View Full Version : DHL new outfit in Asia

11th Jan 2004, 08:51
Hey all,

Anyone know much about DHL’s new SIN operation.

I have applied but know little about it.

Routes etc.

Also, once in DHL can you transfer to another location such as US/Euro.

Anyone out there know much about it.


11th Jan 2004, 19:32
The current Asian operations for DHL consist of a Islandsflug A300-600F on wet lease to Air Hong Kong operating HKG/SIN/HKG.

DHLs owners, Deutche Post, own 45% of AHK and they are puchasing 6 -600F aircraft to start a network based on HKG, however the aircraft will all be operated by AHK.

As for the transfering between area's, as all the airlines are locally registered, EAT in BE, DHL Air in UK, DHL Aviation/SNAS in BAH, you need to be licenced, type rated etc in the normal way to be considered for positions by the other entities. That said, if you have the qualifications, then if you know the 'system' it helps.


Captain Kaboom
16th Jan 2004, 02:33
Well, I have an interview with AHK coming up.
I have no details, I only know that I am to take care of my own airfare to Singapore, which I don't care a whole lot for.
Anyone knows anything about the interview, the pay, schedule etc?
Any info is appreciated.


16th Jan 2004, 09:42
Also have an interview in SIN.

Cap - US$72000.

They are interviewing FO's for direct entry command positions.


17th Jan 2004, 11:10
How about housing, school fees and so on, paid for or not?
Is Singapore confirmed as home base for pilots?

17th Jan 2004, 13:55
"All line crew will be based in Singapore following their successful completion of the Airbus conversion training course in Toulouse.

With the prospect of expansion of the AHK route network, further base options are being considered and case studies are continually ongoing.

AHK will sponsor the necessary residential and employment visas of new joining pilots so that they can live and work at their base."

28 days annual leave. Medical/insurance/loss of ic included.

No mention of housing/staff travel/education at all.

Its a pretty thin package.

17th Jan 2004, 14:25
Thanks F.E.
Yep, not too impressive so far. If it's the case, they should consider commuting. Korean Air type of deal, but flying their pilots home every month on Cathay.
Just a thought,

Schrodingers Cat
17th Jan 2004, 15:41
Be very careful if this is what you think you can do.....there are many whining and bleating pilots and F/Es from Oz who thought they could do just that, and now waft gloomily around Cathay City bewailing the lack of available seats of any class to get to the big island down under...........:{

17th Jan 2004, 21:46
Are you guys going to AHK interviews Typed on A310/A300-600.
You wouldn't need an "Airbus conversion training course " if you were.

Captain Kaboom
18th Jan 2004, 03:58
Just received some more info from AHK,
When released from linetraining as FO $ 40000 yr., cpt $ 60000, max $71000. (USD)
Medical is paid, on a typical 8 day trip expect an additional $400.
No retirement plan or such fancy things.
For the interview they expect you to pay your own airfare first to Singapore, if succesfull also to Hong Kong in a later stage, no jumpseating or a reduced rate on Cathay Pacific (which owns 60% of AHK)
I think I keep my corporate flying job, the gross income triples this plus a nice car and a retirementplan.


Clarence Oveur
18th Jan 2004, 12:10
I doubt any quality players will apply, with that kind of package. But then again this being DHL, I am not surprised.

18th Jan 2004, 17:34
It sounds very familiar to me.

The starting salaries are the same figures we had at DHL Air (UK) except that ours are in UK Pounds not US Dollars.

20th Jan 2004, 03:21
I got mine too.

Not impressed.