View Full Version : Outragious delegate prices at heli trade shows

Arctic Tern
19th Mar 2004, 06:56
I had just stopped whinging about the quoted delegate prices for attendance at the recent Shephards SAR Conference (Brighton 1-3 Mar 04) then another flyer arrives on my desk for the Defence IQ's Third Annual International Conference (Thistle Marble Arch Hotel, London 20-21 Apr 04) with equally ridiculous prices. How can these people get away with charging upwards of £1100 + VAT to attend. Is it really any wonder that the front line operators don't attend these gigs. That would certainly explain why so many of these conferences are just glorified 'Gentlemen's Clubs for Senior Executives and MOD higher echelons, and fail to address the real issues. I'm delighted to see that the RAF SAR Force are running their own SAR Conference at St Mawgan on 12/13 May 04 that will be cost free to all delegates. I realise that the RAF don't have the overhead costs of booking a venue to worry about; nevertheless, maybe some of these commercial event organisers should look at the RAF SAR Force business model and apply some of the finance features.
'C'mon SAR Boys, put on a good show and put these greedy event organisers to shame'.:ok: