View Full Version : Time for a Union?

Mr Bridger
5th Feb 2004, 16:02
Just discovered that certain trades can now join MOD sanctioned unions. Isn't it time we followed our European bretheren by having an "association" to independently lobby, give advice and generally offer a non party line to the recently over-burdened, never-at-home, can't get leave,not entitled to that allowance, front line.

5th Feb 2004, 19:08
Bridger you scoundrel:p you should be shot for such a mutinous suggestion:ok: ............top idea tho'

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

5th Feb 2004, 23:28
:D will we have to pay a political levy !!!!:hmm:

Vage Rot
6th Feb 2004, 00:39
President Tony and his slightly pink bunch of tax grabbing pals will only dream up a Union Tax!!!

6th Feb 2004, 00:59
I think that Military personnel should have had an association/union to represent their interests years ago (only for the "other ranks" though!).

6th Feb 2004, 19:31
Why only for other ranks?

The Swinging Monkey
6th Feb 2004, 20:03
Several years ago, when I was at Ice station Kilo, I tried to organise a union for all three services. It was know as the Amalgamated National Union of Servicemen, more commonly known as ANUS!!

'fraid it didn't get too far tho'

Love to all
Kind regards

The Swinging Monkey
'caruthers, fetch me a large glass of the famous stuff, theres a good chap!'

6th Feb 2004, 21:10
Why only for the "other ranks"?. The lads are the ones who get the s****y end of the stick, whether it be terms and conditions, gratuities, accomodation, medals, and other stuff!

7th Feb 2004, 08:00
Some would argue we should have done better at school:p

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

9th Feb 2004, 12:03
Mmm... My problem Always_broken, was that I had done better at school than most of the commissioned chaps who were allegedly my betters. :E

However, upon leaving Her Majesty's finest I found that I was 'required' to join a union in order to get a job in what was called a 'Closed Shop'. My brief encounter with the socialist dreamers was less than satisfactory. They were all for pay and conditions for the unskilled, unwashed and generally unwanted general workers but did nothing at all for skilled tradesmen and technicians. So I quit both the union and the job.

Mr Bridger
10th Feb 2004, 20:34
The idea is not to have the militant type of organization that wishes to bring down the government at every opportunity, but more along the lines of offering impartial, sensible advice for those of us who need it. For example, the recently uncovered new pension strategy, has little meat on the bones for the ordinary man looking at it, and as far as I'm aware, non of us have been consulted as to how we feel it should go. An organization representing the majority could have a place here to influence such ventures.