did take place.

Etihad also had meeting with crew afterwards to discuss as to why the said crew were terminated.

3rd Jun 2004, 07:09

Good idea about the Lawyer and all, but it dont work that way here. Third world stuff remember. All Law firms are paid a retainer by the "government" to keep things "as they want them".
Regarding getting conditions in writing, that dont work either. Your contract aint worth the paper it is written on and can be turned upside down with the stroke of a camel's tail hair. !!

Muttley Crew
3rd Jun 2004, 12:10
Dunno about that Lizard. An ex-pat (middle eastern) ex-hosty was recently awarded AED1million in the Dubai courts from Emirates due to a fumes-related illness claim dating back about 2 years.

capt wan win lo
3rd Jun 2004, 15:16
:( Gee this is terryfying news guys,does'nt speaks well for an airline which appeared to be very benevolent and promising,I'll pass the word around to'beware,be aware and be wary 'of this outfit......cheers!

3rd Jun 2004, 20:09
If it did happen and I dont doubt it....It really smacks of Qatar Airways style....
Maybe they are getting more than just codeshares with eachother but also adopting managment strategies!!!! hehehe!!!!
P.S...Excuse my spelling!!!

3rd Jun 2004, 21:03
Etihad... dont you mean the LTU of AUH?!? If your face doesnt fit or you dont have a german passport you dont have a snowball's of lasting very long. Everyone is really p****d off with the tactics of the german management - nepotism seems to be the order of the day... shame - but must be the new way to run an airline?!:confused:

P.S. dont forget you flak jacket to protect your back!!!

Big Bus Boy
4th Jun 2004, 13:01

These comments are all very interesting, how many of you work for Etihad, not many i would guess, but I do, cant say i've found it like Qatar to much, the pilots here are a small but keen bunch, mostly happy, but then who's happy all the time, its a pilots lot to moan a bit, otherwise why have these forums??
Things are falling into place at Etihad, the people who lost their jobs, all i heard was that they failed the SEP, so is that much different from too many other companies, middle eastern or not?

the only good thing about this thread is that it made me smile, other than that it just not true, sorry!


homesick rae
4th Jun 2004, 15:23
Big Bus Boy:

I cannot comment on the cabin crew, but the person I am talking about worked in another departemnt and IT IS true that this person was sacked and not given a reason. I can even give you the date of termination if you like!!?



Bangkok Layover
5th Jun 2004, 15:17
Big bus boy!!

I truly hope you work there! (without any disrespect ! )

but, I stand by what I wrote! TERMINATIONS DID TAKE PLACE !!

6th Jun 2004, 13:20
Yes well, maybe the Bus Boy is of a particular Germanic breed. ???

6th Jun 2004, 15:48
I work for Etihad, and yes there have been some terminations, as far as I know, the people concerned have been given reasons. Etihad is trying to give a better service than other airlines, and is priding itself on that fact. So they want a "higher standard" of staff. It is a new airline that is trying to offer something different. There will be problems there always are when a new company starts up. I amongst many others enjoy working for them. I am not German either by the way. But the VP, and the HOFO who are, are decent blokes. And I would think that the "owners" are the ones who lay down the law. And unlike most ME airlines the majority of Etihad Offices have European Managers, with experience, and unlike some ME airlines the chairman dosent sack the girls if they have a bad hair day.
And if it was another badly run ME airline how come we dont have chaps and chapess's joining the competion. :hmm:

6th Jun 2004, 15:59
my sentiments exactly loungelizard.Bus Boy seems a little too defensive.perhaps he is in line for a premature upgrading!