View Full Version : NO !!Had A Real Crisis To Report On ,and Now I Am Lost .help/Merged with ITS GONE.

1st Apr 2004, 02:50
HeH!!! Where's the Pink Headsets thread??? Are my eyes still so full of sleep that I don't see it? I looked below the horizon.... not there....

HELP!! Rescue Pink Headsets!!

Or is it an April's Fool's joke :}


1st Apr 2004, 02:55
Westy I'd left Pprune open on my PC last night so it was still there when I logged in. I clicked on it and it disappeared! :uhoh:

Looks like there's been some shenannigans going on.......

PS Hope it is an April Fool joke.

1st Apr 2004, 03:50
It is not in the admin forum. I was going to lock it as an april fool but it isn't even here to lock..!!! :{ :{ Sadly, I had been looking forward to doing that all week. :(

1st Apr 2004, 04:48
You better not have done this JOCK ,who has gone MAD .

or YOU BOY BLUE with a Capital T .

lOOK play the game , have woken and need to post as A MAJOR ,major CRISIS has befallen me in the NIGHT .

This is NO joke ,

I need to talk , AnD now,

I need you lot .

If I had told my HUSBAND ,he would have gone MAD , IF I tell my DAD , he will shout , and we do not want his little PRINCESS , getting up set DO WE .

The beauty of BEING all growed up IS THAT you CAN do what you like AND NO ONE can shout ,

but I have done something silly and errrrrr because I have left it ,I errrrrrr DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO .

((((((((((((((((((((((((( I WANT MY THREAD BACK .)))))))))))))))))


THE (shakey legs ,knocking knees PINKSTER " )

1st Apr 2004, 05:06

You are GOD , and CAN ,sort it.

You MUST sort it .

( a quiet word SIR )

You have NEVER had the pleasure of me on the rampage on FULL THROTTLE ,
( and , you sure do not want to go there , ask School Sec )

now ,PULL your finger out and get it sorted ,

oh yes (please )didn't want to say that , I am to mad , AND in the middle of a CRISIS ..


PINKSTER ( who sure is not PINK this morning )

PPRuNe Radar
1st Apr 2004, 05:32
Got an incomprehensible text from MJ last night ... I think he'd had a few too many bottles of vino !!!

1st Apr 2004, 05:53
Think its gawn Pinky, what's up?

1st Apr 2004, 06:04
I want to tell you but I want it on MY thread .

the PINK AND blue one

1st Apr 2004, 06:07
Make a new one that will be yours, all yours, not MJ's.... "The Perils of Pinkster !"

1st Apr 2004, 06:09
IF MJ is messing with me , he will meet his match .

NOW , get your finger back on the BUTTON double quick ma lad .

cross and getting crosser PINK one .

1st Apr 2004, 06:11
I will ,I will , BUT after my skills .

I want to call the shots not him .

1st Apr 2004, 06:15
So what's up? I'm sure the usual crowd will be posting, and it won't take them long to find you here........ on a thread created by you and controlled by you !!! Sort of going solo on PPrune really.

1st Apr 2004, 06:19
BRL is there some reason why our "post counts" arn't increasing ?? Pinky is down as posting 5 times ???

1st Apr 2004, 06:22

JUST UNTIL MAD JOCK gets back off his jet AND SORTS IT .

I have not capipitulated(given i though )
no way .

give me two mins

am preparing this incase some one high up heard my plee and found my thread.

I am not calm ,I have run out of things to kick (and my foot is getting sore),,ad there is no one around to SHOUT AT .

Woke up as was having a NIGHTMARE .
I havn’t had a night nightmare for years
,(just as well as you need a warm safe body next to you in the bed to assure you that “every thing is fine “)

You strong men are lucky ,you probably do not get nightmares .

I suspect this DREAM ,bad dream WAS just the result of pressure building up .
Hope they stop now .

When I awoke (and had assured MYSELF that I was in a safe welcoming world ) I suddenly realised that

(please do not shake your head at this ,I need KIND words ,NOT a B---l---I-g )

I remembered that the bank card , that I lost last week , was my new one , and the old one I had been using (until the lost one showed up )

Ran out to day .

I need it .

It is the one that REAL money , goes into .AND its PAY DAY , and I need access TO my cash .TODAY .

I errrrrrr havn’t been very sensible with my errrrrrr money ,(I needed a man to hold the reins )
But in the absense of one , I have had a field day .

THAT’S cool .

But ,have had to be sensible , and reorganise ,funds , so I can fly all Easter,
But I need access to my cash injection , NOW ,
I was going on a little emmmmmm JUST WINDOW SHOPPING DAY , and ,toy town plastic is not cooperating at the moment ,so I am teaching them a lesson ,and using MY real money.

BUT my old cheque card runs out to day ,and I have lost my new one .
I kept hoping it would turn up , but it hasn’t .
MY own bank is miles away and in the opposite direction of the shops .

Oh never was a girl so sad and worried .

How on earth am I supposed to study ,when all these problems need sorting .

AND I am not even going to mention the WATER problem which I thought I had sorted (a good blast with a hairdryer ,seemed to dry it up , so didn’t errrrrr need to call the land lord )
Now it is back with avengence ,SODDEN blinking dripping wet ,and I am going away in two days ,

Yes I am soooo excited at the prospect ,
mad jock

MAD JOCK did he delete my thread ?,

Where was I yes MONEY in the BANK ,
And MY day trip to the ISLE of SKYE and my favourite shop is only 5 days away ,

It would have been thereputic ,relaxation before the TTTTTTEST .


Back to serious stuff .

What do I do .

Pinkster getting the blues .EMMMM tory boy ,tee hee

1st Apr 2004, 06:28
Mmmmmn, I'm sure that I'm not the only male ppruner to think, the Pinkster, reminds me of xxxxx(insert ex's name), an old girlfriend I had years back....

beautiful, great bod, tremendous fun to be with - most of the time but an attention seeking nutter the rest........

ditvhing/being ditched by xxxxx, phew that was a lucky escape!

:) :D ;)


1st Apr 2004, 06:30
Have you got a cheque book?


1st Apr 2004, 06:34
Go to the bank with whatever card you have and some other ID, explain the problem and they will be very nice and help you. DON'T PANIC !!!!

1st Apr 2004, 06:36
All good things come to those who wait......

A thread in the bin is worth two on the board.....

It's a mans world......

The list is endless whrn it comes to motto's for this whole saga.

Now we can't be accused of "interrupting" you Pink. We can all safely chat away without an official disturbance warning each time we do.

You're stage has been removed overnight and the lights are down.

Tonight I shall raise a glass.

Good luck with the flying, you'll have even more time to read those Trevor Thom books now!!:ok:

1st Apr 2004, 06:43
YES a cheque book ,
yes the old card ,
yes a "CHUCKABLE" nightmare by men , been there ,teehee stick and rudder,

AM greatly improved now ,I think ,errrrrrrr I think .

Do NOT have a drink yet TORY BOY,

I will sort this NEW NIGHTMARE , I WILL I will ,


Thanks all for the suggestions , better get off here ,and stop ranting , and get MY MONEY .

that I posted last night.

am I doomed again.


1st Apr 2004, 06:45
an attention seeking nutter

Very harsh Stick.... Tee Hee


1st Apr 2004, 06:53

I guess the pinky is going purple again:}

Now what date is it again.........


1st Apr 2004, 06:54
Tee Hee Ho Hum Ha Ha Ha

1st Apr 2004, 06:55
Ohhhhhh, pink one! Can't think of an answer, but will a hug help? (((((((((((((((((((((pinkster)))))))))))))))))))))). Can't you phone your bank, and see if they can give you some cash at another branch? Other than that...no idea, sorry.

As for the thread, start another one, post on other people's.... I think you're not only about to get a PPL, you've GROWN UP and outgrown that thread. Just think, you have the WHOLE of PPRuNe to post on!!!!:ok:

1st Apr 2004, 06:56
I met her again recently. Old, grey and fat and living on the South Coast....but still a nutter.


1st Apr 2004, 07:05

BUT as I said I will get MY THREAD BACK from MJ ,
and I am going out now , TO TO , WELL try ad sort EVERY THING ,

errrrrrr I would quite like a hug from
Lofty loftus tb
timmy boy
and well
GO ONE , it is A crisis day ,ad MJ isn't going to be giving any out to me , IS HE .




WHEN I RETURN after lunch ,could you PLEASE have this thread added on to my PINKHEAD SETS THREAD .


AND I WILL REPOST the last nights post so I can get some answers .



What a relief to be back on line ,a new crisis was suffered ,three whole days without any coaxing , cajoling ,advising ,teaching or even admonishing


Caught up on all the posts in my absence and all looks calm and back to normal on the PINK FRONT .

A big thank you to School Sec , for sticking up for me ,and all regulars will know that after MAD JOCK she has to take the brunt of me ,and yet still wants more .

Normal life will resume on Sunday ,Monday , Wednesday
(sorry but Tuesday is reserved for a drive to the Isle of Skye , to my favourite shop In the whole wide world ,well a treat in antisipation of a skills pass later on the week ,is called for ?)
Thursday Friday Saturday ,
Clear the skies ,for Little Miss Pinkster will need it all .

727 execc,and WIDE BOY , how thrilling to have two big wigs on board .
I wont let it go to my head . HONEST
Well I might , as I am such an impressionable girl, teehee .

Thanks for the tips MR only tests commercial boys and girls ,but can spare a moment for me WIDE BOY .

1) I am preparing as best I can by reading ad re reading my flight manual .
(is that good )

I practise flying by closing my eyes
( to concentrate, )(I will ofcourse open them for the test )

Sitting on a chair ,pretending to hold the controls and the throttle ,and simulate a SSR
Trouble is I had to go to an end of term service at the school (not mine ) today ,and In a moment of boredom (sorry KEEF our Pprue chaplin ) I practised one while perched on a pew ,, only to be woken by a dig in the ribs , when I did a VROOM .
Well I was practising a PFL and you have to give it some VROOM on the corners .
I am trying and have to grab my opportunities when I can , tee hee .

2) When you say do not dwell on it ,
Do you mean ,that if I get a manover wrong ,he will tell me ,
Or I will realise and must not say
Please PLEEEEEEEEEASE , just one more shot at it ,10 th time lucky ,
And just move no smileing sweetly .

YES I will relax into it and pretend that old faithfull MAD JOCK ,is slouched ext to me relaxed ,so I must be performing correctly .

I am really looking forward to my next flight on Sunday ,as I will know how much work and practise I will need .

I most certinally would be INSISTING on playing my self In the film ,
I like COLTRANE ,but do not want to be worried by overloading ,as I would prefer to carry full tanks, any way MATHEW PERRY (Chandler from friends) would do better .
It is MY story , so I get to choose .

ONE last thing .FNG , YOU little fibber ,(skcived off work did we to catch an opportunity to fly )
Any way you DID warn me to not believe all that I read o the net .YOU DID, YOU DID ,YOU DIDDDDDD..

And our TORY BOY and I have had words behind closed doors ,and I feel he will be more manageable now ,
(he has witnessed what I can do. I can pack a mighty kick into my little PINK boots ) TEE HEE .

WELL enough for now , have found a skills test book and seeing it all written down , in Pink , I mean black and white , every thing they will test you on , is mind blowing .

GOSH can I do all those things . I suppose I can
Clever me .

nite nite


1st Apr 2004, 07:18
Pinkster check your PM's.

1st Apr 2004, 07:33
Was the Pink Headsets thread removed before, or on All Fools Day..?


1st Apr 2004, 07:41
BRL is there some reason why our "post counts" arn't increasing ??

Now it would make a great April fools day gag..... but the only reason for the low post counts can be the demise of the Pink Headsets thread. When a thread is deleted all those posts go and the post counters drop accordingly.

Sad but true.....:(

1st Apr 2004, 07:43
Now it would make a great April fools day gag..... but the only reason for the low post counts can be the demise of the Pink Headsets thread. When a thread is deleted all those posts go and the post counters drop accordingly.

Sad but true.....

No way did I have 100+ posts on the Pink Headsets thread...!:*

1st Apr 2004, 07:44
The best bit is that if the thread has been removed for an April Fool's, it can't be reinstated as a leap year invalidates the April Fool rule!!


Go and do a bit of Googling, you'll see!

1st Apr 2004, 07:47
Ha! Found you out, Evo, you saddo!

1st Apr 2004, 07:55
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo nooo!.!.! My FrIdAy nites are now rUiNeD

in a suitable Rainbow Zippy voice.

1st Apr 2004, 08:00
Ha! Found you out, Evo, you saddo!

...says someone who 'never read it', started posting rather frequently and became Pink's favourite PPRuNer :)

1st Apr 2004, 08:47
I am back down to 1 again. :(

It seems to happen everytime the Pink Headsets thread is archived. :(

PPRuNe Radar
1st Apr 2004, 08:56
The best bit is that if the thread has been removed for an April Fool's, it can't be reinstated as a leap year invalidates the April Fool rule!!

Good try Tory Boy ... however Danny who owns PPRuNe is Jewish and 2003 was a Jewish leap year, 2004 (or year 5764 in the Jewish calendar) is not ;)

1st Apr 2004, 09:00
So that's why it cost me £5 per word for my title:*

Oh, by the way chaps, There are 99,999,999 different combinations for Mad Jocks password.

I persevered and I found it. :}

Thats what happened.:ok:

1st Apr 2004, 09:16
I sincerely hope this thread is removed to Agony Aunt forum extremely quickly as it has absolutely nothing what so ever do to with Private flying.
If any other person posted such a thread on this forum it would be moved very quickly, thus if it isn't moved we will finally see that different rules apply to different people.

Whether it is an April Fool or not I hope Mad Jock will take this opportunity to delete his thread so he can disassociate himself from it. Then if Pink Aviator wishes to start her own thread on actually learning to fly as opposed to her personal and domestic crisis we can perhaps breathe a sigh of relief

1st Apr 2004, 09:17

I'm doomed... doomed... I tell you... :(

1st Apr 2004, 09:24

Will you marry me. Although we haven't met my mother always told me to marry a girl with the same standards and morals.

I'll let you have a puppy.....:O

The reason I'm sure this is an April Fool is that the mad jock has kept so quiet.. i can see him sniggering at our posts, pressing the refresh button every 30 seconds to see the next one.:8

surely not
1st Apr 2004, 09:25
How sad are you lot????????

'Oh no, my number of posts has dropped'

As if the original thread wasn't bizarre enough you are fretting over the number of posts you might lose.:hmm: :confused: :confused:

Now very carefully open the curtains........not too quickly now..........yes see there is a real world out there, a real world with lots of interesting things to do.

Doesn't that feel better now? :D :D

1st Apr 2004, 09:29
Curtains? Curtains? To open the curtains would mean coming out from underneath my duvet... no way... not this side of the temperature reaching at least 24 degrees C! :D

surely not
1st Apr 2004, 09:34
Eira, how much better you phrased what I wished to say :D :D

If a private flying magazine had this sort of column it's circulation would plummet and advertisers would run screaming.

1st Apr 2004, 09:34
Dunno what you're all on about. It's down there, or up here now I suppose, just it seems to have lost all posts since mid-March.

Funny to see how the thread revived since the controversy started, with the most frequent postings virtually since it began, and loads of its critics being responsible for its accelerated growth.

Oh, the irony.:p

1st Apr 2004, 09:39
Tory Boy you better come clean about that cheque you sent me from party funds for 300 quid.

Opps Sorry pinks. Lots of beers though tonight.


surely not
1st Apr 2004, 09:45
it's back :yuk:

Why? :{

Who? :{


1st Apr 2004, 09:56
Hey Mad Jock, that £300 quid was just for the salted peanuts.

There was a whole brewery heading your way. It's on the M1 but I've just told him to to come back.

Perhaps next time.....

1st Apr 2004, 10:03

Excellent post. Totally agree.

Ever since this BS Pink crap has been allowed to remain in the private flying forum I haven't bothered to reply to anything.

Come on mods - move it out. It has fück-all to do with flying, private or otherwise...

1st Apr 2004, 10:09
Not sure I'd agree with Rustle's wording, but I do agree with the sentiment.

Over the last few days in particular, the whole Private Flying forum has become dominated by a subject with nothing to do with Flying. There are other better places for the thread to go so that Pink_aviator can get her fix from the adoring masses.

Could this forum go back to being about private flying.... at the very least, could the myriad spin-off threads be zapped or merged?


1st Apr 2004, 10:13
Why doesn't someone start a simple poll.

I would do it but BRL will just chop it.

All it needs is:

TITLE...Time To Vote

OPTIONS...1. PA's thread is moved to Agony Aunt Forum
2. PA's thread is nuked
3. PA's thread lives on.

Please someone, PLEASE do it. It finally end the debate.

1st Apr 2004, 10:20
2D's, thanks ;)

TB - no need for a vote, just watch what happens.

My previous post will be edited or zapped because I CAN use my PC to say it how it is.

P-A's threads (whatever they are called) will not be edited or zapped because he/she cannot... :)

1st Apr 2004, 10:21
It seems I am not alone in abandoning Private Flyers Forum,
I see a number who agree with Eiras sentiments are those with whom we used to have excellent discussions with on very real and useful threads here in Private Flyers.
Can we please reclaim it back for those of us who have a very genuine interest in General Aviation , wish to promote its worthiness etc.
The likes of Rustle have been actively involved with AIS to improve the access of information to all private flyers, if people like him are abandoning the site don't you think that is an absolute crying shame, just so certain people can entertain the mad musings of an OTT individual.

1st Apr 2004, 10:30
My previous post will be edited or zapped

I don't doubt it. I have noticed the contributions of others disappearing when they upset the delicate sensibilities of the Pink one.

It would be a shame if emotive language got in the way of a genuine point though. I think "flower" hits the nail on the head.

Pprune has forums that cater for the sort of threads that Pink_aviator likes. This thread (and its numerous offshoots) should go there where she can be supported appropriately, and Private Flying should be about.... well.... Private Flying.


1st Apr 2004, 10:30
IHear hear flower.
This has gone on too long, if the thread can't be deleted, at least move it to Agony Aunt where it belongs.

1st Apr 2004, 10:35
FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My point can be seen.

Since her enlightening on Friday night, Pink has been dipping into all sorts of other threads with her disjointed garbles.

C'mon someone, start the vote. We will then have an answer and BRL won't be able to selectively delete any anti-pink posts.

1st Apr 2004, 10:36
It would be a shame if emotive language got in the way of a genuine point though.

I find the "extended" characters far more use than emoticons...

Did I ever tell you about the new NOTAM briefing system ;)

1st Apr 2004, 10:40
Did I ever tell you about the new NOTAM briefing system

Are you sure that you are in the correct forum? That must belong in agony aunts :D

1st Apr 2004, 10:40
Not sure I'd agree with Rustle's wording, but I do agree with the sentiment

Me too. Rustle, don't disappear again....

1st Apr 2004, 10:44
BRL, could you at least merge this thread with "It's Gone", as my mouse is demanding a pay rise.

I favour a gentle, caring-sharing supportive and huggy transfer of the pink thread to Agony Aunts, where those who wish to follow it can do so, leaving us free to return to our very important discussions about kneeboards. At least this would mean fewer patronising lectures from Whirly, and less "*** off you ***ing ***ers" from the other, less articulate, pink pixies.

As to that, by the way, at least Toryboy has tempered his comments with wit, and has refrained from hurling abuse, but this hasn't stopped it being hurled at him. On second thoughts, he is a tory, so *** him, the ****er.

1st Apr 2004, 10:48
Whilst you have been scribing that most amusing post (seriously FNG, it made me laugh for the first time today) I have been desperately trying to work out how to start up a poll so we can really see how the future of the pink lies.

Being a Tory type I would normally have someone do this for me so therefore I am coming up against a few difficulties.

Please can someone help?

P.S Glad you approve of my clean language. Eton never did tolerate foul language.:8

1st Apr 2004, 10:54
Okay, maybe some positive action required...

If, accidentally, the problem thread had numerous large font extended character comments the admin overhead would be too great and it may be forced to move to a more appropriate forum.

More likely, I suspect, that well meaning and normally responsible posters would be banned :rolleyes:

1st Apr 2004, 10:55
Sorry to hear about your servant trouble, TB. Can't get the staff these days. Still, Floreat Etona, and all that. As they say, you can take the boy out of Eton, but you can't take Eton out of the boy (although it's taking the boys out of each other that causes most of the trouble).

1st Apr 2004, 11:43
Well I have tried several times on a very quiet forum to get the damn poll to work (Non Air Transport Issues) and it appears that the Pink has even managed to get BRL to stop that working now too somehow!

She must be baking him a lot of cakes in her aga.:eek:

1st Apr 2004, 12:26
I don't doubt it. I have noticed the contributions of others disappearing when they upset the delicate sensibilities of the Pink one. and other remarks namely this, and BRL won't be able to selectively delete any anti-pink posts. Erm, I could be wrong here but I have not deleted anything myself or edited anyones posts regarding PA's thread at all. I was asked to delete one on the thread started by TB last week but I remember looking for it and the one byTB wasn't there, he deleted it himself. Please refresh my memory chaps............

1st Apr 2004, 12:32
.I, have looked at the profile of this interesting poster , as I say
very "intersting profile "
I can see I will take a lot of notice of her /him ?(yeah right )


You and YOU lot ALONE are responsible for the lack of flying reports ,

You have been constanty bashing me and then complaining when I fight back.

WHY SHOULD I not defend myself ?

I have certianlly lost a great deal of study through this , but then that is obviously what you all wanted .

It is such a shame ,as I used to idolise men , I thought they were clever ,strong ,and kind .

But YOU LOT have let down the side ?

Not one of you has asked where I have been this moring .

What famous PILOT I have had the opportuinty to be with and discuss things with .

Now that could have been informative ,and all you have succeded in doing by trying to get rid of ONE little harmless thread , that was informative and fun
(for those of free will who chose to read it )

has been to give me more space .



1st Apr 2004, 12:43

This thread goes to non-air transport and the original ploughs on :-)

It's enough to turn you into a Tory


1st Apr 2004, 12:48
Never mind 2Donks - I know of an excellent place where the mods know what to do with threads like Pink Headsets....

I'll PM you the URL :rolleyes:

1st Apr 2004, 13:55
Welcome to my humble forum, y'all.


Hope someone understands it:D

PPRuNe Radar
1st Apr 2004, 15:56
Just to get a few things straight:

1) It's not a fecking democracy here, but you all have certain rights :ok:

2) You have the right to start a thread about any topic and in the Forum which you think fits the topic.

3) You have the right to read that topic, and also those which others post.

4) You have the right to NOT read a topic as well. Pretty simple to do that really .. you don't click on it :hmm:

5) You have the right to reply to a topic following the rules which you signed up to when you joined the site.

6) Mods have the right to edit any post or thread as they see fit. This could include deleting threads or posts, editing posts, moving threads to more suitable Forums. There is no limit really on what we can do. No justification need be provided. It's what you signed up to. (Reread Para 1 .... it's Danny's website, his rules and his word is final).

7) Those who can't resist looking at an individual thread which they know the content of and do not like, have the right to act like spoiled children and not visit anything else on the Forum nor post replies on any other thread where they can perhaps add a valueable contribution.

8) Everyone has the right to choose which threads and Forums interest them. And carry out Para 4 if you don't.

Must get Danny to see about that creche Forum thing he was talking about again ..... would come in useful sometimes. ;)

1st Apr 2004, 17:10
Must get Danny to see about that creche Forum thing he was talking about again ..... would come in useful sometimes.

It exists and it is called "admin" and it is hidden to non-mods ;) :uhoh:

Gertrude the Wombat
1st Apr 2004, 17:18
It's enough to turn you into a Tory Don't worry, nothing could do that!

1st Apr 2004, 19:00
EMMMMMMM Is there any reason why this thread has only three bar ratings instead of five stripes .

Just wondering.

Can I vote for myself ?
tee hee


1st Apr 2004, 19:04
Hmmm... it's quite cosy in here. :D

1st Apr 2004, 19:09
I think here we can write what we want.... and no one will find us!! :p

but then, maybe no one will answer, either :{

don't worry Pinkster , you still have your fans!!! :ok:


1st Apr 2004, 19:26
I think here we can write what we want.... Careful Westy... I think BOAC is keeping a very close eye on us!! :D :D

1st Apr 2004, 19:45

1st Apr 2004, 19:59
:hmm: Never been here before..........how did that happen:confused:

Anything happening down here seeing as how someone has killed jetblast?:ooh:

1st Apr 2004, 20:02
hi Skydriller,

Jetblast is temporarily off for a good reason....

and down here there's nothing going on... I guess they need a bit of pinkness to liven things up :}


PPRuNe Radar
1st Apr 2004, 20:31
Must get Danny to see about that creche Forum thing he was talking about again ..... would come in useful sometimes.

It exists and it is called "admin" and it is hidden to non-mods

Yeah, but we send the real bad kids off to Flyer Forum ;) or invent a really bad AIS interface for them to use up all their free time :)

2nd Apr 2004, 07:51
Yeah, but we send the real bad kids off to Flyer Forum...

The really, really bad ones can be subscribed to the Flyer List where they would be suitably admonished should they ever mention anything non-aviation :mad: :rolleyes: :hmm:

surely not
2nd Apr 2004, 10:56
Blimey BOAC you have a quiet time down here don't you :) :D

All these threads to look after...................... I think you need to be livened up :ok: