View Full Version : Twin ICUS

The Other Half
27th Mar 2004, 04:53
Any help would be greatly appreciated from those that know of any operators that offer ICUS on twin engine aircraft, preferably on the PA-31.
I've tried Johnstons as they seem to be the place to go but they are booked solidly from now until mid September :ooh: :oh: :eek:
There was a mob down near Melbourne but they were charging $15,000 for 100 hrs :ooh: :oh: :eek:
A fair few hours will be required but not at that amount.
Post here or PM me if you like.
Cheers :ok:

27th Mar 2004, 07:03
Dude, have a good hard think about what you are planning to do! Are you doing the ICUS on the promise of a job? Or just to get some of those elusive twin hours. ICUS, while it does have it's place, is certainly not designed (and I think even swh will agree with me on this one) for operators to subsidise their dodgy operations with - it's bad for every pilot in the industry.

Plus, any GA company I've worked for frowns on ICUS hours anyway - the resumes usually get handed aorund the office for people to laugh at and say "this guy/ girl is a f*&khead", and then they get filed where they belong.

If you're desperate to throw some money at your career, try getting a few twin endo's (310, Baron, PA31, 400 series Cessna) then try to get a real job.

27th Mar 2004, 08:43
Air South here in Adelaide.


BE58, PA31 and even BE20.

Good luck :ok: