View Full Version : C402 info

1st Apr 2004, 21:55
Howdy Pruners

Doing a C402 endorsement in the near future, but I am finding it difficult to get my hands on a flight manual for the aircraft.

Does anybody know of a site on the internet where I could find the information needed to complete an endorsement questionaire.


Sheep Guts
1st Apr 2004, 22:26
Go and buy one from Rossair prolly wont set you back more than 30 bucks. Worth it if you going to do some time in it.
Or try and get the one outa the aircraft your going to use. Copy it and have at home for study.

B or C model poncho?


2nd Apr 2004, 04:44
Gee Sheepie its been a while since you purchased one in AUD, has'nt it.

Three years ago a C model POH cost $145.

But other than that you can get them from most GA pilot shops or Cessna dealers. Mate got a R182 POH from the states direct from Cessna, all info available on thier web site.

Have fun Ponco, good aircraft.

bush mechanics
6th Apr 2004, 11:44
Poncho,Sheeps right,Ring TENIX(Rossair)And ask for a information manual,Its the same as the POH but it cant be used in the a/c and is normally around 60 big ones!!!
I just ordered a POH for a 210 and that was a bit over 400 bigones,But you do get a nice Cessna nav bag!!!