View Full Version : And another one bites the dust?........

2nd Feb 2004, 01:14
From BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/staffordshire/3449601.stm

Last one out, turn off the lights please......... :(

No guarantees for RAF station

Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon said he cannot guarantee that a Staffordshire RAF station will stay open, despite praising its good work.

A 5,000-signature petition to save the RAF station from closure was sent to the government last month.

The Ministry of Defence is considering the future of its 15 UK RAF bases, including RAF Stafford which employs 600 people.

In a letter to Stafford MP David Kidney Mr Hoon said he was proud of the good work achieved at the site but could not guarantee that it would stay open.

He said the final decision rested with the MoD, due to publish a report on the matter within the next few months.

Several options are being discussed by the MoD including closing the site down, leaving it as it is or merging it with RAF Wittering, in Cambridgeshire.

Mr Kidney is due to meet defence minister Adam Ingram later this week to discuss the base's future.

Army Mover
2nd Feb 2004, 04:04
Funny. I thought Stafford was a stores site, while Wittering was a flying station. Oh I know, they're going to build the new storage sheds along the runway cos the Harriers don't really need a runway - damn clever chaps you Blue jobs, the pongo's would never have thought of that, we'd have left things that worked alone (or so I used to think, until Options for Change). :confused:

Phoney Tony
2nd Feb 2004, 04:15
Soon there will be:

One big RN Ship.

One big RAF camp.

One big Army camp.

Then someone will suggest we have one big military camp near the sea.

Then we can just sack the lot.

2nd Feb 2004, 08:07

"The Ministry of Defence is considering the future of its 15 UK RAF bases, including RAF Stafford which employs 600 people. "

What's this 15 UK bases nonsense? There are far more than that even after every initiave and efficiency campaign of the last thirty years.

If the following are, as rumoured in numerous places, to close, where else is threatened?

Bentley Priory

BTW, surely Stafford is a part of a part of the DLO?

European Crash
3rd Feb 2004, 14:29
Pr00ne - you are indeed correct. Stafford is part of the burgeoning DLO estate however there are a number of lodger RAF CSS units. Administration of the DLO and RAF personnel remains separate. Perhaps they are simply going to relocate the RAF elements?

Can we defend the lack of efficacy of having a huge DLO storage depot (with spare capacity) only a stone's throw away in Donnington? Isn't it a rational decision to merge the sites?

Green Flash
3rd Feb 2004, 14:45
I would have thought that, given the recent wailing and gnashing of teeth over the percieved logistics cock-up in the Gulf, we would be enhancing our logs capacity, not closing it. (Stops to go outside and await a good slapping).:(

A and C
3rd Feb 2004, 20:24
I can understand the beancounters at the MOD trying to sell off Uxbridge and Bentley priory as these are prime sites for re-developement in some of the most exclusive areas of outer London.

From the defence point of veiw I cant see why the functions of these two stations could not be carried out at another location ( but I will yeald to expert advice on that point ) but as to selling of airfields enough is enough these are important national assets that cant be quickly replaced .

3rd Feb 2004, 23:24
I suppose it would be too much to hope that the SAR Flt at Boulmer would decamp to Newcastle...cue holding seconds from the Quayside...

4th Feb 2004, 00:52
had heard rumours stafford was going to be used for the army.

4th Feb 2004, 01:20
Why don't we do what the Army does at BOD Donnington every 8 years....burn the place down and claim on the insurance!!;) :E

pr00n...the bases you mention have been swinging in the wind ever since I've been in the mob (7 yrs now...):ugh: But there's also another....


The best way to gauge it is to see what money is being spent on the camps you visit...I know they all look bad, and that nothing is being spent on them...they are the good ones...! The ones to go are the ones that look like they've already gone...

Roll on redundencies, thats what I say...here's to that big fat pay cheque!!:ok:


Descend to What Height?!?
12th Feb 2004, 01:23
Latest we hear comming out of the bunker at STC
All ACSU/ACSSU relocating to Scampton from summer 04. That would indicate that RAF ACSU/ACSSU at Stafford will be moving out.

Also hear STC going to be reduced to 8 flying stations!

:mad: :( :{ :sad:

Rumours going around here that apart from announced closue of Lyneham and Colt, where else for the chop? Leeming, with a reduced number of Typhoo to go to Leuchars and Coningsby only? Perhaps Wittering if all Harrier/JSF at Cott? Mawgan????

Anyone else hear anything? :confused: :confused: :confused:

12th Feb 2004, 01:30
I suppose it would be too much to hope for that Valley would get binned............$hitehole:yuk: