View Full Version : income tax question

9th Feb 2004, 02:42
LittleTony is looking for some info on the payment of income tax, or rather the non-payment.

I'm a EU citizen and an expatriate in the UK. I will soon be working on a UK contract outside the EU. However I will not be living in the country where I work.
It may sound very confusing but i'm sure there are many of us in similar situations and more knowledgable on the isue of non-residence.

Obviously your info will be treated with great discretion and private mail is prefered.


10th Feb 2004, 23:00
Information is to be shared......

11th Feb 2004, 04:37

I think that you will find that the situation for UK ex-pats has become a lot more complicated in the last few years thanks to 'Gordonomics'!

Find yourself a UK based accountant who can assess your circumstances and advise you. It's not as cut and dried as it was a few years back.

Alternatively try the BALPA financial services facility to provide the same advice if you're a member.

12th Feb 2004, 04:25

It's quite a sensitive subject but I obviously share, :ok:
