View Full Version : Lightning vs Mig 21

17th Mar 2004, 18:51
Apologies if this has has been asked before, but would any care to speculate onthe outcome of a Lightning vs Mig 21 confrontation say in the mid 70s?

17th Mar 2004, 18:57
MiG 1

Lightning 0

17th Mar 2004, 19:21
In the mid 70s.

17th Mar 2004, 19:29
OK thanks, try the 80s if that coaxes a slightly more informative reply.

17th Mar 2004, 19:29
Oh alright then. At the merge, Fishbed pilot (with 5 hours on type this year) rapid-rolls to take the fight two-circle and departs. Lightning pilot sees his chance, reefs the nose round in full blower to try and lock a Red Top onto the now-low-energy Fishbed. Checks fuel gauge. Bu&&er, sure that was full a minute ago. RTBs on vapour. Fishbed pilot wasn't taught how to use compass for fear he'd find West and defect. Gets lost over North Sea, bangs out, jet ends up on Discovery Wings programme in 2004 with weirdy beardies prodding it from a bathyscape.

17th Mar 2004, 19:31
Lightning 1

Mig-21 0

The Mig-21's main problem was that, whilst it could turn well, it didn't have the power to use much of the vertical, as the F-4 found in Viet Nam. The Lightning could do both and so I would put my money on it against the Mig. I think the 2 aircraft had about the same, miserable endurance.

Wasn't this topic covered a few weeks back by someone more learned than me?

17th Mar 2004, 22:49
One would have to put together a detailed scenario before arriving at a conclusion - both aircraft have a good chance of gaining a kill but much depends on what happens near the merge.
The Lightning had the better weapons system but the Mig 21 was difficult to acquire visually. In a turning fight the Mig 21 had the edge but, in Soviet hands, was usually employed in close control by GCI and would probably be piloted by a relatively inexperienced pilot - even if experienced he would not fly many hours each month.

Guns only - my money is on the better pilot. Use missiles and anybody can get lucky.

17th Mar 2004, 23:49
ISTR Chuck Yeager stating that he would much rather have a Mig21 strapped to him than an F4.... this probably doesn't answer the question, but we may have prooners who can compare the F4 and Lightning... and thus...