View Full Version : carrer advice

28th Feb 2004, 01:51
hi chaps and chappesses
im sure everyone is fed up of being asked this question but thought id give it a go anway!
Im 21 uk resident and have a hnd in motorsport engineering. I have had my mind set on becoming a commercial helicopter pilot since my first helicopter flight and now feel personally the time is right.
What is the state of fairs with positions for newly qualified cpl(h) pilots both on and off shore.
Is it a could idea to do the CPl(h) and then an instrument rating assuming funds are stretched that much, or is it possible to find work without the intsrument rating.
would i be more likely to find work abroad, africa, aus etc.
im interested all aspects of flying. Some 'expert' told me to go for a frozenatpl(h) with multicrew instrument rating, but from other forums it seems there is not much work for low how hours pilots ofshore.

cheers for reading
hope your not bored to tears with another long post on training etc

28th Feb 2004, 02:28
Whats wrong, too scared to join the military?:uhoh:

Ascend Charlie
28th Feb 2004, 11:30
Looks like you will fit the part with yrou speliing and grammer....... welcome to being a hellyklopper pilet!:8

28th Feb 2004, 16:46
Bravo 99, are you still out there?

28th Feb 2004, 18:20
yeah i blame text messaging and computers for my lack of ability to spell and recognise full stops. I have applied for raf flying officer but everyone seems to say they are in no need of pilots and its v hard to get in. Thought id check out other options just in case!

29th Feb 2004, 16:34
You say you are trying for the RAF. Why not knock on the Royal Navy's door and try the Army as well - They have started to take officer pilots direct in to the Army Air Corps.

Failing that, get a proper job first that earns decent money. Know too many people with all the right licences with no job and no money.

But don't give up - with the right amount of determination and careful planning you could get what you want - just don't get married unless he/she is loaded!

empty pockets
1st Mar 2004, 16:51
I'm intrigued by crashondeck's comments on direct entry to the AAC, as I thought you had to be a regular soldier for a while before applying.

The possibility of being stuck in the infantry has always been enough to put me off applying, so could anyone now shed some light on the selection process for me? What are the selection criteria, what length of service would I have to sign up for, and what about pay/conditions/annual flying hours etc? Also, as I am 23, what would be an adequate reason for not joining/showing interest before now?

A friend of mine was turned down for an engineering job in the RAF as he didn't have enough military experience [they suggested he join the TA and come back next year]. I don't think 2 years in the Air Cadets will count, so how would I get around this?

Any info. will be greatly appreciated. I'll try the Mil forum if no response and delete this post.

Cheers for now,

2nd Mar 2004, 14:40

You'll find some helpful information about helicopter schools in Yorkshire in this thread:
UK Helicopter Schools (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=116432&highlight=Griffiths)

For general career advice, this is a good place to start:
Training FAQ (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=116322)

You'll find links to discussions/information about everything from obtaining a PPL training to becoming a professional pilot, both in the UK and in many other parts of the world.
