View Full Version : VB Cabin Managers

cloud nine
19th Feb 2004, 10:00
What is the starting package?

Do cabin managers, do the same length trips as the FA's?

And last but not least, is the average trip 3 to 4 nights?

Anna Spanna
22nd Feb 2004, 14:23
After training I think CS are on about $45K + allowances (not 100% sure). During training you are paid a % rate. Staff travel kicks in after 3 mths service.
CS are rostered about the same as CC, however they get 5 hour/mth deducted for administration purposes. Rosters are usually around the 110-120hr/mth mark.
We do up to 4-day/3-night trips which can be combined with other trips to be no more than 6 days in duration. On average you would get maybe 4 4-day trips/mth then a couple of either single, 2 or 3 day trips plus perhaps some available and/or airport reserve duties.
BNE based crews are getting about 10 rostered overnights/mth, MEL are getting a few less than that. These are very aproximate though as one month you might get 8 then you might get 12 the next?? Just luck of the draw.
Hope this answers you questions.