View Full Version : Online Resources For Telexes, ASB's, SB's, etc?

30th Mar 2004, 18:47
Does anyone have any good online resources for checking the applicability of current Alert Telexes, Service Bulletins, AD's, etc. ?

We're constantly faced with having to sign off separate inspections (like on the AS350's!), but how do we know the one we're signing off hasn't been superceded? How do we know the logbook we're carrying has all the latest SB's and AD's?

I think we need a library of online links that we, as pilots, can use to double check what maintenance is having us sign off. As I'm sure you've all found out, your mechanic isn't always the most reliable resource, and most times, it's because the logbooks and inspection requirements originate in the DOM's office. Once you're out in the field, you have to rely on your updates and their accuracy coming from the home office.

I'm constantly finding out that one signoff sheet or another is an old version or was superceded a few months ago. Sometimes it's by chance, like talking with another pilot and I find out there's a new one out, sometimes it's because of a newly assigned mechanic who happens to have a friend at one of the manufacturers.

EurocopterUSA, for example, will list all the Service Bulletins by Document Year, but they don't show what the inspection is. To find out, you have to download them and read them. That could take days.

I'm looking for some comprehensive online resources so we can look up a list of maintenance requirements like SB's, AD's, and Alert Telexes on specific aircraft models.

Do we have any IA's out there who would like to share their bookmarks with us?