View Full Version : Combat Pilot

Hard Bernard
6th Jan 2004, 23:55
The BBC series 'Combat Pilot' starts on Mon 12 Jan at 2100 on BBC 2W. The series features a course at Valley and some NFTC action in Canada. Hopefully it has more to offer than 'Fighter Pilot' did 23ish years ago.

BBC 2W is a digital channel that although aimed at Wales on channel 102, is also available to all Sky subscibers in other parts of the country on Channel 961.

Just found this link to a write up on the BBC website:


Lionel Lion
7th Jan 2004, 03:15
The bar at Valley is known as the quietest bar in the RAF.

Not when I was there...or maybe that's why I fly tankers :yuk:

7th Jan 2004, 03:41
Nor when I was there doing my Gnat and Hunter courses in 1975! Plus there was the Dragon Room - and the lovely Mary with legs up to her armpits!

Bunch of lima deltas there these days probably drink mineral water and practise bodily self abuse in something which, I'm told, is called a 'gym'....

8th Jan 2004, 21:18
Should be well worth a view, these guys didn't exactly follow the Valley plan by all accounts!

9th Jan 2004, 01:00
Anybody remember the gin bottle covered in black duct tape at Valley?
Free booze unless you finished the bottle then you had to buy the next one
... dangerous..very dangerous.

9th Jan 2004, 20:57
Seems a shame to restrict the potential viewers to Welshies or dudes with dishes. Oh well...

9th Jan 2004, 23:58
The program was made by BBC Wales primarily as an interest piece and to inform the people who live near RAF Valley about the role of the station and what actually goes on there.

The producer has said that if viewing figures are good then it may well be shown on BBC (non W) at a later date. At least that's what I thought she said, it was some time ago.