View Full Version : VC10 at Cairo, March 2002

27th Apr 2004, 19:54
Hi all,

Hoping somebody can confirm that I'm not completely barking...

I flew in as pax to Cairo two years ago (early March 2002) on an Olympic flight, arriving late at night. I was in the habit then of making notes on trips abroad and doing write-ups on my return, and I have a note in the book from that trip saying, as we taxied in, "VC10 on pan".

Now granted it was late night, but the pan was floodlit, and I'm as sure as I possibly can be that it was a VC10, but I've been reliably informed that the last civil VC10's were withdrawn in 1987, and I'm not sure it would have been an RAF one.

So, can any of you chaps who frequent Cairo airport possibly confirm or rubbish my claim to have seen one there at that time? I think the date I flew in was 7th March 2002.

Thanks in advance.

Dan Winterland
27th Apr 2004, 21:50
Possibly. I've flown an RAF VC10 into Cairo, but that was in the late 90's. The last Civilian VC10 flight was in 1981. But it could have been an Illyushin 62 which looks very similar.

28th Apr 2004, 12:56
BeauMan post this iquestion n the military forum you should get answer there if not ask beagle think he is a x vc10 man

T O G A Boy
28th Apr 2004, 15:03
Hi there. i saw a VC10 in Bahrain airport not long ago. it was an airforce one though ( think RAF)

28th Apr 2004, 15:30
VC 10 at Montreal on 25 April 2004. Air Force grey...