View Full Version : Ryanair Shares

2nd Mar 2004, 21:31
Could any of the FR guys here tell me if it is correct that the FR pilots free shares in the company are valued at 150M euro as MOL stated recently in the Irish papers?
This (I think) would work out at 300K euro each?
Is it true?

If so, can you cash them in while still employed there?

This is not a slagging post...its to settle an argument on another website about pilots pay.

3rd Mar 2004, 03:39
Deadly silence!

Come on guys...there are people asking why you need a union when you have 300K each in your back pockets courtesy of the generous MOL.

I am kinda wondering myself.

10th Mar 2004, 02:37
The share options package is indeed worth a lot but from the date you exercise them, you will have to hold on to them for 5 years before you can cash them in.