View Full Version : Contract rates - B737

The Puzzler
15th Jan 2004, 16:17
Puzzle me this....

Anyone have any idea of the going rate for contracting on a B737? Or what would your company pay for working an RDO or a leave day?

Many thanks :cool:

The Puzzler

Wing Commander Fowler
15th Jan 2004, 17:26
Would you be Captain Puzzler, First Officer Puzzler or even Toilet Attendant Puzzler........?

The rates, for some bizzarre reason, will differ dependant on the above.


The Puzzler
15th Jan 2004, 17:56
Puzzle me this....

I finally puzzled somebody! :D

The rate I'm interested in is for a captain puzzler.

Ta :p

Wing Commander Fowler
15th Jan 2004, 20:16
Then RYANAIR will pay you a princely Euro 130 odd per block hour for your Captainly services, with 5 on 5 off roster and it comes highly recommended by those on it. Other than that I believe contract rates DO obviously vary but it wouldn't be unreasonable to find yourself earning in the order of GBP 5500 odd per month on something provided by an agency (paid offshore). Have heard rumour of something on offer in asia at around 7k per month too (GBP).

Hope this is of some help.....

The Puzzler
16th Jan 2004, 16:15
Puzzle me this....

Thanks alot for the replies, its very helpful. WCF, any idea where in Asia the c.7k job is as I've not seen any contracts paying that much. The Ezy contract would be pretty good if there were a tax angle....:{

The Puzzler ;)

Little Friend
17th Jan 2004, 22:41
....and does anyone know of an angle wrt tax on contract work.


Baron rouge
18th Jan 2004, 21:35
Speaking of contractor rates, any idea of were you can report contractors who put unlawfull clauses in their contract like:
" you will be paid only when we contractor have been paid by the customer airline"

Or others who do not meet the national regulations of the user airline, such as for example Italian law 196 which states :

"The agency, as the employer, in agreement with the user company, must garantee a wage that is not lower than that paid to workers of the same level employed in the user company.