View Full Version : Etihad Interview & sim

west of 30w
13th Mar 2004, 06:21
So anyone got anything on the Etihad selection, whats the sim ride about, just standard stuff or any little curve balls?
Help welcomed!!:cool:

13th Mar 2004, 14:50
If you are for the A330 be prepared for RDI Approaches and know the specialities of DC ESS BUS failure.

Good luck

16th Mar 2004, 06:40
Where did you do the interview and sim session? They already have simulator?? Provide more info pls. Thanks

west of 30w
18th Mar 2004, 10:21
Dubai, Emirates training place. Its a lot of raw data flying, man thrust etc. Few minor failures just for fun too! About an hour per candidate, interview is a little technical too, lots of hows this work, why does this do this etc..
Nice guys though.:cool: