View Full Version : Thanks Gulf Air!

29th May 2004, 08:32
1 week pay for the bonus. Things are looking up.
Maybe I can use the 640dh towards the school fees GF doesn't cover.

29th May 2004, 12:03
Very few employers of expatriates aim to cover the full cost of child education, only the difference between what you have to pay locally and what you would pay for the same quality of education at home, where ever that is. If you happen to get 'free' education at home you probably pay income tax there too?

31st May 2004, 01:01
'Tis hardly the companies fault you have children, now is it?
Get a grip.
You have kids, expect to pay....and pay, and pay.
Certainly not rocket science.

2nd Jun 2004, 06:56
There's always one isn't there!? ditto to the two previous posts would be nice to have 100% free schooling but these jobs are few and far between...try Aramco in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. think they do if you're a permanent employee as opposed to a contractor:{ :{ :cool:

3rd Jun 2004, 21:17
It ain't company's fault if get sick, so why almost all will get you medical assistance of some sort?
Get a grip! EXpect to pay, and pay...:}

4th Jun 2004, 04:20
411A & co, it has nothing to do with whose 'fault' it is as who has the kids but more to do with attracting employees. If the company needs to offer schooling, which many have in the past, to attract suitable candidates then that's what they'll offer. If they can get those same people without this expense then that's what they'll do also.

It's simple supply and demand. If you accept conditions offering x amount of schooling then it's pointless complaining about it later. Having those same conditions eroded after the fact is another matter.

411A, having said that there is a valid case for schooling assistance to expats as it generally not practical to send your kids to a local school and other schooling is often quite expensive so in the past employers have recognized this fact by offering to help with the expense in order to attract people. Your 'tough luck' comments smack more of an empolyer mind set.

5th Jun 2004, 09:18
Truth be know that upon reciept of my FIRST contract from Gulf Air it stated an amount for schooling. Upon arriving in BAH I was handed a new contract, With different housing conditions and the amount for schooling. The amount they gave me first was the amount up to a maximum if my kids were older and in a boarding school. The amount I recieve now is 1/3 of what was originaly thought. and about 1/3 of the cost per child per year.
Leave you say. I will. Too bad given the chance I can't work in the UAE because GF will not give a letter of No Objection for those in AUH.

6th Jun 2004, 14:13
Funny how so many managements these days want people who are upstanding, honest, have integrity etc. but these same managements are unable to exhibit these same traits in themselves.