View Full Version : Blair offers Libya military help

24th Mar 2004, 14:49
I understand that Blair is going to offer Gaddafi military training for his army. What on earth is going on with this idiot? The last thing Europe needs is a British trained Islamic army on its frontier.

I suppose he will also offer him, at a bargain price, the surplus aircraft from the various RAF squadrons that will soon be axed by the Treasury. Maybe also some MBTs, subs and destroyers.

Blairs timing, right after the Madrid memorial service, leaves much to be desired.


24th Mar 2004, 15:33

I have to say I disagree with you. I think that this is a good idea. It shows to the more moderate Muslims that they can cooperate with the West and that there are benefits from working within the framework of International Law.

“The last thing Europe needs is a British trained Islamic army on its frontier.” Why? Are you saying that the only thing that has stopped Libya from invading Malta is a lack of training? Are you saying that the Cannes Film Festival could be scuppered by the Libyan Navy? The way training is conducted in the British Army I would be more concerned for a significant rise in “suicides” in Libyan Army training camps than an invasion of Europe.

I do agree that the timing is not the best but there was never going to be a “good” time to do this.



24th Mar 2004, 16:47
Not sure if the resulting influx of Brits into Libya will be a positive for that country. All it brought us in Saudi was a lot of disaffected youths who blamed western expats for taking jobs they did not get. Our military help to Saudi has not done much good either - they are still the biggest producer of Bin Ladin's helpers, not to mention the devil himself.

Bottom line though is that if we don't help the French would love to and look what that produced in Iraq.

Ray Darbouy
24th Mar 2004, 16:55
(I understand that Blair is going to offer Gaddafi military training for his army. What on earth is going on with this idiot?)

Clearly, Bliar had never been to, or heard of, RAF El Adem! Marham without grass as it was known as. Have fun chaps. :E

24th Mar 2004, 17:16

You would be amazed at how many Argentinian officers had trained with the British prior to the commencement of the Falklands war. It didnt prevent them invading or make them act within the framework of International Law.

I would be the first to acknowledge that, in some cases, Sandhurst training can have a positive effect on the attitude of Islamic State leaders ie Oman, Brunei. (but you need to 'catch em young'). I fail to see how it will work in this particular case.

Gaddafi and Blair make perfect bedfellows. They really deserve each other!


John (Gary) Cooper
24th Mar 2004, 18:47
"Clearly, Bliar had never been to, or heard of, RAF El Adem! Marham without grass as it was known as. Have fun chaps"

Yes one of the very few staging posts where Flight Engineers didn't 'snag' there aircraft, especially heading to the UK. The night life in downtown Tobruk does not deserve a mention and this comes from someone who lived, at that time, in the only hotel in the town.

24th Mar 2004, 23:33
Guys, I would have thought that the outcome of this was obvious.

First we train them. Then we sell them some kit that we don't need anymore at a vastly reduced price, but that is vastly more capable than anything they've got at the moment and thereby screwing the tax paying public.

Then in 10 years time having taught them everything we know, we screw over our armed forces by sending what I'm sure by then will be the equivalent of an under-funded and under-manned home guard to invade Libya and get schwacked with our own kit.

See it's simple. The Chimpanzee's Guide to Defence Diplomacy by Teflon Tony and Buffoon. But of course they'll be fine with all this. When the time comes for US to get bombed with our own surplus to requirement Tonkas, they'll all be living in some grace and favour union apartment in the Bahamas.

If I end up copping it in Libya in 15 yrs time, I going to make it part of my will that what ever is left gets dropped off at Number 10.

25th Mar 2004, 09:55
We're talking about a high profile (but ultimately fairly innocuous and limited) measure being made to reward a regime that has:

Paid compensation and shown some (not enough, IMHO) remorse for Lockerbie.

Got rid of its WMD programmes in a verifiable way.

Started to make efforts to ditch its extremist, terrorist supporting past and rejoin the community of nations.

Would you really rather that the mad Colonel remained in isolation, pursuing his former foreign policy objectives?

If we were talking about selling him Tornados, that would be one thing, but we're not.

eastern wiseguy
25th Mar 2004, 12:10
Just a question ....but do I remember the "colonel" having been trained at sandhurst....?

25th Mar 2004, 13:01
What possible danger could there be in selling them OUR kit? None of it works! It's a masterstroke of diplomacy - we give them the contents of t'Bungling Baron's loft, they give us all the oil we can drink, and they get enough training to think they're on to something. But they will have SA80s, no boots, no aircraft...the man's a genius!

Echo 5
25th Mar 2004, 13:14
BWoS will probably announce a new contract fairly soon then !!;)

25th Mar 2004, 15:01
If they do, read the smallprint!

They'll still make a loss anyway!

I'm not really prejudiced!

adrian mole
25th Mar 2004, 16:06
Echo 5

How very astute! They've just announced BWOs is going to build an Airport. Oh Dear, we all know it will overrun by 15 years, cost 15 times as much as quoted and never be finished....

25th Mar 2004, 18:44
eastern wiseguy

You may be right about Sandhurst or perhaps even Dartmouth. Gaddafi certainly looks stereotypical of the output from both those colleges.

He would never have been accepted into Cranwell.


26th Mar 2004, 07:06
.....seem to remember my father (who used to work there) telling me about when Idi Amin was a Cadet.

In the 70's, I well remember it seeming like there were more cadets from "sandy" Countries than from our own.

Oh, and Annie and Foggy Philips out for a morning canter :D

Echo 5
26th Mar 2004, 07:19

Not astute, just thinking aloud so to speak. The building of an airport never crossed my mind.
T' bungling Baron will probably get the likes of Ballast Needham to do the donkey work while he sits back and rakes in the cash.
Now......that's astute !!


E5. :ok:

26th Mar 2004, 16:19
Does anyone really think that selling them a bit of kit and giving them some training is going to bring the Libyan armed forces up to a western standard?

26th Mar 2004, 18:19
At this point in time do we want them up to a western standard?

WE Branch Fanatic
26th Mar 2004, 20:28
On BBC1 last night, Michael Portillo (a Tory MP for non UK readers) offered the view that Gaddafi, and others as well, was terrified of Fundamentalists siezing power and that this was what caused him to make moves towards normalising relations with the West.

A fundamentalist regime in North Africa would be BAD news...

26th Mar 2004, 21:41


If the bad old BWOS (and the US etc) had not exploited their opportunities in Saudi over many years, what would sort of cauldron would that be now? Tony's recent exploit is a significant piece of the strategic jigsaw, (timing excepted), that has included the patient and concentrated effort by British industry to position itself to take advantage of the spoils which were potentially available in Libya. Fact. And if UK Plc had excluded itself from such endeavours, then others would have exploited the gap - to our National detriment.

I remember a very senior Australian official once saying that he'd do a deal with the devil if it was in the best interest of Oz Plc - emotive words, but realistic - especially if it was backed by a motive to subsume a greater intent to battle future threats to society.

Gaddafi stinks - but one way or another he'll be off the stage in the foreseeable future. So let's be prepared for that, and take advantage of the window of opportunity.