View Full Version : C-17 at Keevil?

Chris Kebab
7th Feb 2004, 02:50
Happened to be driving in Wiltshire last evening. Was that really a C-17 shooting circuits at Keevil or am I losing it?

Has one actually landed there yet? Can't imagine it's a secret given the noise it was making!

P.S. It was dark.

Neil Porter
7th Feb 2004, 03:37
Be nice if a C17 could use Abingdon once in a while......... used to get the odd Herks in at night on NVG's, great to watch!!

Is Keevil used alot still for Herks

7th Feb 2004, 03:50
Keevil is used that often for landing / airdrops etc that its almost become an extension of the Lyneham Pans!!

7th Feb 2004, 03:52
Been using C-17s at Keevil for a year or so now. I don't think it's a great secret, You can't exactly hide one can you....


8th Feb 2004, 03:38
Is Hullavington still well used by the C130 fleet and has there been a C17 in there yet ??

8th Feb 2004, 03:46
Hullavington was last used for a major exerise in 1998 (Ex Pegasus Anvil). As far as I know, it has not been used for as a landing zone since then, but heavy drops do still happen occasionally.

The problem with using this airfield is that there is a now a civilian right of way across the eastern threshold, which allows access to the old married quarters on the northern side of the airfield. The airfield itself has been fenced off from the main camp (in "normal" army custom), and the camp is now a home to the Royal Logistic Corps.

Hope that answers your question.


Chris Kebab
9th Feb 2004, 15:19
Cheers MATZ. Not my neck of the woods so was unaware of the fact.

Will bear it in mind next time I am after a PD down south - should raise a few eyebrows!