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26th Apr 2004, 00:09
OK, let's keep this one simple -

I am a tired and emotional sort of crab, but that's all Ernie's fault.

26th Apr 2004, 15:13
Wasn't the de H Vampire originally going to be called the Spider Crab? Could this be you?

26th Apr 2004, 15:30
No, sir. I am not jet-powered.

26th Apr 2004, 16:12
Alright then, a simple question:


26th Apr 2004, 18:00
I have become a naturalised British citizen, after emigrating from Belgium.

26th Apr 2004, 19:13
Are you a biplane ?

27th Apr 2004, 00:26
Spot on, Speechless Two!

Best of luck.

Peter Barron
27th Apr 2004, 06:30
Ok if I have a bash.

I was a Royal Stinger


27th Apr 2004, 09:30
DH 82B Queen Bee ?

Peter Barron
27th Apr 2004, 10:03

Sorry but not the one.


27th Apr 2004, 10:22
OK Peter, are you the Bell P-63 King Cobra ?

Peter Barron
27th Apr 2004, 10:29
spekesoftly, sorry not that one either.


27th Apr 2004, 10:57
Maybe a DH Hornet then ?

Peter Barron
27th Apr 2004, 11:34

No, not a Hornet, no royal implication.


27th Apr 2004, 12:04
Queen Wasp? If memory serves, RP version of the Airspeed Oxford (built by Morris?)

Peter Barron
27th Apr 2004, 12:48

Ah, that was to quick, am I allowed another go ?

Tick VG, indeed it was the Airspeed Queen Wasp.

Not like the Oxford though, the Queen Wasp was a single radial engine biplane, only 7 built and was a radio controlled target aircraft.


27th Apr 2004, 12:59
Ah, yes it's coming back to me...

Queen Wasp (http://www.jaapteeuwen.com/ww2aircraft/html%20pages/airspeed%20as30%20queen%20wasp.htm)

Go ahead old chap, my visits to PPRuNe are unpredicatable at the moment...

Peter Barron
27th Apr 2004, 13:30

Thank's, you are a Gent.

I flew during the war but was never used operationally.


27th Apr 2004, 16:14
Where you a twin sir?

Peter Barron
27th Apr 2004, 16:39

Yes, I had two engines.


You want it when?
27th Apr 2004, 17:08
Was your normal crew complement three?

Peter Barron
27th Apr 2004, 17:53
You want it when?.

Just the one pilot.


27th Apr 2004, 20:02
Westland Whirlwind, per chance ?

or rather, my little sister, the Westland Welkin ?

Tim Inder
27th Apr 2004, 20:49
Do you mean never used operationally at all, or just not during the war?
If so, my guess is the DH Hornet...
If not, err, well...

Peter Barron
28th Apr 2004, 07:06

Yes, it was the Westland Welkin.

A very well done to you Sir.


28th Apr 2004, 08:36

Here we go (and, to please Mr BEagle, I tried to make it reasonably esoteric ;) )

I was the climax and the (almost) last branch of a very old family.

28th Apr 2004, 10:02
Bre where you a Hawker ?

28th Apr 2004, 10:33

No, Sir

Peter Barron
28th Apr 2004, 10:50

Are you English.
Piston or jet.


28th Apr 2004, 11:05

Not English

28th Apr 2004, 11:51
Would you be a Dassault design? Possibly a Super Etendard?

28th Apr 2004, 11:56

No Dassault
No Super Etendard

28th Apr 2004, 12:03
Are you American?

28th Apr 2004, 12:27


Peter Barron
28th Apr 2004, 13:06

Are you a Phantom.


28th Apr 2004, 14:06
Peter Barron

Not a Phantom.

28th Apr 2004, 14:16
Are you a "Century" fighter?

28th Apr 2004, 15:18

Not a fighter
(neither 20th or 21st Century, if this what you mean) :confused:

28th Apr 2004, 15:22
I meant one of the F-100 series of fighters...! But way off beam...

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11?

28th Apr 2004, 15:36
MD-11 neither

The word "family" should be understood in a wider sense than just a specific manufacturer ...

Peter Barron
28th Apr 2004, 15:52

Are you a bomber.


28th Apr 2004, 15:54
Civil or military....?

28th Apr 2004, 16:23
Peter Barron : bombing was one of my missions

Hence, treadigraph, you can easily guess I was military ;)

Peter Barron
28th Apr 2004, 18:10

Were you stationed at Upper Heyford and Lakenheath.


28th Apr 2004, 19:36
Peter Barron

No, I was not

28th Apr 2004, 21:12
Douglas B-66 /A-3, perhaps ?

Failing that ;Army
Marines ?

29th Apr 2004, 07:04
Douglas B-66 /A-3 : No

US Navy : yes

Peter Barron
29th Apr 2004, 07:40

Are you perhaps a Vigilantee.


29th Apr 2004, 08:11
Peter Barron

NA A-5 Vigilante (only one "E") : no

Peter Barron
29th Apr 2004, 08:23

I know Vigilante only has one E, my brain was not working at the time, still not working now really but I will have another shot.




29th Apr 2004, 08:50
Sorry Peter, not the F-8 either.

May I suggest that you ask more generic questions.
Reviewing the past and present Navy inventory might be a bit boring for the readers ;)

Peter Barron
29th Apr 2004, 09:44
Its like being back at school.

Spelling corrected and told off for asking the wrong sort of questions

29th Apr 2004, 10:41
Peter Barron

Take it easy. I was just making a mere suggestion and trying to be helpful. The smiley was supposed to ease the edges of my comment ;)

Now if your post was ironical (which I doubt), please ignore the above.

Next question, please.

29th Apr 2004, 11:37

70`s 80`s???

29th Apr 2004, 11:46
The next-to-last subsonic jet recon / bomber introduced into the US military inventory?

29th Apr 2004, 12:05

Douglas? No
Grumman? No
M-D? No

50`s : Yes


The next-to-last subsonic jet recon / bomber introduced into the US military inventory?

can't figure out quickly which one you're thinking of, but I would say no

29th Apr 2004, 23:26
Er..... T-2 Buckeye? Bombing as part of weapons training? But surely not?

30th Apr 2004, 07:55
T-2 Buckeye : No

Uh-oh, maybe this is too esoteric :uhoh:
Whatever happens, the answer will be posted tonight. Let me highlight the important stuff in the initial clue.

I was the climax and the (almost) last branch of a very old family : my ancestors started flying in 1910 !

And the last one :
think BIG

Tim Inder
30th Apr 2004, 08:31
B-36? That's pretty big, innit?

30th Apr 2004, 09:10
Yep, that was pretty big indeed, but I don't think it was built for the US Navy, was it ?

30th Apr 2004, 09:43
Martin P6M SeaMaster - first flew in 1955 and equipped a single USN squadron.

Almost the last of the flying boat family.......

30th Apr 2004, 09:52
BEags, sorry, only 3 were built.
The man is after the Convair R3Y Tradewind, which could refuel 4 a/c at a time..

30th Apr 2004, 10:10
There were 2 XP6M-1 prototypes, both crashed. There were 6 pre-production YP6M-1s, 4 of which served together with 3 production P6M-2s on a single US Navy squadron.

Glenn L Martin Aircraft started up in 1912; Consolidated not until 11 years later and Vultee, who joined with them to form Convair in 1943, didn't start life until 1932.

30th Apr 2004, 11:22

You got it all right (as usual) :ok:
I was indeed the Martin P6M Seamaster (http://www.vectorsite.net/avcmast.html)
The familiy I was thinking of was seaplanes.
The first flight of a seaplane took place on March 28th, 1910, by Henri Fabre (see here (http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/aero/history1c.htm) - scroll to middle of the page)

Was it too esoteric ? ;)

Over to you.

30th Apr 2004, 12:49
No - just the right combination of esoteric and tantalising facts!:ok: I was away counting car parks (euphemism for visiting Tchermany) and only got back on line properly today, so didn't spot the SeaMaster until today. What an amazing jet it was!

OK - easy one. I'm Moby Deck!

30th Apr 2004, 14:04
I know I should ask general questions beforehand ;) Nevertheless, how about :
Airbus A300-600ST Beluga, the flying whale ?

30th Apr 2004, 14:09
Nope - not a Beluga!

30th Apr 2004, 14:13
Are you a civvie ?

30th Apr 2004, 14:37

30th Apr 2004, 14:40
Are you a jet? (How come you got away with a one word answer? ):}

30th Apr 2004, 14:58

30th Apr 2004, 14:59
I am!

30th Apr 2004, 15:06
Are you a bomber ?

Tim Inder
30th Apr 2004, 15:09
Are you from the USA?

Bre901, quite right, not a particularly naval beast, maybe I should read ALL the answers :)

30th Apr 2004, 15:09

Tim Inder
30th Apr 2004, 17:44

Are you British then?

You want it when?
30th Apr 2004, 17:52
Also: Are you single engined?

30th Apr 2004, 17:57
Tim Inder, our posts crossed. My 'no' reply was to Bre901's question.

I am from the USA and I have more than 1 engine........

30th Apr 2004, 18:23
Are you a Tanker ?

30th Apr 2004, 18:32
No, not a tanker!

30th Apr 2004, 19:11
I believe a number of American Aircraft were nicknamed 'The Whale' - are you one of them?

30th Apr 2004, 19:18
I'm Moby Deck..... I'm American and have more than 1 engine....

30th Apr 2004, 19:41
Am I to take it that 'Whale' is a 'Red Herring' !! :E

30th Apr 2004, 19:43
That's your decision......

The clues are there!

30th Apr 2004, 19:47
Beags are you a C-5 Galaxy?

30th Apr 2004, 20:03
I most certainly am not!

30th Apr 2004, 21:58
Douglas A-3 Skywarrior ?
The electronic warfare version was called "electric whale"

1st May 2004, 02:15
Curtiss CW-20 (C-46)? Vaguely whale shaped.;)

1st May 2004, 04:24
I am neither the Skywarrior nor any Curtiss design.........

One of you is close though;)

1st May 2004, 11:05
then I shall try my second guess :
Northrop Tacit Blue also nicknamed whale.

1st May 2004, 11:09
Nope - sorry!

1st May 2004, 11:37

Errmm, you said it was not a Curtiss, but you didn't say it was not a Douglas, did you ? ;)

Douglas F3D (F-10) Skyknight nicknamed "Willie the Whale", then ?

1st May 2004, 12:30
Yes sir, that's me:


'Moby' = whale

'Deck' = naval


You have control, Bre901!!

1st May 2004, 14:19
Thanks BEagle.

I couldn't be caught short.

1st May 2004, 15:26
Lockheed Constipation?

1st May 2004, 15:49
Not that short :p

1st May 2004, 16:41
Rotary or Fixed Wing ?

1st May 2004, 17:54
yet ...

Before you start running, not a tilt-wing or rotor.

You want it when?
1st May 2004, 19:19
Are you a Harrier? If not Brit or American?

1st May 2004, 19:37
Not a Harrier

Neither Brit not US

Looks like the last sentence has frozen your minds. :uhoh:
Or is it the saturday night beer(s) ;)

I actually was known by a US name too, and I flew under US colours (or should I say colors).

2nd May 2004, 12:22
Were you Canadian by birth?

2nd May 2004, 13:20

2nd May 2004, 15:06
Are you a Shorts Bros aeroplane?

2nd May 2004, 15:23
No, sorry

2nd May 2004, 16:09
Are you Military? Prop or Jet?

2nd May 2004, 16:27
Military : yes, but I could also have been a civvie.


2nd May 2004, 20:00
When you say you "couldn't be caught" is this because you were very fast?

2nd May 2004, 20:10
Not very fast.
The pun is on "short".

2nd May 2004, 21:40
Taylor Titch???

2nd May 2004, 22:18
Any mil versions of the TT ?

3rd May 2004, 12:48
Not wanting to be called a thread killer, I'll post the answer tonight, so hurry up folks. ;)

Last clue :

The American designation had some kind of relationship with a famous pilot lady.

3rd May 2004, 20:42
Deadline extended to tomorrow noon because of holidays.
The last clue should make it quite easy indeed.

4th May 2004, 01:03
I was going to suggest the Pilatus (Turbo) Porter [aka AU-23 Pacemaker] - until I read the last clue, which has me stumped.

4th May 2004, 05:50
Well, you are right, I am not the Turbo Porter, although I could have been.
But, seen from the US, our origins are not that far away.
And we have much more in common than that (STOL, almost same year, turboprop, yet more on my side).

Did the clue about the lady electrify you ? ;)

4th May 2004, 06:48
Were you built by Helio?

4th May 2004, 07:39
No built by Helio (but I shared a major feature with the Helios)

I said previously that I was not US built (although I had a US denomination on top of the original one)

4th May 2004, 07:57
Not the Breguet 941 STOL transport perchance? I know it had an American connection (didn't Eastern and American evaluate it for STOLport ops? But I can't think who the American partner was or the famous lady pilot - Jackie Cochrane? Convair/GD? Totally on the wrong track?

4th May 2004, 08:39
Hurrah ! You got it right. :ok: :ok:

I am indeed the Breguet 941 aka McDonnell-Douglas 188.

History of the Breguet 941 (http://aerostories.free.fr/appareils/Br941/page2.html)
American version (http://www.boeing.com/history/mdc/graphics/hist082b.htm)
I love "based on the French Brequet 941" which should actually be understood as "French Breguet 941 repainted" ;)

The common feature with the Helio was the slipstream deflection.

The lady pilot was Amelia Earhart, whose most famous plane was the Lockheed L-10 Electra, and there was another Electra : Lockheed L-188, sorry :ugh:

treadigraph, your go

4th May 2004, 09:30
I think your link to Amelia Earheart was a bit of a roseate swimming thing. It was bit like saying Smith is like Jones because Smith has a dog, it has 4 legs; Jones has a cat, it also has 4 legs!

I'd thought about the French Breguet 941 - and also the FH227 Spam-built Fokker Friendship, but that wasn't really very STOL. The electric lady pilot reference had me baffled though!

Top marks, treaders!!

4th May 2004, 10:56

will you accept my (renewed) apologies about that, or shall I have to retire under my tent ? :{

4th May 2004, 13:13
Thanks Chaps!

I'm off to Cornwall shortly to have my cobwebs blown away - literaly by the sound of the forecast... so somebody keep it going!

I'll try and think up a really cryptic one for when I get back on Monday - so even BEagle and Aerohack have to think for a minute!

Treadders :ok:

4th May 2004, 13:21
OK - In Hot!

Neither a McD nor a Lockheed but I share something in common with both.....

4th May 2004, 13:31
American, per chance ?

Saab Dastard
4th May 2004, 15:26
3-engined, by any chance?

4th May 2004, 15:59
Neither American nor tri-motored......

Saab Dastard
4th May 2004, 16:12


4th May 2004, 16:19
Yes and yes!

4th May 2004, 16:32
Military ?

Single-engine ?

4th May 2004, 16:42
No and no!

Saab Dastard
4th May 2004, 17:11

British, civil, multi-engined jet aircraft...

VC10? Subsequently used as transport / tanker like the L1011 and DC10?

4th May 2004, 17:27

Saab Dastard
4th May 2004, 17:30
2 or 4 engines?

Is the commonality a "first" of some kind?

4th May 2004, 17:46
2 - and I was certainly a first!

Saab Dastard
4th May 2004, 18:06
Did I fly commercially?

Am I a prototype or testbed to help with the design of a more famous commercial aircraft?

4th May 2004, 18:10
Did I fly commercially? - No
Prototype or testbed? - Yes. But to the rest of your question - No!

Saab Dastard
4th May 2004, 18:29
Am I the Bristol B 188? There's a Lockheed 188 Electra - dunno about McD?

Just Googled McD and 188 - the F-18 Hornet is designated CF-188!

Learn something new every day!


4th May 2004, 19:19
Yes - the 'Flaming Pencil' is indeed the right answer:


Bre901's last puzzler was the Breguet 941/McD 188, Lockheed had the 188 Electra - and the Bristol T 188 was a research ac (which managed M1.88!) - the first Brit a/c with engines designed for sustained supersonic flight.

'twas a scale model of the Avro 730, Britain's stillborne supersonic bomber. We really used to make such a/c once....

Over to you, Saab D!!

Saab Dastard
4th May 2004, 19:36

You'll have to start hunting and end up in Eastern Europe for this one.

4th May 2004, 20:14
Fighter maybe ?

BEagle :
Nice one :ok:
But you forgot the Junkers 188, the Blohm & Voss P. 188, Cessna 188 Agwagon, Bell D-188 A (XF-109) :p

Saab Dastard
4th May 2004, 20:23
Bre - negative fighter.

4th May 2004, 20:27
Are you a licence built version of a British airliner?

Saab Dastard
4th May 2004, 20:35
Ahh, yes L&S!

I was trying to be too clever, and hoping you would look for the esoteric!

5th May 2004, 06:14
BAC One-Eleven. Derived from the Hunting H. 107 design and later built under licence by TAROM of Romania.

Saab Dastard
5th May 2004, 08:14

Got to go to work now...:(

5th May 2004, 10:31
Over to you, LowNSlow!

5th May 2004, 11:50
I was designed by a man who refuses to sell any of his designs!

5th May 2004, 12:16
Are you military ?

Gary Halliday
5th May 2004, 14:00
Varieze or are you one that he did for somebody else ?.

5th May 2004, 14:00
No but one of my number did pretend to be aggressive

Tim Inder
5th May 2004, 14:27
Are you a Britten-Norman Defender/ Islander / Trislander?

Assuming I'm wrong, do you mean that the chap never sold the rights to his designs, or never sold an aircraft?

5th May 2004, 14:31
Wrong I'm afraid. The gentleman in question still owns all the aircraft he built......

Tim Inder
5th May 2004, 16:01
You aren't Ken Wallis are you?

5th May 2004, 16:17
I think Tim has got it - Wallis Autogyro - with "Little Nellie" showing the aggression?

5th May 2004, 17:25
Tim you are indeed correct. If you ever want to meet Ken Wallis, he can be spotted in Shipdham on some sunny Saturdays.

spekesoftly you are also correct about Little Nellie

5th May 2004, 19:03
All yours Tim!

Tim Inder
5th May 2004, 22:44
Thanks L&S!
I have met him a couple of times, being in the same neck of the woods. Once, as you say, at Shipdham and once at his home/airfield/museum!
What a fascinating place and chap, I only hope I have the same energy when I get to his age!

When I visited a couple of years back, after we'd looked around his hangar/museum, he said "do you want to see a demo?"
Err, go on then..

So, he wheeled one of the machines into the small area outside, and proceeded to fire her up...

Thinks to self: "I'm sure these things can't take off vertically without a headwind"

Whereupon he jumps in, grabs hold of the rotor so it's facing fore-aft and charges off down a pathway with me in hot pursuit!

By the time I catch up, he's taxied to his runway and proceeds to give us a display of the agility and stability (look Ma, no hands, or feet).

I reckon he could have sold a dozen that evening alone!

Anyway, back to the Quiz...

I'm the opposite shape to my name and if I get in trouble I can save myself by getting rid of half the crew!

5th May 2004, 23:01
Lighter than air?

5th May 2004, 23:04
Shorts Mercury/Maio Composite ?

Tim Inder
6th May 2004, 07:46
Seacue and Sycamore, both wrong I'm afraid.

6th May 2004, 10:27
Military ?

Tim Inder
6th May 2004, 11:35
Bre, yes, military.

6th May 2004, 12:09
Brit ?

Tim Inder
6th May 2004, 13:15
Correct again Bre!

6th May 2004, 13:20
Were you one of those strange-looking post-WWII jet-driven prototypes ?

Tim Inder
6th May 2004, 13:47
Not quite!
Well, I was post WWII and jet driven, there was a prototype, though I did go into production as well and as for strange-looking... Well, that's up to you!

6th May 2004, 13:58
Bomber per chance ?

Tim Inder
6th May 2004, 14:24
Not as far as I know. Certainly not designed for that rôle.

Saab Dastard
6th May 2004, 16:19
British post war military jet, went into production, not a bomber.

Gloster Javelin? Hardly the svelte lines of a javelin (bulky was an understatement!)

Tim Inder
6th May 2004, 19:00
Well done, Saab!

Over to you...

6th May 2004, 19:15
Tim Inder if I get in trouble I can save myself by getting rid of half the crewCould you elaborate, please. I couldn't find anything about that (quick search from this side of the Channel, that is)

Saab Dastard
6th May 2004, 19:22
Thanks, Tim - Not sure about the crew, bit, tho?

Just seen Bre's query!


6th May 2004, 19:27
Saab Dastard

No need to wait for Tim Inder's answer for you to start, you have the floor :ok:

Saab Dastard
6th May 2004, 19:41
OK, Bre,

I'm better known as a gate (W.33 is the specific one, by the way)

Tim Inder
6th May 2004, 20:49
Apparently, if the mighty Flatiron got into a deep stall, the only way to recover was for the nav to bang out.

Either the resultant "push" down on the front or the change in airflow (or a bit of both!) was sufficient to regain a nose-down attitude.

I can't remember where I read/heard it, so if someone more knowledgeable would like to elaborate...

Ok, Mr. Dastard,

Are you the Hansa-Brandenburg (gate) W.33?
Like this one (http://www.wwi-models.org/Photos/AH/HB_W33/)

6th May 2004, 20:50
Can't be the Lancaster? Lancaster Gate is W2!

York? No - Yorkgate is Belfast BT15.

Perhaps the Supermarine 'Shutthedamn"?

Ahha - Tim has it!

Saab Dastard
6th May 2004, 20:52
Tim's got a hole in one!

Tim Inder
6th May 2004, 23:42
Dar.. I mean Hurrah!

Oh, now I've got to think of another one...

I don't live at the bottom of your garden, but I chase some of the things that do.

Pick the bones out of that!!:}

7th May 2004, 06:50
Fairey Flycatcher!

Tim Inder
7th May 2004, 07:30
Well, that didn't take too long!

Best I could think of at that time, I think the first bit was a giveaway!

You have control...

7th May 2004, 09:05
'twas a bit of a give-away, so have another go Tim!

Tim Inder
7th May 2004, 10:59

My beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder, although you can see my front twice in the "Susannah in suspenders" thread!

7th May 2004, 11:41

Heinkel-111 maybe ?

Saab Dastard
7th May 2004, 11:51
Messerschmitt BF 109?

Tim Inder
7th May 2004, 12:01
Shame on you both!

Do you really think I'd make it THAT easy?!

Think devious!!:}

7th May 2004, 12:10
DHC-2 Beaver then ?
Must've spent too much time in JB ;)

7th May 2004, 12:17
A twin Bristol, perhaps:E

7th May 2004, 12:25
Are you that triple finned wonder the Miles Messenger?

Saab Dastard
7th May 2004, 12:28
Shagbat? :p

Morane camisole?

Shorts Sunderwearland? :D

Seriously, though -




"Beer" holder - Spitfire (too obvious), but how about Pilatus Porter?

Not ME 109, but what about the HISPANO HA-1112 M1L BUCHON?

Tim Inder
7th May 2004, 14:10
BEagle - like it! bonus point I feel!

Good edit there, Mister D!

Although in the words of the Irish fella that used to do "Catchphreease" on the box:
"It's a good answer, but it's not right!"

You're thinking laterally not literally, which is what you'll need to do.

Mil? Yup
Brit? Nope
Piston? Nope

one more clue - not in service (at least in its own country) any more.

Bre901 either you eyesight or your imagination's better than mine!!! :oh:

Saab Dastard
7th May 2004, 14:23
Leading man / woman in a war film is a "Star fighter", so Lockheed F-104?

AKA "Widow maker", tho' CP was burnt, not killed in the film IIRC

Tim Inder
7th May 2004, 14:38
Colder. Much colder.

Ok, the front of me appears twice in the TITLE of that thread.

Saab Dastard
7th May 2004, 14:44
I thought I had it with Saab J-29 "Tunnen", or Flying Barrel,

But the clue in the title is SU, isn't it - so Sukhoi, and the Sukhoi
Su-15 NATO codename: Flagon

If that's not it I'll eat my PPRuNe hat (when I buy it)


Tim Inder
7th May 2004, 14:53
:mad: I thought it'd last a bit longer than that!!

Oh well, you can put your knife and fork down now!

Then put your thinking cap on - I reckon it's nearly as hard to think of a half-decent subject as it is to guess one...

Saab Dastard
7th May 2004, 15:02
Tim Inder,

I thought that was a jolly good clue and the length of time solving it is not necessarily proportional to the enjoyment! :ok:

I know what you mean about thinking cap, tho! :confused:

Right, then.

My name has been used again later and a designation has been used again later - I'm also about 39mm long and 6.5mm across

Tim Inder
7th May 2004, 15:22
How thick are you? (the object/aeroplane thngy :) )

7th May 2004, 15:23
DH Hornet, per chance ?

Tim Inder
7th May 2004, 15:44
Can't be - according to Google, they're only 30mm long!! ;)

Saab Dastard
7th May 2004, 16:25
Tisn't the Hornet.

Don't worry about how thick I am!

Tim Inder
7th May 2004, 16:31
Could the thing that I am named after reasonably be said to be a common household object?

Saab Dastard
7th May 2004, 16:32
negative household object!

7th May 2004, 18:47
Brit ?
Military ?

Saab Dastard
7th May 2004, 19:14
Military, not British

Tim Inder
7th May 2004, 19:41
So it's not the Short Screw then! :)
what am I made from?

Saab Dastard
7th May 2004, 19:45
No indeed, and not sloe, comfortable or up against a wall either!

Made from the same stuff that most military aircraft of this period were made from.

(the dimension for "across" could also be described as "diameter", but don't get hung up on it.)

7th May 2004, 20:48
Jet or propeller ?

Saab Dastard
7th May 2004, 21:01

And I'm off to bed now. Toodle-pip


Tim Inder
9th May 2004, 13:32
Ok, I've thought long and hard about this one...

Are you American?

Saab Dastard
9th May 2004, 20:02
Affirmative, Tim

9th May 2004, 20:10
were you in operation during WWII ?

Saab Dastard
9th May 2004, 21:17
Yes, Bre901, I was operational in WWII

Saab Dastard
10th May 2004, 07:42
I'm going to be offline until about 17.30 UTC today - feel free to leapfrog this if you want.


Saab Dastard
10th May 2004, 16:55
Oh, Dear - I hope I haven't killed this thread? :confused:

10th May 2004, 17:12
I don't think anyone could kill this thread SD, it's too well established.

Anyway, american, name used twice, WWII, prop and round fus:

F4 Corsair perhaps,

but I don't see where the 39 x 6.5 mm comes in?

10th May 2004, 17:14
Were you an aggressive aeroplane?

I had thought of of Grasshopper or Dragonfly the liaison types) but can't think of how either designation was re-used.

Saab Dastard
10th May 2004, 17:20
Whew, thanks, chaps, I was worried for a minute:O

None of the names are right, but I was an aggressive aeroplane.

ps - Airbedane, you will see the where the dimensions come in. You are right, both the Corsair name and designation were re-used, so to specify the aircraft I'm thinking of, I needed a unique differentiator - hence the extra clue.

When you get the name, the dims will make sense.


10th May 2004, 18:18

<tries to apply logic>

Let's assume that it (or a derivative) had an aggressive role in WW2. The designation, therefore, might be an uncommon one. To be reused, it can't be a USN designator, although it might be a USN a/c employed by the USAAF. Since the Pursuit designation went, it can't be a straightforward 'P-something'.




Saab Dastard
10th May 2004, 18:21
Archimedes, note that I said "a designation", not "the designation"...

London Jets
10th May 2004, 18:23
single engle?


tailwheel undercarriage?

Saab Dastard
10th May 2004, 18:27
LJ -


10th May 2004, 18:29

Sigh - until I edited the post, I'd spotted that...

I was thinking of something like the F-5 Lightning or the F-8 Mosquito - but for the first, the dimensions don't fit, and for the second (for which the dims might not fit), I don't know of a re-use of Mosquito (apart from what I thought was informal use for T-6s in Korea)

London Jets
10th May 2004, 18:34
Brewster SB2A Buccaneer

Hawker Siddeley Buccaneer SB2

Hows that for you?

Saab Dastard
10th May 2004, 18:38
Very ingenious, but sorry, not right. And where is the 39 x 6.5 mm?

And, indeed, the second engine? ;)

London Jets
10th May 2004, 18:41
I was going with a length of 39'2" but wasn't sure on the 6.5mm!! oh well, I'll keep on trying!!

10th May 2004, 18:42
So not the F-5 Lightning...

If the WW2 F-15 had been called the Black Widow, I'd have plumped for that...

Am I any nearer, or still miles away (or 39mm, for that matter)?

Saab Dastard
10th May 2004, 18:43
Archimedes has it!!

The Black widow spider is 39mm x 6.4mm. The P61 Black widow was also designated F-15A (or F-15R) for a post-war reconnaisance version and the YF-23 is the Black Widow (II).

Well done

10th May 2004, 18:58
Phew! (I confess, I thought that the F-15 was the 'Reporter', which, I suppose was the last clue?).

Since I can't guarantee being around tomorrow, better make this simple so someone can get it tonight!

I came from the Laurels of my older brother.

London Jets
10th May 2004, 19:08
are you a jet?

are you comercial or military?

are you british?

10th May 2004, 19:37


10th May 2004, 19:54
Evening all, busy week-end & monday

Are you not the Percival Proctor (and Vega Gull) ?

Saab Dastard
10th May 2004, 20:10
Hawker Hardy, derived from the Hart?

As in Stan Laurel and Oliver...

11th May 2004, 00:11
Saab - you have control!

Saab Dastard
11th May 2004, 08:13

Me, I'm mythical

Peter Barron
11th May 2004, 08:56
Are you a British jet fighter ?

11th May 2004, 09:25
Nah......................................He's Hercules!

Saab Dastard
11th May 2004, 11:22
I'm not a british jet fighter (do you want to rephrase the question?) ;)

Not Hercules

11th May 2004, 11:25
ARE YOU AN ENGINE??????????????????????????????????????????????

Saab Dastard
11th May 2004, 11:32
No, I'm not that mean!

Peter Barron
11th May 2004, 11:40
American jet ?, got one in mind

Saab Dastard
11th May 2004, 12:02
Not American, no

Peter Barron
11th May 2004, 12:08
Well, if its not American then its not what I am thinking of, b****r.;)

Are you British then ?

Saab Dastard
11th May 2004, 12:10
Not British, no.

11th May 2004, 12:20
Western European?

Saab Dastard
11th May 2004, 12:22
Oh yes, Treaders

11th May 2004, 12:43
Well that narrowed it down slightly... :ok:

Saab Draken?

Saab Dastard
11th May 2004, 12:46
Aaarghh, you got me!

I couldn't resist the temptation!

Over to you, Treaders

11th May 2004, 13:11
Sorry, bin yakking...

Errrr..... My first is a common association, my second is very useful after a few pints...

Saab Dastard
11th May 2004, 13:21
my second is very useful after a few pints...

...and you should know, dear boy :D

Are you British?

11th May 2004, 13:31
Afraid not old boy...

Saab Dastard
11th May 2004, 13:41
Are you American?

11th May 2004, 13:43