View Full Version : FLYJET pay and conditions

20th Jan 2004, 23:13
Can anyone tell me what its like at flyjet? Thinking of applying out of LGW, just like to know what pay and conditions are like. Also what staff travel is like ( if there is any). Would be really helpful

26th Jan 2004, 03:24
Hello jettesen!! How are you mate?! Sorry but I really can't help you a lot about your question :(
But I was wondering if you could help me with mine!!
I was wondering how can I get more information's about the accomodation there in LGW!!
Do you know how more or less costs accomodation there in LGW?
Would be very grateful if you could answer to my post!!
Thanks a lot mate :D

srs what?
26th Jan 2004, 23:00
Loads of rooms/flats to rent in the area. We have quite a selection advertised on our bulletin boards at work it just depends what you are looking for really. I can get info if you like. Room to rent in Crawley area approx £300-400/month inc bills except phone.

27th Jan 2004, 02:13
Hello srs what?!!
I've sent you a pm!!
Thanks :ok:

29th Jan 2004, 20:08
Could any man based flyjet crew let me know whats its like, are u busy?, how many days a week do you work, and do you get a lot of night stops?


4th Feb 2004, 17:21
Hello there!!
Does anybody know something about FLYJET?????? :confused:
Cheers :ok:

4th Feb 2004, 20:23
They have a perm base at both MAN & LGW,
There pay scales seem rather good for a charter based company.
G1 £16000
Bar £13000
Main £11000

Do lots of mixed short haul and long haul out of LGW at present cant comment on MAN as not to sure, LGW crew do a fair few night stops to and some of their trips are 10 days long, if u want to be away for that length of time then great otherwise its good on the alllowances side.

5th Feb 2004, 17:19
I have a friend who works for flyjet and everything there seems rather good. the pay is good for a charter company and at the moment his roster is packed. lots of trips at the moment. they have just done the hajj and seem to be doing lots of india trips. the company seem to be a family rather than a staff being just a number

5th Feb 2004, 17:37
Does anyone know how they are if you start at a base then want to transfer to another base later on ?

6th Feb 2004, 04:57
Can you tell us if the pay details you have provided are basic salaries or all in salaries? They sound really well paid if they are the basic salaires!

9th Feb 2004, 22:14
They are basic salary pay scales

11th Feb 2004, 19:11
if you start at LGW and a few months later require a change to MAN they are understanding and will usually swap you as long as its a good enough reason to do it and you dont take the piss