View Full Version : MenaJet

11th May 2004, 07:29
Any news of Menajet. Last I heard about this airline was they have the 2 A-320 ready for operations. Have the airline received AOC. Have they recruited pilots, cabin-crew and Flight Dispatchers. Are they still planning to start from Sharjah or Beirut.

11th May 2004, 10:05
Hi there!

They were more or less ready. They had 2 brand new A320 leased from CIT. But since they were still waiting for their AOC, they lost both planes.

Their plans at the moment is to find 2 second hand A320. But they won't get their AOC before they find these planes.
So all in all they don't really know when they'll start operation.

Regarding recruitment, they were looking for type rated pilots. Their plans were to recruit a few F/Os with low hours. But since they lost their new planes the training has been cancelled. Only rated pilots on the 320 were elligible.
Don't have info regarding CCs or FDs.

As for the base it'll be Beirut.

Hope this helps!

7th Jun 2004, 14:05
MenaJets still planning on starting with 2 A320's or have they decided to go with a different type? What's the latest as far as their start date is concerned?

7th Jun 2004, 23:23
They will start with 2 A320's. Nothing changed on that front.

They are still waiting for their AOC but it won't be a low cost airline anymore (they are not allowed due to Lebanese regulations till 2007 I think) so it'll be a charter company working with some local travel agencies.

Rumors are that Paris Orly will be one of their European destinations.

No start date for the moment since no AOC.


8th Jun 2004, 20:02
Nice one DII. Thanks for the quick and informative response. I suppose having a A320 type rating will be essential for employment with MenaJet. .....Oh well

8th Jun 2004, 20:36
F/O requirements:
2500 T.T.
500 or 1000 on type
valid type rating 320.
beirut base.

8th Jun 2004, 21:55
where did you get that info odguy?just curious...

9th Jun 2004, 12:06
lebanese newspaper. annahar.

9th Jun 2004, 15:10
Hi everybody,

what are the chances for a non-resident lebanese to get a job in Lebanon? MEA or else? I hear one does not get into MEA without some kind of political support?


9th Jun 2004, 16:41

MEA are not hiring at the moment..

Regarding employment in Lebanon I don't think being non-lebanese should be a problem.

Good luck anyways!


10th Jun 2004, 12:33
MEA will be recruiting again this summer. A very tight opportunity might exist for a few direct entry pilot positions at the end of summer. The conditions have not been officialy distributed yet.
Also In January MEA will restart its Cadet Pilot scheme and might take up to 40 pilots.
This is a big change for MEA considering that no pilots were hired for the lst 11 years, and only 9 were taken in the last 20 years!!

10th Jun 2004, 12:52
Great! Will keep this in mind...


10th Jun 2004, 21:37

Excellent news coming from the MEA...what is your source? With a call sign like yours, I would guess that you're close to a good source of info...the flightdeck maybe!!;) Is demand so strong that they would reinstate the ab-initio programme...great! What are the chances for an expat Libnéni to enter the programme with a Canadian Commercial, MIFR? Thanks for letting me know...

3azim...yislamo 3an al akhbar, inch'allah killo 3ala zaou'ak
