View Full Version : Duty times getting dangerous!

V- 5
13th May 2004, 14:23
I'm shattered, and I have another duty to do today! When is the CAA going to wise up to the stretching of crew duty periods. I'm sure there must be many others out there who are feeling the same way.

My company knows that it can do exactly as it pleases, after all there are hundreds of others who would love our job!

Does anyone have any comments on howthis blackmail can be stopped in our industry? I feel that something must be done soon. The money men are laghing their heads off![AT US!]


bacardi walla
13th May 2004, 14:52
If you work within the constraints of CAP371, you can do nothing. Your company can only do what is approved by the CAA, and no more. What exactly are you beefing about here ?

Stan Woolley
13th May 2004, 18:35
What he/she is beefing about is the fact that CAP 371 is open to abuse and I and many others I am aware of, know first hand the result of duties and patterns that are 'LEGAL' on the face of it but FATIGUING in reality!

Over a period my previous company wore me down physically and mentally and I believe there are large numbers of people in a similar state.

V-5 if you are 'shattered ' you should not be operating, call in fatigued!

14th May 2004, 02:03
Schedulers and Chiefpilots will face prosecution when you file confidential reports to the CAA/FAA about practices who are known as tiring. If there is a incident and you will claim you where tired then YOU are responsible for conducting the flight because of the resonsibility you have by law. If you fly thru different time zones and over the datum line foreward and backward you are deffinitly not well rested after 20 hours of rest or 24 hours but you are legal by scheduling but illigal by the requirement "Fit for duty". If you really want to change something then go ahead as a group, it is difficult to impossible I know that!, and call in sick due to tiredness. First you will have pressure but after a while that will change onto the scheduling practice to ensure the operation is running as scheduled. Nothing is more hurtfull for the profit then reschedule and reposition crews in the last minute due to sickness. If your management is interested to make profit and money,what is totaly legal by the way!. then they will wake up and turn the pressure to the scheduler to make schedules only who are giving you the opportunity to schuttle between US and Europe return. Not from US to EU then back and then to Asia and then back to square one again. It will take a while but it will be having an affect then. Additionally keep records of the complaints you filed to the company that you have serious doubts about the safe way of running the way the schedule is done. If it comes to court you need to prove that you have asked for correction but there was no support from the persons in charge and in responsibility. You need to protect yourself if you go that track because if it comes to the worst then you stand allone and need evidence that you try to avoid any possibility of tiredness. Have a life style who get you to rest in time before you make your way to the Airport. Do not have a long night out if you fly early next day. Make shure your sheet stays clean! The first thing a lawyer will try by defending his client to make you unreliable and all methods are welcome to slaugther you to prevent his party from beeing sentenced.

GOOD LUCK, you may need it


14th May 2004, 06:32
the last person who called in sick for fatigue, was suspended

14th May 2004, 08:32
Until we decide to act collectively nothing will change.

It's time our employers appreciated the amount of good will it takes to operate their schedule.

Report on time, not early.

Be meticulous with planning before leaving the crewroom.

Call for push/start on time, not early.

Fly the filed route at econ crz.

Refuse discretion.

Refuse to work days off for any payment.

Refuse early starts for any payment.

If you go off duty more than 30 mins after on chocks, log it. This will probably affect your next duty start time.

Play by the rules, but play hard!

Airbus Girl
14th May 2004, 11:48
BALPA have been fighting our side in calling for the new EU flight time regs to be based on science, not politics.
Why not give them a call and get involved at the highest level?
If we can get CAP 371 to be more robust and science based then it really would prevent fatigue.