View Full Version : Fashion Victims

Lionel Lion
14th Jan 2004, 01:57
Just to prove to all that we're not fashion victims in the Royal Air Force

fahion victim (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/3393485.stm)

Burtons, Dotty P and Topshop....fave places for future uniform purchases

Ali Barber
14th Jan 2004, 02:20
A spokeswoman for the MoD said:

"We are naturally disappointed with the decision in respect of the suitability of the roundel as a trademark for RAF-related clothing."

I haven't noticed the roundel on any RAF related clothing i.e. uniform, so how much of the defence budget did we waste taking a bunch of clothes shops to court? I think we should stick to blowing sh1t up and stay out of the fashion business!:mad:

14th Jan 2004, 03:18
But don't most real RAF ac have mini-'type B' roundels in pansy blue and girly pink these days? Isn't it only Learning Command, the Pink Tarts, TriShaws and the Queens who use the red, white and blue nowadays?

What a daft idea to try to take the clothing retailers to court. Serves the stupid bug.gers in the MoD-box right that they've lost!

14th Jan 2004, 04:46
Glad the court decided the MoD can use the roundel on non-fashion items like military hardware. Could you imagine losing a court battle where it had to be removed from all RAF items (including non-flying stuff like flags - erm, well not that kind of flying)?

Besides, everybody knows, suing in court is the preserve of tabloid reading, sky tv-watching, layabouts. Oh, hang on - that is the military!:}

sorry, time to leave - some of you know where I live :O