View Full Version : US Security

Wot No Engines
12th Apr 2004, 20:32
Just retunrd from a RTW trip and had a rather unpleasant and surprising experience at LAX.

Unpleasant as we almost missed connection due to delays at immigration (flight from Brazil just ahead of us). Contary to US propaganda, the finger printing and photo does delay a lot. Tried to move to a quicker queue, but ordered back to ours.

Have to listen to constant abuse from the baggage hall as we have not yet collected our bags - I could see them, but can't do anything.

Hand bags back in to TSA official and get the question Are there any bombs in there ? Having been travelling for over 20 hours at this point, and after the hastle on arrival, the temptation to say YES is huge. Obviously I didn't - you would all know by now if I had ;)

They are obviously not getting enough stupid PAX trying to make a joke, so are now trying to incite someone instead.

12th Apr 2004, 23:06
On my last arrival at LAX (Northwest Terminal) there were insufficient immigration booths open and no one around to ensure fair play. Fortunately, I was about 30th in line and didn't have to suffer the consequences too long. The fingerprinting process is relatively quick (takes about 1-2 minutes) as long as your fingers are user friendly! (saw some people having problems). I can well imagine though that those last off probably had a lengthy wait. On departure the TSA people did there job adequately and, even though it was busy, there was minimum delay.

17th Apr 2004, 18:49
:mad: you think that is bad now, just wait, it will get worse i'll bet. no wonder no one wants to visit us, with all this crap.

17th Apr 2004, 20:32
What that nation run by dimwitted Mad George fails to realise, is that every time one of these accounts puts off yet more tourists from visiting the so-called 'Land of the Free', that's another victory for Bin Laden.

And if that's the way your former friends are feeling, it's hardly very surprising that so many people are getting rather fed up with Americans in general.

18th Apr 2004, 13:44
It is a great shame that ordinary American people are lumped with the antics of their government and some of its officials and employees.

I have visited that country several times and in general find Americans to be friendly, outgoing people.

My wife and I tend to pay a summer holiday visit to somewhere in the US every second or third year year and it was our intention to go this summer.

However, having read some of the horrific stories on this and other forums as to how air travellers are sometimes treated by the US authorities and, in particular, having heard at first hand the unpleasant experience at the hands of officials undergone by our neighbours and their two young children whilst changing aircraft at Los Angeles on their journey from the UK to New Zealand last year, we have reluctantly decided to postpone indefinitely any future trip.

It is not the thought of terrorism that is putting us off - after all that could occur anywhere.

I understand the need for security but I believe it has to be achieved along with a humane approach and, above all, common sense and decency.