View Full Version : Helicopter Pilot decapitated

9th May 2004, 08:33
:sad:New Delhi - A helicopter pilot who flew India's agriculture minister to an election rally was decapitated by the chopper's rotary blades in a freak accident Saturday.

The pilot, Anil Nakra, was killed in the Indian hill city of Dehradun by the spinning blades of the aircraft, which was stationary at the time. :ugh:

"The pilot was checking smoke coming out of the helicopter's engine when the accident took place. It's really unfortunate," Agriculture Minister Rajnath Singh told television networks.

Nakra had flown the minister to an election rally in Dehradun.

Singh was campaigning ahead of the last round of voting Monday in India's massive staggered general election. The first of the five rounds of voting began on April 20.

Candidates in Indian elections frequently use helicopters to travel from one rally to another.


From NEWS 24 (http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_1524076,00.html)

Bravo 99 (AJB)
9th May 2004, 15:23
A very tragic accident but this go,s back to other treads of rotors running and vacating the a/c
tragic with out dought but unnecessary

RIP to him but unnecessary


Bravo 99 (AJB)