View Full Version : Work contract Law (Ireland, UK)

Baron rouge
24th Jan 2004, 17:08
Hello everybody,

As my poor experience with one contractor shows, it seems to me that we pilots deal with a band of sharks not willing at all to obey the law.

Can anybody tell me which site I can surf on to get information about the law in Ireland and the UK.

All help very much appreciated.

24th Jan 2004, 19:02
Got that sinking feeling, huh ?

It has been my experience that there isn't really anyone out there who will be interested to help unless you are prepared to pay money. Clearly many companies (and others..) profit from the workforce being starved of accurate and pertinent information concerning their rights as employees, and a timely and effective "watchdog" to champion their cause.

Try this;

This a U.K. website which you can browse but it obviously doesn't cover the Republic of Ireland.

Good luck !

Baron rouge
24th Jan 2004, 22:21
Thanks for your answer WEARY, in the DTI web site there are quite usefull tips as for example the "EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ACT 1973" and from that you can tell that clauses like for example:

"The agency will pay you when paid by user Airline "are completely illegal, but it is true on the other end that the penalty beeing 5000 quid max they can easily stay out of the law.

Anybody has ever applied a complaint to the

I would love to hear from their experience, and still waiting for info on IRISH Law

26th Jan 2004, 06:46
Baron rouge

If the "agency" uses off-shore company, like Bahamas, Mauritius, Vanuatu and so on you have a difficult road ahead in taking any action. But most reputable "agencies" are registered and operate from the EU and are therefore subject to its laws. I understand that Irish law is based on UK case law, at worst, and at best EU employment law.

Baron rouge
26th Jan 2004, 15:02
Thanks for the answer Magus