View Full Version : Unclaimed Child at OOMBIE

7th Feb 2004, 09:15
Hi was in Oombulguri AKA YFRV recently, 63nm on da 303 radial from kunna's and I met a kid called Clear Prop , allegedly named because the kids dad was a pilot based there or in the area. From my understanding it would have to have been a slingair, wyndham or Oasis pilot a couple of years ago. Can anyone shed some light as to whom the father is and whether or not he had a ceremony for his BL@#K WINGS ? All the kimberley indigenous refer to Oombie as Temptation Island, cause thats "where all the gunje, booze and of course the loosest women are"- quote taken from Neil from messemate way Kunna's. Obviously those long hot nights in oombie fueled by the 10-15 tonnes of grog bought in from YWYM every afternoon by the Wyndham pilots, was too much for that poor bloke. So come on, who is the DADDY?

8th Feb 2004, 03:31
not much interest in the goomby-guy. :uhoh:

maybe a description would help, what's he look like? cute little bastard?? :uhoh: :uhoh:

so who's pole do you smoke anyway?


8th Feb 2004, 18:01
so who's pole do you smoke anyway?

I assumed it was Smoked-A-Pole :D

Northern Chique
8th Feb 2004, 18:51
Oombie kid huh.... clear prop is prolly the last thing the kids mother heard the kids father say as he flew away!

Mind you there is a genetic reason apart from the odd steamy night with a bored pilot.

The so called albino gene is noted in both the Kalumburu and Forest River Populations, and until recently apprently the only places known to have the gene.

I had to ask one afternoon when a longstanding family (1000 years or so in the region) had a little blond fellow of about 3 years of age playing in the river. All the kids seem to know each other quite well, and I asked about the little fella who spoke language as well as all the other kids. I thought he was one of the teachers kids, but no, they filled me in on the origin of the spirit children, and it had nothing to do with local flyers! :p

Have varified with resources and the gene (recessive) does exist, however there are many other "male influences" that are masking the offspring who display the gene. These being those who kept the local gals warm on cold nights :p

9th Feb 2004, 03:13

The locals hold the pilot involved in high regard, you will see around town things written like "XXXXX you stud" and the local woman are also known to frequently refer to him by his first name.

Had an inclining that the pilot was based at Kalumburu at the time.

He has since moved on to bigger and better on the east coast.

You gotta love that scenery around town, nice place to fly over.

Early2 you care to comment, you have more details of the night in question and know da bloke with da red can ?

9th Feb 2004, 07:45
that reminds me of a storey I heard from the Townsville refueller.......... Once upon a time, so the legend goes, there was an English Pilot /Mechanic who lived on a magical Island in the Torres Strait called Badu. To the local native ladies, he was their sex god. Whenever he wasn't flying or fixing the speedbirds, he was fixing the local ladies. The legend has it that in the "wet" season, he formulated the "Badu Donger one approach" which was a dangerous approach because many guys tried but ended up in the sh!t. So the storey goes, there are many local children who have a British accent on the island. Now I don't know how true this storey is, however this Townsville refueller has never lied to me!!!

Now, I know a guy who fits this desription who is flying in the UAE and if you do this in the UAE mate, they will cut ya bollocks off!!! Have a great day in Bagdad champ, you are a legend.:ok:

compressor stall
9th Feb 2004, 08:05
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! :ok:

Remember chasing prawns around the gulf listening to said pilot and his descriptions of his actions and thier consequences! Could barely fly S&L I was laughing so hard!


Transition Layer
9th Feb 2004, 16:50
HAHAHAA....this is all hilarious stuff, and I still dont know whether to take Northern Chique's story seriously or not! I think you were being had!

I know for a fact that one of the old Ord Air pilots fathered a child to a daughter of one of the Oombi elders. I believe this bloke is with Air North now and mother and child are still regulars on the 15min trip between Oombi and Wyndham. From what I can gather their allegiances still lie with the remnants of the old company (now Wyndham Aviation) after having been told on a number of occasions "Eh, this little girls fader flew dem motor planes for Ord Air eh...he's in Darwin now eh, flying dem big flash ones."

As for this young kid by the name of Clear Prop, I doubt it highly, but one of the lads was rumoured to have a big night on the "Oombi Mix" - red can, moselle and orange juice if my memory serves me correctly. This same pilot's name is plastered all over the Wyndham "terminal" in a similar fashion to that which swh describes!!! It's usually the first stop on the Wyndham tour for the new pilots up there! Talk about good PR!


9th Feb 2004, 17:25
The same refueller in Townsville told me that a Pommy Pilot/ Mechanic, who also lived on Badu, went swimming in the dam on Horn. There was 3 native girls swimming there also. The storey goes that all 3 girls had babies 9 months to the day after swimming in the dam ! Apparrently the Pommy Pilot/ Mechanic swore he never touched these girls! ;)

Maybe the kid at Oombie is this blokes too? :ok:

9th Feb 2004, 19:15
Interesting thread, for the record it wasn't me although I used to think that Oombie girls were second cutest to Bardi women.

I really miss the Kimberley sometimes, keep it up:ok: .

9th Feb 2004, 22:36
No I can't comment, I don't know all the facts, have to protect the innocent ;)

Good times to be had by all in the Kimberly. Just remember when it comes to drinking and having a Spa at the local constabulary's abode @ 2am try not to BAD TOUCH. If you do, well - "not that there is anything wrong with that". :D

There is only one economically viable business in wyndham that would weather any storm, and it starts with the letter "V".


9th Feb 2004, 22:43
I remember a teech I knew in the Fitzroy Valley who said that on her first day i/c a class up there she asked the kids about their parents - she was a little surprised when 8 of them, all with different mums, claimed their father was K**** B*********.

Actually, he fired me, so it was Kevin Brockhurst.

Don't say I'm not a vengeful ****.

10th Feb 2004, 16:11
I can verify this story is true transition layer!! There is a child called clear prop and the father worked for Ord Air several years ago.

As for the Oasis pilot with the reputation in Wyn that all the girls still talk about .....................well thats another story.

Desert Duck
11th Feb 2004, 01:51
Old jungle saying:

'Necessity is the mother of invention,
and the father of half caste children'

nick murry
11th Feb 2004, 06:35
I don’t know Checkerboard!!!

I asked a lot of people in Oombi even the big guns aka the kea-Card lord (Ivan Morgen) if there was a little dude called clear-prop...
Never got a yes,, but then again they were too busy looking out for dem next grog plane!!

EH! Checkerboard,,, I know you.... did you get me the gig??

11th Feb 2004, 13:23
Do you miss those Wiggin girls Hoss?

11th Feb 2004, 15:45
ehhh, who dat Gudija bloke, now. What for? (in my best black fella dialect):ok: .

Why stop at just the Wiggins, how about the McCarthy's, Stumpadgee's and Ejai's then;) ? (just jokes:) )

I wonder though, does anyone knows if Alice still has all her teeth:ouch: .

"man and lady in a boat" hoss:)

12th Feb 2004, 09:22
.....and the Hunters and Davies.

12th Feb 2004, 09:50
I feel terrible, how could I have forgot the Hunters and Davies:ouch: .

Howard Hughes
12th Feb 2004, 15:27
Just wanna say,
"Not me, did'nt do it, honest!!"

Cheers, HH.:ok:

13th Feb 2004, 14:41
It was actually Reg the Veg's Love Child. Born in the back of a C210 that belongs to a vet in Broken Hill

14th Feb 2004, 09:20
Nick Murray, I may have been if you are Rocky??;) :hmm:

Flying Mechanic
15th Feb 2004, 05:57
Hi there Troups,
The said Pommy Pilot is alive and well in the worlds biggest sandpit.the middle east.Yep i miss Badu very much, the Torres Straits was the best flying ever. Now I am flying into Baghdad on a regular basis, the skills of the straits come in real handy, especilally when we do the spiraling approaches, which is the norm in Iraq at the moment. The 1900 handles just like the Islander.
Horizon Pilot/WESSEX 19, it was great to see you recently in Sydney.
Compressr stall, hope all is well with the Docs.Love to be doing Prawn spotting this year.They need prawn trawlers up in the Gulf here, you can see them from FL250!!!

Hope all my kids on Badu are well and their lovely mothers!!

Take care BULLAS!!