View Full Version : Ryanair contract pilots

1st Apr 2004, 10:51
After reading all the different posts about Ryanair's contract pilots: the interview process and the self-sponsored type rating, I still have one question. Does anyone actually know of one Captain who didn't go through the training after he started? I read all these rumours about how the TRTOs will call a lot of guys for an evaluation and fail them at the first chance they get to make 480€. Where are the facts, has anybody actually had this happenning to him?
Thanks for your OBJECTIVE answers!

1st Apr 2004, 11:32
I thought the contract pilots work for an agency. Are you talking about the cadet scheme ?

2nd Apr 2004, 10:31
I guess I wasn't very clear. Iam talking about the captains hired through Brookfield.

trainer too 2
3rd Apr 2004, 10:08
Most Captains made it through the sim part. The problem for some is the line training. It is a different culture and specially the quick turn arounds are difficult for some to get used to. The TRTO only train as many as needed for the Ryanair budget, so no over training as suggested before!

Also most trtos make no money on the 480 as the instructor is charging the trto more!:ok:

5th Apr 2004, 07:33
That's good to hear Trainer, too many rumours going around without any real facts!

6th Apr 2004, 09:23
Anyone who's been through the Ryanair contract scheme recently, could you please shed any light on the subject.
Do you fly mostly from the asign base or you are ask to live on the road?
Can you choose base?
Are you made a permanent employee or just contract?

6th Apr 2004, 13:29
As a contractor you do not have a fixed base and as such you're likely to be on the road all the time on a 5 on 5 off roster, for example 5 days Stansted followed by 5 days in Hahn followed by 5 days in Skavsta followed by 5 days in Prestwick, etc.

You can pick a preference base and they will try to get you to operate from there as often as possible but you will be rostered to wherever they need you.

On contract, you are contracted out to Ryanair by Storm or Brookfield and as such you are not a Ryanair employee. However, if contractors wish to apply for permanent jobs, they'll have preference.

Hope this helps...

french clover
15th Apr 2004, 14:26
I would like to know if any of the pilots attending the interviews last month in DUB has already gone through the sim assessment in STOCKHOLM?
According to SASFA,it seems they can only train 4 DECs in the near

trainer too 2
16th Apr 2004, 07:46
Why not get in touch with GECAT or CAE as well and mention that you are selected but want to speed things up? :ok:

french clover
16th Apr 2004, 13:29
;) many thanks trainer too 2;
I'll try that.

17th Apr 2004, 07:48
Hey Clover
I think we were probably together in Dublin last month, I had the same answer from Stefan Jonsson. He never called me to cancel the sim though, I left him 3 or 4 messages to confirm the date to buy my airplane tickets and finally talked to him on the phone to hear my assessment was cancelled, how professionnal !!!
Anyway, he said he was going to try to put me trough one of the other TRTOs so we'll see what happens!

I.B. Pilot
18th Apr 2004, 04:31
I am not sure I understand this thread completely. Does Ryan Air make the pilot applicants pay for the evaluation sim ride?...

french clover
18th Apr 2004, 12:38
Hello IB;
Unfortunately,I'm afraid your guess is right.

Faire d'income
18th Apr 2004, 13:15
It seems to me that the staff in Ryanair pay more to fly than the passengers! :rolleyes: