View Full Version : Bmi Lhr-bru

12th Apr 2004, 23:04
Hiya Guys,

maybe a little silly topic but I just enjoyed a great flight between LHR and BRU. I never travelled with BMI before (I have travel concessions with other airlines) but I must say the crew was GREAT for such a short flight!
I do have one little question though: I noticed that you BMI girls have your hair tied in a really nice knot. All of them the same. How do you do that??

The African Dude
13th Apr 2004, 01:18
Actually I was just thinking the other day how nice my trip up to MAN was, from LHR late-ish evening. Thanks *grovel, kiss* :yuk:

Didn't notice the hair; concentrating on the pretty smiling faces

ok ok enough. sorry, just an excuse to waffle incessantly. It will pass. :ok:

:\ :ugh:

13th Apr 2004, 08:36
It's so nice to hear some positive comments about bmi. Normally is a good slagging or comparing us to BA (we don't have this, but BA does etc). Once again, thanks guys. Happy travelling

Polly xx