View Full Version : Carrying baggage.....

27th Apr 2004, 14:37
I just wondered if chivalry was still in effect anywhere on this planet?
I remember the time when Flight Deck always carried your crew bags for you.........
You fed and watered them during the flight and they looked after you when you were knackered!!

Does this happen in your neck of the woods I wonder?????

27th Apr 2004, 19:45
Sometimes, and not only with F/D but I'd say more often with fellow CC. But I have to say it embarrasses me because I'd rather take responsability for what I'm carrying and hate to give people more work to do even if it's done from the heart and willingly.

28th Apr 2004, 13:05
This is a classic was in JFK 1 day and leaving the hotel I offered to stow a CC bag onto the crew bus Wellllllllllllll I have never lifted anything so heavy in my life

After that I never lifted CC suitcases again except on arrival at the airport before the shopping was done :D

28th Apr 2004, 14:05
Cabin Crew bags are always heavy !! where do think we put all are duty free goods !!! and the freebies from swank hotels !

;) :E

3rd May 2004, 23:22
:D hahahaha richterscale10 lives in wonderland!!!!!!
in 14 yrs flying only once a pilot carried my bag........sure he was a gentleman, anyway it's not their duty and few of them do it!
nice to have bags carried or loaded but not take it for granted!


5th May 2004, 07:32
Does that mean that NO Flight Deck are gentlemen! Well - yeah I might have picked up a point there.
I have had my bags carried - but it was the Biz Jet guys mostly....

6th May 2004, 00:43
ive never seen any QF tech crew offer to carry bags for CC...not to say that its never done... but once while i was at SYD int'l i watched a CC transport pull up to a 763... the CSM (Customer Service Manager...aka Cheif Sandwich Maker...j/k!!!!!).... was the first one off... who stood at the door and offered his gentlemanly hand to each of the female crew as she gracefully negotiated the step down in her high heels and smart morrissey threads.

was the best thing id seen all day... made me smile:p :)

6th May 2004, 12:46
I've had F/D carry my bags down the slippery and windy steps of an airbridge before but generally it's the other way round! Many a time I have been walking on the ramp and felt an extra weight on my trolley, only to turn round and see some cheeky FO has rested his flight bag on it!! :D