View Full Version : what you said when asked when did you last give excellent customer service

4th Feb 2004, 18:02
can any body help me please i have an interveiw tommorw and was hoping that someone might remember what Q&A imay be asked i especially get stook on the give me an example of excellent customer service question if you remember you interveiws and you answer to the question i would be very greatful as i am starting to sweat now thanks

5th Feb 2004, 06:40
Think of specific examples/ scenarios of when YOU have provided excellent customer service - in whatever capacity - what job you were in, the situation and what you did which resulted in an excellent custmer service transaction that left your customer satisfied. Basically, they want to see that you are able to provide excellent customer service and that you can identify exactly what excellent customer service is......... think of a situation when you really have gone out of your way to serve someone in an optimal way. Think about what THEY as an anirline may be expecting to hear and bulid your sceario/answers around that. Good luck.