View Full Version : Parvez (Head of HR) gone from QR

26th Apr 2004, 08:18
I understand that Parvez has been given his marching orders. Am told that he was not liked by many people, but is it likely that AAB will bring in an employee-friendly Head of HR?

26th Apr 2004, 15:38
Yes. Appears that its true. No replacement has been found yet.

ruby tuesday
28th Apr 2004, 05:02
Parvez was moved from QR into HR for QR's subsidaries last November time.
A new GM for HR for the group and a lady to be HR Manager for QR were bought in. Both ex EK....

All very bullish at first looking a pay structure, job descriptions, appraisals etc etc. Then it all went quiet.

Employee friendly - not! Carrying out GMC and CEO's orders YES!!!

Comeback Parvez?

28th Apr 2004, 22:01
Please make your point on a more suitable thread - perhaps one concerning EK. PPRuNe Towers

Bangkok Layover
30th Apr 2004, 19:43
The Guy was such a Rat.

He used to march in to EY cabin with his glass of bubbly in hand and tell the crew not to throw juices at the end of flight and to save it for the return sector.

Well,i f he was that concerned I wonder why he drank expensive Champange inflight ?? ...he could have saved it for the company!!

That was yet another "AKBAR'S" best selections hand picked by him!!


Thought HR already had a Lady boss!!

ruby tuesday
3rd May 2004, 16:29
Who do you mean? Lady boss...?

Bangkok Layover
8th May 2004, 18:58
She (M***k) is said to be hard working, head strong woman from CMB with a wealth of experience in the field.

She however is also said to be Bitchy!!!-just what we want!!! :O