View Full Version : New Airlines in the E.M.A

14th Feb 2004, 04:58
Hi Guys

Well i thought i would ask all you knowledgable people out there, to see if you can help me.
Ilive a few miles away from EMA and just done 12 months working for an airline, i was just wondering if any one out there knew of any new airlines coming to EMA soon.
I have heard Ryanair are coming this year, but i have looked at some of the threads, and that has well put me off.
Birmingham is not that far away, i have heard Flyblu are coming and i have made contact with them, in regards to vacancies.
But does anyone know of any more companies coming to EMA preferably or BHX this year ?
I have been on aviation.job serach and they are recruiting the same as before mytravel, etc but would like to try a new one.
Can you help me ?

Mike :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :ok: