View Full Version : Mr Vice

Aynayda Pizaqvick
18th Apr 2004, 18:42
Hi all,

Looks like I'm Mr Vice for the upcoming Stn Dinning In. Got any new and interesting (cleanish) ideas to keep the guests entertained while the top table gets their first round in the bar??


18th Apr 2004, 18:57
This (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=101338) any use?

Pontius Navigator
18th Apr 2004, 19:54

Don't bother.

Just ensure that you have some friends who will join you AND a bottle of port for company. Unless you are a natural raconteur it would be an embarassing interlude for everyone.

19th Apr 2004, 02:25
Gotta agree with Pontius. Let the crusties get TFOOD then dismiss the rest, sort out the port with yer mates and be back of the line for the tug of war.

And if you have to make a speech then wind up the blunties.

19th Apr 2004, 12:55
If your needs are appropriately described by your prune name, I suggest you get someone else to do the job or take a pee bag to dinner with you!

19th Apr 2004, 16:06
Best I've ever seen was from some young lad from QCS last year who, with another suitable attired gent, dragged an electric guitar and an amp from a back room and proceeded to perform some rather funny dits on stn and service life! I never knew the regiment had an artistic side :ok: