View Full Version : How to land a plane - FHM May 2004

4th Apr 2004, 05:01
Check it out. Page 56 right before the 'how to become a porn star' section

Let's hope it was FHM that got it wrong with the line, "There's also a throttle control that you pull toward you for full power and push away for idle power"...unless a C172 has been redesigned since last time I flew one.

It's all courtesy of Rod Pennington from Basair. Pretty good promo really. Lot's of meatheads coming your way Basair

4th Apr 2004, 05:25
That's right - works just like the choke in your car (I made that mistake on my 2nd flying lesson :rolleyes: )

Cloud Cutter
4th Apr 2004, 06:26
Yes, I once told a student to 'close the throttle' while taxiing - never made that mistake again:O

8 8th's Blue
4th Apr 2004, 06:57
Wish they had of written it 10 years ago, I could have save a fortune on training!!!:ok:


4th Apr 2004, 09:46
I seem to recall in some French aircraft it's pull to open the throttle and push to close it.

Sort of answers allot of questions about airbus, doesn't it:p


Felix Lighter
7th Apr 2004, 04:17
whats allot mean?

Kind of like telling your student that the rudder pedals act in the natural sense when taxying! (Except if you were a kid with a go-cart, when right foot forward made you turn left!)

Airbus throttles dont move anyway....so we dont have to apply any logic at all!;)

Now........how do it get to be a pornstar....that sounds like a better thread!

7th Apr 2004, 09:41
So that's how Basair teach flying...

fly_boy 4 flying
10th Apr 2004, 12:35
what you'll find is that basair is very good at what they do. Also that was an editor's typo in regards to the article in FHM.

15th Apr 2004, 06:54
Great call regarding the BASAIR interpretation on how to pull the power when attempting to 'land a plane'

21st Apr 2004, 15:37
Oh well.

So why doesn't someone write to FHM to tell them of their error, instead of just giggling about it here like school girls. FHM might even give you some free beer!

It is funny though! If not a bit worrying.


23rd Apr 2004, 02:59
Again - What about the how to be a porn star article?

I'm multi endorsed, heavy endorsed and good at unusual attitudes!

Not to mention experience in working long days for dodgy employers and can make multiple approaches in any duty period..... :O