View Full Version : Virgin Atlantic Interview

17th Apr 2004, 19:05
Have a friend who has a Virgin Atlantic Interview coming up (for cabin crew).

Anyone who has had one recently, whats the format at the moment...any help would be greatly appreciated.


19th Apr 2004, 08:02
I went a month ago. 1st it's a group thing. You are told a bit about the company. Then everybody says who they are & what they do at the mo. You then read some info out loud on a card. Then it's a group exercise - no right or wrong answers, you have about 15 mins then have to make a short presentation. They also ask everyone a couple of questions individually.
We were told you have to keep smiling & have good eyecontact.
If you get through to the next stage - I didn't, but hey! - It's a Maths & English Test, then 2 to 1.
Best of luck to your friend. Atleast the tea & coffee are free! :ok: