View Full Version : Emirates Response time ?

12th May 2004, 13:04

Can any of you guys in EK let me know how long they take post selection to get back to candidates with a yes or no ?.

I jumped through all the hoops for the DEC selection but have heard nothing, the only thing I know is that references have been checked:confused:

Thanks for any info.

12th May 2004, 16:47
Thanks EAN 36, everything was completed in DXB but no time frame was given, guess I'll just have to sit and wait.


12th May 2004, 18:09
Gives you time to re-consider and stay in Trumpton, much nicer place with Andy Pandy and big ears.... Is that where Lord Lucan disappeared to..:ok:

13th May 2004, 08:50
Propaganda youve found me out, dont tell anyone!.
Trumpton is a lovely place, Shergar loves it here!
Noddy send his regards :ok:

330 Man
16th May 2004, 08:01

The standard notification is 4-6 weeks. I was notified in 8 days, and a friend from my former company was notified in 3 weeks, so obviously it varies.

If it has been longer than 4 weeks then you should call them ASAP. As you saw when you were here for the assessment, the recruiting department is up to their ears in work. I suspect that you have "fallen through the cracks". I would call now!

Good luck!

330 Man

9th Jul 2004, 21:44
I’ve been thru the DEC four days interview, medicals and came back home with the pre-employment dental check to be done as soon as they contact me.
I gave them my chief pilot and fleet manager as referee, and found out that my company have a police not to give any private information about their pilots.
The chief pilot sent a message saying the only thing the company gives is the recommendation letter.
I sent a mail with other three referee’s and had no response.
I wonder if this could jeopardize the whole process.
Appreciate any hint.

10th Jul 2004, 02:16

I desperately need help on how to contact recruitment other than the automated email address. Got a call from a certain "Sharon" of Emirates Recruitment last June 28 and was offered an interview on the 4th of July. I turned it down because it was barely 6days away and I don't have the UAE visa. The real reason was that my interview and sim with SIAcargo was also on the same day(s). (w/c I passed).Because I was driving I forgot to get her contact numbers. Their site and email doesn't help; all automated.

I did offer her the month of August (esp the first half). I'm anxious because I have another interview in late August with China Airlines and they might schedule me again on the same period. Can anybody please help? I need to speak to real people by phone or is it taboo in their applicant culture? Many thanks

330 Man
10th Jul 2004, 13:37

Check your PM"s

11th Jul 2004, 08:24
330 Man

Thank you very much!! I appreciate it