View Full Version : British Airline base in Kuwait

30th Apr 2004, 23:24
Hi all
does anyone know something more about a plan to base two RJ70, 30 VIP configureted, in Kwuait? Think one (or both) of them should be from Air Malta, one of the aircrafts operating for Azzurra air up to last December.
I've been contacted for vacany as senior cabin crew, don't know if they have pilots yet, the whole shold stat on the 1st of August.
British Airline, sister company to Flightline (Bournemouth) is currently involved in setting up this new operation in the Middle-east in conjunction with a Kuwaiti partner who has just been granted one of the 3 new licences which have been allowed in that country.

if anyone has some more specifications, please let me know
thanks a lot!


1st May 2004, 07:29
Me too!!!! I was contacted for a position as senior cabin crew, but heard nothing since the beginning of the week. Hope its not another flyblu type operation!!!

bacardi walla
1st May 2004, 07:54
This operation is nothing like flyblu.

2 x RJ70's have been secured, pilot interviews start this week, cabin crew are being shortlisted. They are only recruiting a small number of senior cabin staff. Other crew will be locally sourced.

For more information, maybe drop me a line.

1st May 2004, 09:10
I've been working on general aviation jets VIP and on RJ (up to dec....) and on Flightline in 1998, so i can imagine different poits of view. I was wondering about general conditions (duty, salary, allocation etc) and also about security/emergencies (abnormal procedures, maintanance,checks etc). As long it is a British Airline enterprise, I think documents and organisation should be quite good but have been flying for 4 years on private's aircrafts let me doubtful....I don't want to see "air pirates" anymore :rolleyes:
that's way I posted this topic in flightdeck rumors....any pilot contacted knows something about conditions (maximum hours of flight/duty, situation of maintenance of aicrafts, opportunities for them to have good training a/o training in general). I heard a pilot's salary should be around 3500 USD plus 50 USD per flight (or duty, I'm not sure) so senior cabin crew's salary should be quite low, this to compare with other airlines.
All cabin crew informations are as well welcome to know what we have been proposed. I will ask more around also outside Pprune to gather infos from people who, eventually had similar experiences in the past. It sounds interesting anyway even if I know what they mean with flexibility...yes not only helpful....;)

Contacted anyway BA management to proceed, they have 3 months to select and form cabin crew, what about selection and trainigs of pilots and technicians?
I ask myself (and to you all) all these questions to see the level they are looking for, to be at least quite sure about certain basic criteria to be applied in a serious Company operating non-scheduled flights.....the fact is that a lot of private passengers don't really care about weather, airport and aircrafts conditios, they only want to arrive at destinations, often not knowing what must be considered to operate safely flights.

Well for us SCC contacted, let's try to answer and see step by step the evolving situatin and the way they judge people suitable for their Company - hope remaining in minimum JAR-OPS limitations-

As soon as I know something more I'll keep you informed (:O I'm too old 34yrs of wich 14 flying to start again if the base of the Company is not really legal or whatsoever).

Ops should start anyway on Aug the 1st 2004.
keep in touch and good luck to everyone!!!!!


1st May 2004, 14:06
the 2 RJ are there alright .i see them everyday when landing in kwi

nice place


1st May 2004, 14:17
Can you tell us in whose former colour scheme the two aircaft you see in Kuwait are?

1st May 2004, 18:12
I will ask, anyway should be one of KM's as they asked chief pilot previously operating in ZS to indicate good pilots. I'll phone him and if already selected I'll tell you.

Carolsom txs a lot


1st May 2004, 19:30
The two aircraft at KWI belong to United Aviation (Sheikh Hamad Al Sabah) and are in red and white livery if those are the ones you are thinking of.

They have been there for around a year now. The new venture you are referring to is the brainchild of Sheikh Ali Al Khalifa and Sheikh Mishal Al Yusuf and is the second of three such licences to operate issued in Kuwait recently.

PS The two aircraft at KWI are Embraer ERJ "Legacy" jets, on lease I think.

flying clea
2nd May 2004, 12:57
HI ,

I'm cabin crew,

who would you send your C.V too.


2nd May 2004, 13:14
I'll check for you when I get back down South ! :ok:

2nd May 2004, 16:30
;) thanks a lot Pilgrim!!!!!


3rd May 2004, 19:33
Skunkie, Flying Clea

Haven't forgotten, I'm back in Kuwait City again today and will enquire tomorrow (Tuesday) regarding contacts for the new "National" Aviation. (I think the intended name is something like that).

5th May 2004, 16:14
Contact will be a Captain Ali Al Dashti who is currently in Cairo. Tomorrow I will get an office number either in Cairo or Kuwait City and interested parties can pm me !