View Full Version : Converting King Air pilot--what to expect?

20th Jan 2004, 01:14
Hello, I am currently considering converting my ICAO licence to the JAA (I am an UK citizen but have worked overseas my whole career), with about 3000 hours, nearly half as a King Air Captain with no heavy turboprop or jet experience, what can a guy expect jumping into the UK market?
In order to make such an expensive move I would hope to move ahead of what I could manage here for the next couple of years in Canada, say into a jet operator like Flybe. Realistic?

20th Jan 2004, 19:55
I am a King Air Capt with 2000hrs TT. I have never had a sniff from any of the UK airlines. Others with much less time have airline jobs. I may be too old at 34. If you have the cash you may want to risk a 737 rating, but no guarantees.

Good Luck!

20th Jan 2004, 22:17
Med Flyer,

Do you have to live in UK? Talk to Rishworth and buy a 757/767 rating with pretty much a guaranteed job with Royal Brunei at the end of it. You will fly your butt off for little pay and less thanks but you will get hours on a wide body twin to put on your CV. UK and NZ licences acceptable. Good Luck.

21st Jan 2004, 18:33
HI med flyer,
I cant say for sure your king air time is worth nothing as i dont know you but i have done the reconversion,having be1900 capt(single pilot)as well as SA227(metro3)as capt and no jobs for the last 6 months and oh yes i have a 737 rating..
Chose widely..king air is basically like a seneca..dont expect too much out of it..
I have all the info on converting licences and hiring in the uk.You are welcome to pm me for questions about it.