View Full Version : North Irish Sea - very high up

20th Feb 2004, 20:22
To the aviator at FL nosebleed betwixt 1230 and 1330 today, looping, rolling twisting and turning, and generally having a very good time.

I am trying to fit my soffits and fascias at the moment, and the likes of you aren't helping at all. For one, you are too high up, so nobody can see what it is you are flying, and secondly, that only adds to the inquisitiveness of the likes of me. It is not conducive to the fabric of my house being weathertight by teatime.

You should be ashamed of yourself. Please restrict your activities to low cloudbase days.

I thank yew


20th Feb 2004, 22:21
So would you want him below the cloudbase so that you could see him properly or above it so that he didn't distract you from your DIY?

20th Feb 2004, 22:40
Above the cloudbase, which is usually about 2000 amsl over here anyway. It is annoying when it isn't raining, because you start those jobs around the house then someone like this comes along and stops you from doing what you should be.

Bit like now, actually. However, these Duchy Originals Highland Shortbreads are to be highly recommended. Right. Back on the roof now

20th Feb 2004, 23:48
Obviously not an F3, :O , mayhap one of those Buffoon thingies lost out of Warton. No navigator and can't see the ground all the time. Must come as a bit of a shock to the system..... :p

21st Feb 2004, 00:21
Saw that contrail on way from BFS to the midlands. My travel crew asked LATCC if they had any ideas. They hadn't.

It appeared to be down Aberporth way.

21st Feb 2004, 01:23
I have a strong suspicion that it was indeed a Typhoon, as this is the second time this week. First time it was a bit closer and could make out twin contrails. Impressive rate of climb!:ok:

Wee Weasley Welshman
21st Feb 2004, 08:26
Saw it. Was Typhoon. Did make me feel very, oh so very, jealous. *That* has to be the best seat in aviation this year.



21st Feb 2004, 12:24
When we tanked the TypHoon a couple of years ago, after filling up it would virtually stand on its tail and scoot straight up to FL500. Compare that with the lumbering peformance of the Bore-nado!

21st Feb 2004, 16:06
isn't it amazing how things have changed though? When I were but a lad, I lived a few miles from Warton, and the flying during development of the MRCA, as it was then, was incredible. THere was forever stuff knocking about at what now would be unacceptably low level. I remember one tanking from what I think was a Canberra ( I was only 12) at about 500 feet above our house.

The day one broke the sound barrier at sea level on the Irish Sea was also memorable. Thought the sky was coming in, and went and hid in the coal shed.

Happy days

21st Feb 2004, 23:17
didn't Phantom and Lightning have impressive rates of climb and used to show them off on displays?

22nd Feb 2004, 02:06
They did ( and if you live in CapeTown, still do!)

Lightnings worked as chase planes on the EFA work-up, and were equally as impressive powering out of Warton. And as for the Phantom - climing vertically out of St Athan to go back out to RAFG was a sight to behold!

Hawks quite often come and do high level aerobatics off the Point of Ayre, and those impress me too - which is a measure of how easily pleased I am.

Just in case you are wondering - roof was completed in time.